I Can Pick Up a Million Exercises

Chapter 729: Teach exercises

For this, Lin Tian just laughed.

"You are polite. I'm here for the time being. I'll talk if I need it. You can leave first."

Lin Tian spoke like this.

Everyone is astonished, don't you enjoy it?

It seems that Lin Tian did not come here for enjoyment.

And the genius he just said. It should refer to Zhao Zilong in front of him.

In the hearts of everyone, there was a burst of envy.

Zhao Zilong can have such a blessing, it can only be said that it is really good.

"Well, senior, take a good rest. I'll come back to bother you in two days."

With that said, Zhao Shan took everyone away.

There was a smile on his face when he left.

Lin Tian smiled lightly at this situation.

These people, after seeing their own strength, the whole person is honest.

There are also benefits that I gave, enough to make everyone in front of me shut up and surrender.

Most people in this world are like this.

The suppression of strength, and the temptation from profit, that is absolutely possible, let them do what you want.

At this moment, Lin Tian turned around.

Everyone left, Zhao Meng and the two looked at Lin Tian sluggishly.

They feel that all this is like a dream.

However, it turns out that all this is true,

Moreover, it really can't be true anymore.

Lin Tian in front of him was so powerful.

It was Elder Zhao Shan who looked at Lin Tian respectfully.

The way Lin Tian faced Zhao Shan indifferently just now was something that neither of them expected.

That kind of posture is somewhat powerful, which makes people afraid to accept.

"thank you."

Zhao Meng looked at Lin Tian sincerely with a smile on his face.

"thank you."

Zhao Zilong also spoke.

At this time, they finally believed that Lin Tian had great strength.

Before, they thought that Lin Tian had something else to plan.

I have witnessed at this moment, and what is left in my heart is joy.

Such a strong person is almost never encountered.

"Well, you two don't need to do this. What I said just now is very clear, do you agree?"

Lin Tian looked at them casually.

The two agreed or not, but for him, it didn't have much impact.

Because, he won't lose anything?

On the contrary, leaving free and easy is the best.

"We promised."

Zhao Meng immediately agreed.

At this time, seize the opportunity, and that is theirs.

If you can't catch it, you are leaving forever.

Zhao Meng is very smart, so he must be steady.

Zhao Zilong next to him is the same.

Both are so, Lin Tian is slightly happy.

"Okay, I will teach you the exercises so that you can cultivate well and reach the peak. You will be useful in the future, and you can defend yourself if it is useless."

With that said, Lin Tian started to exchange the exercises in his mind.

The exercises required by both are actually good.

It is not extremely expensive.

After tens of millions were consumed, Lin Tian exchanged exercises for the two of them.

This made him feel a burst of heartache.

This is my own practice point, so I exchanged it.

I am afraid that it will be painful in my heart.

Feeling helpless, Lin Tian acted again.

"Sit down cross-legged, and I will teach you the exercises."

Lin Tian said so.

The two immediately sat cross-legged.

Seeing the two sitting down, Lin Tian smiled faintly.

The two of them are actually relatively pure and have no other ideas.

This is just one point he wants to help them.

At this moment, the two closed their eyes.

Lin Tian directly touched their foreheads with his hands.

One message after another, through Lin Tian, ​​was imparted to the two people's minds.

It was this situation that shocked the two of them.

The whole person feels that a lot of information is coming.

The two frowned.

Zhao Meng couldn't bear it a bit.

The amount of information is too huge.

Therefore, she felt that her mind was about to explode.

In this situation, Lin Tian could only smile.

Think about your own past, it seems the same.

So how can they make progress if they don't experience this in ancient and modern times?

And Zhao Zilong looked uncomfortable.

However, in his eyes, there is an inexplicable enjoyment.

It is the kind of enjoyment that is very acceptable even if it is painful.

Faced with such a situation, Lin Tian just laughed.

This guy is pretty good.

A little bit of time passed, and a few minutes later, Lin Tian stopped transmitting.

The information that should be given to the two is almost the same.


At this time, Zhao Meng fainted because he couldn't bear this kind of explosive information.

And Zhao Zilong just started to practice.

This surprised Lin Tian, ​​this Zhao Zilong was really good.

I didn't expect to start practicing so quickly.

No loss is his genius.

Looking at Zhao Meng on the ground again, Lin Tian was speechless for a while.

This girl just doesn't want to make progress.

Otherwise, in practice, they are still very tough.

But cultivation itself is a personal matter, and Lin Tian can't force it.

After all, the twisted melon is not sweet.

In a blink of an eye, half an hour passed.

Zhao Mengyou woke up quietly.

It turned out that he was leaning on a stone table with Lin Tian next to him.

As for the other side, his brother Zhao Zilong.

At this moment, Zhao Zilong is practicing.

The vitality of the surrounding heaven and earth entered Zhao Zilong's body little by little.

It looks extremely rich.

In this case, Zhao Meng just stayed.

This cultivation speed was several times faster than usual.

Does this mean that the exercises Lin Tian gave them made their cultivation speed several times faster.

Thinking of this, Zhao Meng was extremely surprised.

"Well, boss, is the exercise you gave us so powerful? My brother's cultivation speed has improved too much."

Zhao Meng looked at Lin Tian with a smile on his face.

For this, Lin Tian's face was twitched.

"Of course, this exercise is not a normal exercise, it's okay, don't let it out at will."

Lin Tian spoke very solemnly.

For this, Zhao Meng just nodded.

"Well, definitely not, boss, did I fainted just now?"

Zhao Meng spoke slightly uncertain.

For this, Lin Tian just laughed.

"Yes, so you quickly digest the cultivation method and see if it is appropriate?"

Lin Tian looked at Zhao Meng with a smile on his face.

Zhao Meng just laughed at this.


For Zhao Meng, he is also excited now.

Because there are new exercises to practice, this is naturally worthy of happiness.

Immediately, Zhao Meng also sat cross-legged.

Lin Tian smiled faintly.

Immediately, Lin Tian closed his eyes next to him and began to meditate.

For him, now is waiting for the two to wake up.

Then, it fell into calm here.

All three of them have sunk into cultivation, and it is naturally quiet here.

In a blink of an eye, it was already dark.

At the moment, all three of them opened their eyes.

Lin Tian naturally felt that the two of them woke up after practicing, so he woke up too.

A light flashed in Zhao Zilong's eyes, and so did Zhao Meng.

Slowly getting up, the two came to Lin Tian.

"Boss, thank you."

The two spoke in unison, with great respect.

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