I Can Pick Up a Million Exercises

Chapter 452: Yuan Emperor Strikes

Moreover, there are many doubtful places.

Why did you choose to let her go?

It's just hurt. This is obviously an act of sow discord.

"Congratulations grandma! Congratulations grandma..."

A group of people. Congratulations like this at the beginning.

As soon as he saw Zhou Su regaining his great strength, all kinds of respect came immediately.

It can be said that Zhou Su in front of him used his powerful strength to shock everyone.

If it hadn't been for his terrifying strength, I am afraid that at this moment, everyone would not respect that much.

This is a very real problem.

Only strong enough can people be respected and understood.

"Okay, go down, I want to say a few words to Xiaolin." Zhou Su looked at the crowd with sharp eyes.

At this moment, Zhou Su's aura exuded from his body was completely different.

Such Zhou Su seems to be able to dominate the world.

Of course, it's more of a strong temperament, and that kind of temperament makes people unconvinced.

Lin Tian watched, admiring him secretly.

No wonder Zhou Shanshan has half the temperament of her mother.

All this seems to be a subtle influence and inheritance.

Everyone retreated, even Elder Tang Ding retreated.

As the grandmother of the family, Zhou Su naturally respected everyone.

"Xiao Lin, come here to sit."

At this time, Zhou Su returned to his previous appearance, with a gentle face.

Lin Tian smiled slightly at this, and said: "Okay, auntie."

Immediately, Zhou Shanshan and Lin Xueer also sat down, and the four of them formed a table.

Looking at Lin Tian, ​​Zhou Su became more satisfied with the look.

Lin Tian in front of him is really too good, not to mention his powerful strength, and the identity of this alchemist.

Generally speaking, Lin Tian is a genius.


A bang suddenly came, as if something was shaking?

Everyone in the yard was surprised.

Lin Tian's expression changed, and he suddenly thought of a possibility.

There is also the outside atmosphere, which makes him very uncertain that Emperor Yuan exists and is not yet one.

"Master, it's broken. The Yuan Emperor has come to the door, and he is not yet one."

A small voice came.

I will come early and late, I didn't expect it to be so fast.

The six strengths are really lingering.

I saw a number of phantom figures appearing above the Tang family.

There are cyan, purple, blue, red and other power manifestations, and the unique power of the Yuan Emperor appears.

There are also lines of mighty figures guarding the entire Tang family.

At the moment, the Tang family's barrier was closed, and the outside conditions were not satisfactory.

In such a situation, everyone was horrified.

"How is this going?"

"Who are these people? How come to my Tang house?"

It is difficult for everyone to understand.

"Lin Tian child, we know you are in it. If you don't want to harm the Tang family, you should come out quickly."

A roaring voice came from the void, sounding a little ethereal and ethereal.

However, many people in the Tang family changed their expressions.

It turns out this is here to find Lin Tian.

I just don't know what Lin Tian did? Why would you offend so many Yuandi powerhouses?

In the yard, Lin Tian's expression changed.

This group of people is really lingering. When they are chased here, they should have arranged the barrier in the same way. If they want to go out, I am afraid it will be difficult.

This is a difficult problem, or a dead end.

If Lin Tian wanted to go out, he had to possess the strength of a strong Yuan Emperor.

"Lin Tian, ​​we give you ten minutes. If you don't come out, we will bomb the Tang family."

Several figures in the void exuded a powerful aura, shocking everyone.

In an instant, everyone knew that they were just being involved.

In a blink of an eye, a group of figures appeared in Zhou Su's courtyard.


The crowd appeared and shouted.

At this, Zhou Su's expression was taken aback.

"Brother Lin, you..."

At this moment, Elder Tang Ding looked at Lin Tian, ​​somewhat apologetic.

Lin Tian naturally understood this situation, he was not so stupid yet.

However, he felt cold.

"What are you going to do? Lin Tian is kind to my Tang family, are you trying to send him out? I don't allow it, who dare I see?"

At this moment, Zhou Shanshan stood in front of Lin Tian.

Looking at this situation, Lin Tian sighed slightly.

This silly girl still can't see the situation clearly.

Everyone was determined to send him out, because it was impossible for him to affect the entire Tang family.

This is impossible to justify.

Zhou Su was also very embarrassed at this moment, because Lin Tian just saved her.

But now, she is going to personally send Lin Tian to go, how to put it, she is a bit ungrateful.

"Everyone of the Tang family, we actually do things with the six major strengths. We hope you will cooperate, otherwise it will be no good to hurt the innocent. Besides, Lin Tian, ​​there is more than a guilty death, so why bother to die together."

Xu Kong's words from the strong Yuan Emperor resounded again, and he sounded a little gloating.

This is what they want to see. In fact, they all know everything that happens in the yard.

It's just that they didn't come in, but wanted to see Lin Tian being sent out by everyone.

In this case, Lin Tian would be very embarrassed.

Sometimes, a person's face is actually very important, compared to the so-called defeat.

Shameful things are sometimes the most sad.

"Where are you from the rubbish, get out of here! My brother's life, no one wants to take it away!"

At this moment, Lin Xueer roared, her voice was full of fury, because these people actually wanted to kill Lin Tian!

This is something she absolutely does not allow, even if she is not very strong now.

"Haha, where's the wild girl, you are not afraid to flash your tongue when you say this."

The void Emperor Yuan directly satirized Lin Xueer.

Lin Tian's eyes became cold for an instant. Insulting him is fine, but insulting people around him is not acceptable.

"Okay, I'll go out."

At this time, Lin Tian had many thoughts in his mind.

Looking at everyone in the Tang family in front of him, he slowly became discouraged.

However, looking at Zhou Shanshan's eyes, he nodded and said, "It's okay, don't worry, Lord Yan can't take me away, let alone this bunch of waste."

The words were too mad, and the few Yuan Emperors in the void couldn't bear it.

The aura on his body was even stronger, and many Tang family members couldn't breathe.

At this moment, Lin Tian slowly walked outside.

Zhou Shanshan wanted to stop Lin Tian.

"No, no..."

Zhou Shanshan was so fast that she wanted to hold Lin Tian.

However, she fell to the ground in an instant, and Zhou Su stunned.

"Lin Tian, ​​I owe you my life Zhou Su. Today I will bet on you."

With that, Zhou Su followed Lin Tian out.

Everyone was taken aback, and Zhou Su was about to stand up for Lin Tian.

"Zhou Su, are you sure?"

The Emperor Yuan in the sky knew Zhou Su.

Zhou Su looked at the sky coldly, and replied: "I, Zhou Su, only represent me, not the entire Tang family. I owe him a life, and I will pay it anyway today."

Lin Tian was slightly moved by this.

"Auntie, you go back, I won't disappear easily."

Lin Tian looked at Zhou Su with a calm face.

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