I Can Pick Up a Million Exercises

Chapter 797: Strong track

This wine was naturally made by Lin Tian.

Not to mention this wine, it's pretty good, and it's a burst of joy when a few people drink it.

It was the same with Zhong Li, his complexion was pink and crimson.

Lin Tian looked at it, feeling helpless, this is a girl, what kind of wine to drink.

However, I was the same, so I didn't stop it.

There are no things much ado about.

A few people are the thoughts in my heart.

"Brother Zixiao, if you go, I don't know when you will see you again."

"Hahaha, soon."

Lin Tian toasted and drank.

"I know you, Brother Zixiao, I have no regrets in this life. It's really my honor to have such unique insights in alchemy."

Jiang Liushui looked happy.

For this, Lin Tian smiled.

The few people in front of me are also of good temperament.

This is why he is willing to teach everyone.

How many people are so kind, so what if he gives some?

For him, alchemy is nothing more than that.

In fact, only Lin Tian himself understood.

It is not a heavenly pill, but a low-grade medicine.

Naturally, it is a heavenly rank.

However, he currently has no way to reach this level.

It is estimated that it needs to be improved again.

Lin Tian is happy all night.

He hasn't been so happy for a long time since he left Jilin Academy.

After all, I like to talk to people, chat freely, and express some feelings in my heart.

Speaking of Lin Tian, ​​sometimes he looks like a drunken poet, but he looks like a messy young man, so that everyone can't understand and understand.

"A toast to invite Mingming, drink to three!"

"Look up at the bright moon, bow your head and think of hometown!"

"Kinzun sake fights for ten thousand, Yupanzhen is ashamed of ten thousand dollars..."

Lin Tian's drinking is just a poem, and everyone next to him is dull.

"it is good!"

Several people nearby can hear the mood.

But Lin Tian was naturally very melancholy.

Zhong Li looked dimly, don't know what to say?

In Zhong Li's view, Lin Tian is like a mystery, a man full of mysteries, naturally makes people obsessed and intoxicated.

In the end, I was too curious to extricate myself.

Obviously Lin Tian gave Zhong Li such a feeling.

But Lin Tian himself didn't notice it.

Perhaps this is also a charm.

For Lin Tian, ​​he only needs to be himself,

As far as Zhong Li was concerned, it was this young man who accidentally broke into his own world.

The whole night passed so happily.

The next day, Lin Tian got up slightly.

Did not say goodbye to a few people.

The doors of several people were closed tightly.

Without knocking, the sky was still clear, and Lin Tian was heading to where he had come before.

Lin Tian just smiles when he meets the disciple of the patrolling Peach Blossom Valley.

Those who met Lin Tian would give a respectful greeting to seniors.

This made Lin Tian a little embarrassed.

Immediately, he left here quickly.

When I came to the entrance of Peach Blossom Valley, I saw a peach forest, crimson everywhere, which seemed to calm people's minds.

Such a good place is really not suitable for blood.

Lin Tian looked at it with a smile on his face.

Although you understand, but can't change what?

At this time, if you should leave, you have to leave.

Because staying is at best in vain.

When the Elder Silkworm woke up, he didn't need himself here.

Fast forward, and finally out of Peach Blossom Valley.

This also counts, it's over.

Saving a life is better than building a seventh-level Pagoda, Lin Tian now has an experience.

Not far out, Lin Tian looked back.

"Come out, follow me like this, okay?"

Behind him, a figure appeared, looking a little embarrassed.

Seeing this man, Lin Tian was surprised.


What is she doing with herself?

This girl, it's time to part.

The two themselves are for Fenghengcheng.

Now that Fenghengcheng is here, Lin Tian naturally wants to leave.

"No, are you going to Teleport Array like this? Don't say a word to City Master Du."

Zhong Li found a reason at this time.

Listening to this, Lin Tian was taken aback.

"I'll go and see, if Zhuo's family is still under lockdown, let's talk about it, if not, then it's fine."

For Lin Tian, ​​he didn't want to be exposed.

However, once I talked to the city lord Du Changan, I was afraid of my own identity, and I was ready to reveal it.

He hadn't considered what Zhong Li said before him.

"Oh, then I'll go with you."

At this moment, Zhong Li looked at Lin Tian with a smile on his face.

For these words, Lin Tian was speechless for a while,

What do you think about this Zhongli?

Could it be that I really like myself, so I want to pester myself.

For this situation, Lin Tian just smiled.

At this moment, Zhong Li looked shy when Lin Tian looked at him like this.

Because of Lin Tian's eyes, it looked a little sharp.

It's as if there is a deep meaning in it.

"Are you sure? It's dangerous to follow me."

Lin Tian looked at the distance casually.

Zhong Li looked at Lin Tian with big eyes, "Are you talking about the one who chased you? Lin Tian."

"I don't know what you said? Go away."

With that, Lin Tian just raised his foot forward.

Looking at the wind and grass behind Zhong Li, Lin Tian in the wilderness in front of him, Lin Tian, ​​who is not tall, looks white, and his slightly chic back, is instantly obsessed.

Did he agree?

"Hey, wait for me."

Zhong Li behind instantly caught up with Lin Tian.

At this moment, Lin Tian seemed to have a companion.

Lin Tian didn't reveal his identity, nor did he make random guesses.

For Lin Tian, ​​this may not be important.

At this moment, he and Zhongli are between the wilderness and the river, fast to the distant city.

Their goal is Fenghengcheng.

For Lin Tian, ​​he was going to teleport at this moment.

And Zhong Li didn't know why he followed Lin Tian.

Lin Tian doesn't know whether he likes it or has ulterior motives.

For this, Lin Tian didn't want to go into it.

After all, he is not necessary.

Perhaps Zhong Li is just a passer-by in their lives.

Several people are thousands of miles away from Peach Blossom Valley.

Suddenly a terrifying breath came.


Lin Tian's expression instantly became cold.

Because he found a problem, the two of them were followed.

And this person is very powerful.

"Xiaodu, why don't you tell me if someone is following me."

Lin Tian directly transferred the problem to Xiaodu.

Xiaodu was stunned when he heard this.

"Master, I don't know this person either, maybe he was just followed.

I go!

Can tracking just be called tracking?

Xiaodu, this is not a problem with his head.

Lin Tian at this moment was so suspicious.

At this moment, a strong man appeared in front of Lin Tian and the two.

There was a shock in Zhong Li's eyes.

This person is a strong man at the peak of the Yuan Emperor.

As for the two of them, now that they meet such a person, it is estimated that they are completely unlucky.

"Who are you? Are you from Demon Cliff?"

Zhong Li looked at the middle-aged man and directly questioned him.

For this, the middle-aged man just smiled.

"Moyuanya, haha, ask Lin Tian next to you, he may have guessed it."

The man looked at Lin Tian with a smile on his face.

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