I Can Pick Up a Million Exercises

Chapter 795: A banquet in the world

The elder Tiansi in front of him seemed to be recovering well.

For this, Lin Tian was going to speak about leaving.

After all, the Peach Blossom Valley issue is almost resolved.

And he himself needs to leave.

Now it is Zhong Li, who has discovered that his identity is abnormal, presumably the other people are the same, so Lin Tian stay here again, I am afraid it is wrong.

However, the Red Elder at this moment is just looking at a few people.

"Several people, this time I am so grateful to you, so you must stay, and I will be grateful to you, especially Brother Zixiao."

Lin Tian was ashamed of this sentence Xiao said.

The words that he was about to utter, immediately stopped.

After all, I still have to give face.

I thought to myself, or just stay for two days.

Lin Tian was still softened.


At this moment, Lin Tian spoke reluctantly.

City Lord Du Changan on the side looked at Elder Red in admiration.

He actually saw that Lin Tian had an urge to leave immediately.

And when Elder Hong spoke first, then Lin Tian had no chance.

Zhong Li just smiled.

The Celestial Old Man immediately said: "I didn't meet with everyone yesterday, I hope you don't think too much, because yesterday I haven't completely refined the Five Resurrection Pill."

With this explanation, the Celestial Old Man was frank and frank.

Several people were taken aback when they heard these words.

Immediately, Lin Tian just laughed.

"Senior joked, we naturally understand these things."

Gossiping is even more impossible.

After all, it is already very good that the Celestial Silkworm can kill everyone in a crisis.

According to Lin Tian's vision, he was afraid that the old man, the Celestial Silkworm, would not recover in the end.

At this moment, the Tianyuan realm was really not as simple as they thought.

The few people chatted happily, and the old man Tiancang started preaching here because he was benefiting everyone.

This is considered one of the rewards for everyone.

For such a situation, everyone is excited.

It is very happy to be able to get the sermon from the old man of the silkworm.

Tian Yuan said, for the Yuan Emperor realm, it is a kind of hopelessness.

Although there are thousands of cultivations, the key to enlightenment lies in the masters of the Tianyuan realm.

And everyone in Lin Tian was naturally happy.

Even Lin Tian, ​​who has a powerful system, listened carefully.

"The so-called cultivation, the universe, the sun and the moon..."

The Tao said slowly, making a few people fascinated.

I couldn't help but raise some enlightenment in my heart, once I was not clear, but now I have developed.

But Lin Tian couldn't help but sigh.

"As soon as you enter Tianyuan, it is as deep as the sea, and it feels like it has just begun."

The Elder Silkworm looked at Lin Tian with magic eyes.

"Little brother Zi Xiao has a good feeling. This is the realm of Tianyuan. It is true. Once you enter Tianyuan, you feel that you are insignificant in this world, and you are chasing a lot. It is not something that can be accomplished overnight."

Cultivation together is indeed too complicated and changeable.

Wanting to leap over the dragon's gate and reach the sky in one step is simply idiotic dreams.

One step at a time, but it is the right path.

"Everyone, please go and take a good taste. I hope my words today are useful."

The old man of the Celestial Silkworm looked at everyone with modesty in his eyes.

No wonder everyone respects such Tianyuan.

"Yes, thank you senior!"

Everyone retired, and the old man Tiancan took a good rest again.

He was seriously injured, now that he can speak well, it is already God's favor.

At this moment, Lin Tian and the few people withdrew, just thinking about what the old man Tiancan said in their hearts.

Lin Tian still had a deep understanding in his heart.

Everyone didn't say anything all the way, they entered their room and began to understand.

The Peach Blossom Valley turned from danger to peace, which also caused a lot of trouble in the Fenghengcheng generation.

Everyone was amazed.

This is too powerful.

Everyone is very clear about the strength of Moyuanya.

But now, Peach Blossom Valley turned from danger to safety under the siege of many powerful people in Demon Abyss Cliff, which can only be said to be truly shocking.

It is rumored that there is a young strong man who tried to kill many Yuan Emperor strong men in Moyuan Cliff, and sent charcoal in the snow, so that the entire Peach Blossom Valley was turned away.

It is said that he is still young and controls space power.

It was not similar to the disappeared Lin Tian.

Once such a rumor came out, the attention of the entire Holy Spirit Island was once again focused here.

Peach Blossom Valley became the focus in an instant.

Because everyone knows.

Lin Tian, ​​the Zhuo family, the Luo family, and some other forces, the people from Sin Island, and the people from North Bing Lingzhou, all had major festivals.

Now he was found again.

It is impossible for everyone to be quiet.

Come to think of it, it is very likely that everyone will chase Lin Tian crazy.

However, the premise is to make sure that this young man is Lin Tian.

Besides, Peach Blossom Valley is not the peach blossom valley whose vitality is badly damaged.

The current owner of Taohua Valley, the old man Celestial Silkworm has recovered.

Not everyone can offend the power of Tianyuan.

The youth rescued the elder Tianmo in Taohua Valley, which shows that Lin Tian is a benefactor to the entire Taohua Valley.

If someone makes trouble, it can only show that this is a provocative behavior.

The Celestial Old Man shouldn't leave it alone.

Therefore, everyone is more optimistic about this good show.

Like, this is a big show.

Everyone in Moyuanya retreated, and the Yuan Emperor suffered heavy losses. Will Moyuanya stop there? The answer is naturally no.

The mysterious youth identity is even more fascinating.

Two days passed.

Lin Tian and several people finally had almost the understanding that the old man Tiancan taught.

The few people at this moment are feeling extremely saturated.

Sure enough, the cultivation experience of the powerhouses in the Tianyuan realm was not bad for them.

And they are very contented to accept it.

In this world, no one can tolerate you unconditionally.

Even, accept you.

The only thing is that you are good to others, and others will be good to you.

The same is true for everyone in Lin Tian.

On this day, everyone was in the yard.

Lin Tian looked at several people with a smile on his face.

Two days have passed, and the time he wanted to leave has also come.

"Everyone, now we, I'm afraid we are also going to be separated, when we leave, I will tell you about the way of alchemy, after all, there is a destiny."

Looking at Elder Hong, the mountains, the rivers, Zhong Li, and the city lord Du Changan and others.

Lin Tian was inexplicably reluctant.

After all, people who experience life and death.

So in my heart, there will be faint reluctance.

This comes from the soft depth of the human heart, always touching.

Several people were moved by Lin Tian's words.

This young man is so affectionate and righteous.

And they didn't seem to be able to give him anything.

Several people were ashamed of this situation.

"Brother Zixiao, the banquets that never leave the world, always go their own way, so I will not persuade you to stay, I hope you have a bright future."

Gao Shan looked at Lin Tian, ​​with such blessings and hope.

At this, Lin Tian smiled slightly.

The others blessed Lin Tian respectively.

Only Zhong Li did not speak.

The look in Lin Tian's eyes was somewhat complicated.

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