I Can Pick Up a Million Exercises

Chapter 801: Midnight pain

Even though he wanted to experiment, Lin Tian was still worried about being stunned, so he had better not be impulsive.

Lest the gains outweigh the losses.

At this moment, Lin Tian returned to the inn quickly.

Once back, Zhong Li opened his eyes.

"Huh! I'm back."

Obviously, Zhong Li's heart at this moment is still very dissatisfied.

For this, Lin Tian smiled faintly.

"Little girl, I guess, there will be action tomorrow. Think about it. Are you still staying in this city?"

Lin Tian looked at Zhong Li in front of him and asked, because he didn't want to, he left, and Zhong Li was alone in this city, lonely.

This is considered as Lin Tian's responsible side.

For Lin Tian, ​​he wanted to go, but he didn't want to hurt the people around him.

Zhong Li looked at Lin Tian with complicated eyes.

Because Zhong Li didn't know, what was he thinking in his heart?

Here in Lin Tian, ​​she almost lost herself a bit.

I should have made a choice when I was in Peach Blossom Valley.

At that time, I should have left.

Never thought about it, but left it till now.

It seems that because of reluctance, I can't let go.

Lin Tian in front of her had too much influence on her.

"Well, I don't know where to go now? Can I follow you?"

In an instant, Zhong Li looked at Lin Tian with a blushing face.

For this, Lin Tian was stunned for an instant.

This girl, she said just now to follow her, isn't she kidding.

In Lin Tian's opinion, it seems that there is no benefit to following himself.

To be chased and killed, but to endure a lot,

"Girl, no."

For an instant, Lin Tian refused directly.

Follow yourself, how can it be?

To know that he is now hard to protect himself.

Zhong Li following him will only be a trouble for the whole body.

And, oneself will hurt him.

In this way, Lin Tian's natural conscience is also troubled.


Zhong Li stared at Lin Tian with wide eyes.

For this, Lin Tian slowly sat down, picked up a cup of tea and drank slowly.

"Sorry, I really can't take you."

"Give me a reason."

Zhong Li at this moment seemed to be persevering, as if he must get Lin Tian's answer.

But for Lin Tian, ​​this answer does not seem to be that important.

"Girl, think about it, it's not that I don't take you, but that I have too much trouble along the way and can't take you, understand?"

Lin Tian could only express it euphemistically.

I believe that Zhong Li in front of him is not a fool, he should be able to guess a lot of things.

Therefore, Lin Tian just made oblique words too vague.

Zhongli before, guessed his identity.

This time, plus her own words, she should also be able to understand.

The big flashing eyes turned melancholy.

"You still want to go to the North Bing Lingzhou, right?"

Zhong Li looked at Lin Tian and asked this sentence.


Lin Tian was speechless for a moment.


Only one word can be said.

Because Beibing Lingzhou means that he is Lin Tian.

This is certain, at this moment, who else would stupidly hit the teleportation formation.

Except for Lin Tian himself, I'm afraid no one will go.

Zhong Li looked at Lin Tian, ​​an inexplicable light flashed in his eyes.

Because she is sure, this is Lin Tian.

"Will you come to Holy Spirit Island in the future?"

Zhong Li bit his lip, his face difficult to speak.

It seems to be a favorite person, away.

Now, the woman is reluctant.

For this, Lin Tianzi was also taken aback.

Judging from the current situation, Zhong Li in front of him is indeed reluctant to bear himself.

However, the more so, the less Lin Tian couldn't entangle him.

The so-called entanglement, the last love lingering.

Love that is hard to cut is the most difficult thing in this world.

Therefore, in ancient times, some people said that it is not a lie to ask what love is in the world and teach life and death.

Lin Tian believed a little now.

Thinking in his heart, Lin Tian looked at Zhong Li's eyes and turned slightly cold.

"Probably not."

Lin Tian said like this.

For an instant, it was like a thorn, directly inserted into Zhong Li's heart.

Zhong Li's whole body stiffened.


She muttered to herself.

The whole person stared at Lin Tian, ​​as if to see clearly, what was Lin Tian thinking in front of him?

However, Lin Tian didn't have any expressions.

"How do you get through the whole encyclopedia? There are only a few strong people at the peak of the Yuan Emperor."

Zhong Li suddenly changed the subject.

Obviously, I don't want to mention the topic just now.

For this, Lin Tian can still accept it.

"Just come hard, the teleportation array will charge directly, it should be no problem."

Zhong Li was taken aback for a moment, and came hard?

How can it be?

Is the teleportation rush? What does Lin Tian want to do?

In front of Zhong Li, Lin Tian couldn't see clearly.

Lin Tian, ​​this guy, seemed to play cards out of common sense.

"Alright, pay attention to safety, I am in the Holy Spirit Island, come to me when I have time, I still call Zhong Li."

At this moment, Zhong Li looked at Lin Tian with a smile on his face.

This smile is full of innocence and cuteness.

For this, Lin Tian was dumbfounded.

Zhong Li in front of him seemed to have figured it out.

For Lin Tian, ​​this seemed like a gratifying event.

However, Lin Tian in front of him was not happy at all.

This is him, he is somewhat complicated.

"Hey, why are you a little unhappy?"

Lin Tian sighed helplessly.

"Hey, Master, you just don't give up."

Xiaodu's voice of gloating in his heart sounded again.

For this, Lin Tian just wanted to beat someone.

"Well, I will definitely, don't worry."

"You go tomorrow, should you have a plan?"

Zhong Li looked at Lin Tian, ​​in Lin Tianzhong she knew.

When doing anything, Lin Tian seemed extremely calm.

Under normal circumstances, they will not be random.

"Well, I almost have some clues."

Lin Tian looked at her with a smile on his face.

For him, he was naturally prepared.

"Then I can rest assured, I want to watch you leave from a distance tomorrow, okay?"

Zhong Li suddenly made this request.

It's like adding an egg while eating.

Inexplicably, Lin Tian was moved in his heart.

"Yes, but you can't shoot, you can only watch, no matter what the situation? You have to assure me."

Lin Tian's words meant to restrain Zhong Li in front of him.

Don't get the time, Zhong Li couldn't help but help himself.

If it is true then, I am afraid that both of them will have to fall into it.

As far as Yu Lintian was concerned, at any time, the teleportation array could squeeze.

If one more person is added, then he is not sure.

"Okay, I promise you."

Staring at Lin Tian's eyes, Zhong Li smiled with Crescent Moon.

This smile is full of healing power.

Lin Tian felt very comfortable.

In an instant, he was leaving.

From the time I didn't hesitate to turn back, I am now a little eager to try and reluctant.

This feeling is really unpleasant.

However, he still has to go back to the North Ice Lingzhou.

Because there, there are still some things, some people, waiting for themselves.

Perhaps one day, coming to the Holy Spirit Island again will be another mood and opportunity.

Lin Tian hoped that at that time, he did not go so helpless.

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