I Can Pick Up a Million Exercises

Chapter 720: Break the line

Maybe in the eyes of everyone, he really can't win.

But here in Lin Tian, ​​there is nothing to win at all?

Yes, but can they win?

At this moment, Lin Tianhe used the blue in front of him again.

I saw that Lin Tian could also create lightning and the like, which looked extremely terrifying.

In this case, everyone just saw it for a while.


Sounds came one after another.

Everyone was stunned at such a terrifying situation.

In other words, concentrate.

They may not have thought that such a situation would happen.

For the two of them, this world has become like this.

This is really too scary.

At this moment, Lin Tian looked slightly solemn.

The old man in front of him is indeed strong enough.

The old man looked at Lin Tian with the same expression.

Lin Tian felt this way, he could naturally feel it.

The two of them looked at each other in this way, as if they wanted to kill each other.

The game seems to be the case, either you kill the other party or the other party kills you.



Suddenly, a bang came.

This is Lin Tian's voice.

Lin Tian's voice was loud and loud at this moment, which sounded very strange.

Such a situation is surprising.

Behind the old man's formation, suddenly the space shattered.

"Space power!"

The old man was shocked and wanted to react.

But at this moment, the space debris was madly killed.


The formation instantly shattered, and this fragment seemed to have spirituality, directly smashing the essence of the formation.

This situation is really scary.

The old man was shocked and wanted to act instantly.

However, at this moment, everything is too late.


At this moment, the entire formation was broken.

Seeing this situation, everyone was shocked.


In an instant, the old man's blood came out.

Such a situation shocked everyone.

Did the old man lose?

So it was defeated.

Lin Tian in front of him was too terrifying.

They also discussed just now that Lin Tian would lose.

At this moment, everyone felt like they were hitting their faces for a moment.

"Admit it, old man."

At this moment, Lin Tian looked at the old man with a smile on his face.

For this, the old man looked helpless.

"Thank you little brother for teaching."

The old man looked at Lin Tian with a look of shame.

For this, Lin Tian smiled slightly.

"No, the old man is serious. It should be you who instructed me."

It seems that Lin Tian is relatively modest.

And this time, everyone could see clearly.

The old man lost.

It just lost, and everyone who lost couldn't believe it.

This one in front of me is indeed true.

"How do you call the little brother?"

The old man at the moment looked at Lin Tian with a smile on his face.

For this, Lin Tian just laughed.

"I am a mortal, the name is unnecessary. Old man, you should fulfill your promise."

Lin Tian said so.

The old man was slightly stunned, and the person next to him was also stunned for a while.

Lin Tian in front of him was really just for betting.

The old man suddenly looked helpless.

"Well, here is for you."

Immediately, the old man gave Lin Tian a storage ring.

Lin Tian took it directly.

Looking at the old man in front of him, Lin Tian said, "Thanks, old man."

Immediately, Lin Tian got up.

Unconsciously, it was already dark.

And myself, now I want to find a place to live.

Immediately, he got up and left.

In an instant, disappeared in place.

Seeing this situation, everyone was even more shocked.

"this is……"

Someone looked at this scene in horror, and some couldn't believe it.

Lin Tian's speed is a bit scary.

In this situation, the old man just laughed.

"Hey, this little brother, someone with an extraordinary position, just missed me."

The old man sighed like this, but everyone around him was surprised.

"You said, who would that person be?"

"At this speed, he should be a strong man in the Yuansheng realm. Such a young talent should be a child of that big power."

For this, everyone next to him was stunned.

It sounds like that.

It just doesn't seem to have much to do with them.

At this moment, Lin Tian had already come to the front of a tavern.

Lin Tian went in directly, and there was a loud voice.

"This brother, stay in the store or drink?"

"Stay in."

Lin Tian spoke casually.

"Hole, don't know how many days you are staying?"

Xiao Eryi looked at Lin Tian attentively.

For a hearty guest like Lin Tian, ​​he knew at a glance that he was doing extraordinary things.

There must be a lot of spirit stone gold coins and the like.

"One day, check out tomorrow."

Lin Tian spoke casually again.

"Haole, a first-grade spirit stone, thank you."


Yipin was acceptable, but Lin Tian was slightly surprised.

When in the North Bing Lingzhou, just use gold coins.

But here, he actually needs to use spirit stones. This is really, so he doesn't know what to say?

"Okay, this is the key to your room, you keep it."

The room was on the second floor, and Lin Tian walked up directly.

Although you can drink in this place, he is not in that mood at the moment.

Entering the room directly, Lin Tian sat cross-legged.

Immediately, run the exercises.

The energies of heaven and earth rushed directly into Lin Tian's body.

And the scene that happened just now on the street was nothing more than a very ordinary scene.

However, in a courtyard.

"Did you find it? The kid's direction should be Tianxing Ancient City, most likely he wants to send a route away from the Holy Spirit Island."

A middle-aged man is making tea at the moment.

This person is from the Ze family.

"Not yet. According to our investigation, there is nothing unusual."

"Okay, you must chase me down, vowing to kill him for me!"

The same scene, in another place, is also happening.

A group of people wanted to hunt down Lin Tian.

But Lin Tian, ​​there is no way at this moment.

In other words, he cannot resist.

Can only escape.

For Lin Tian, ​​this is sad.

However, the absence of power, in Lin Tian's view, does not affect anything?

Because one day, he will fix everything.

Without strong strength, the main problem is.

As long as they have great strength, there are some people who will naturally cling to Lin Tian.

The prerequisite is to have a strong strength, otherwise everything is blowing.


Strange voices came.

At this moment, there were a lot of snakes in Lin Tian's room. If anyone saw this scene, they would be shocked.

Lin Tian is too scary here.

If someone sees it, I'm afraid they will run away immediately.

But here in Lin Tian, ​​he didn't. At this moment, he was still cultivating.

As if, don't know what happened?

"Well, this person is really weird. I still don't feel this way."

A soft voice sounded.

At this moment, a beautiful figure appeared in Lin Tian's room.

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