I Can Pick Up a Million Exercises

Chapter 807: Ryoma City II

To this situation, Lianyan smiled faintly.

It's okay for everyone to discuss, as long as he doesn't humiliate his lady, then it can be forgiven.

Immediately, everyone came to a mansion.


A group of carriages stopped.

At this moment, a woman with a gloomy manner was standing at the door.

"Yeah, my sister is back, this time outing, time passed really fast!"

The woman's voice was full of bitterness.

For this, he frowned.

This person is Miss Bu Jia, Bu Yun.

The Buyun in front of him has never been seen for Bu Rou.

"Hello, Miss. It's really happy that you come out to welcome the second lady back in person." Lian Yan hurriedly finished the game at this moment.

"Haha, even the housekeeper is serious. This is my sister. It is natural for me to come out and pick it up, but there is nothing happy about it."

When he opened his mouth, Buyun smelled of gunpowder.

"Thank you sister for welcoming me, but if I have something to do today, I may not be able to chat with my sister."

With that, Bu Rou spoke again: "You come and move him down, and go see a doctor."

As soon as I said this, several big guys started to act.

At this moment, several people started to act.

Immediately, from Burou's carriage, he lifted an unrecognizable man.

Bu Yun's face was shocked.

"Where did this monster come from? Take it away quickly, looking unlucky!"

Buyun at this moment is very disgusted.

Listening to this, Bu Rou frowned.

"Sister, this person is injured, I want to treat him."

Burou looked at Buyun at the moment.

For this, Buyun was taken aback.

This weak girl turned back to herself for a stranger.

"Huh, where did you pick up the savage, who just appeared at my Bu's house like this, and said he would heal him, don't heal him?"

Obviously, Buyun today is just trying to make things difficult for Buyun.

For this situation, Bu Rou looked helpless at the moment.

"Hmph, sister, it has always been my father's idea to save the dead and heal the wounded. I believe that if I do this, my father will agree."

Burou at this moment looked at Buyun without showing any weakness.

"Haha, use my father to press me down, do you think I will be scared?"

At this moment, Bu Yun looked at Bu Rou with a mocking expression.

Listening to this, Bu Rou frowned again.

The Lianyan next to him just didn't speak.

The two young ladies spoke. Although he was a housekeeper, he was still not qualified to speak.

After all, here, his seniority is not very high.

"I don't care, this person must be saved, otherwise, this is an act of failing to save you, how can you be worthy of your conscience."

Bu Rou looked at Buyun angrily.

Buyun just smiled.

"Hahaha, I am standing here today, I see how you carry this dying guy in."

Buyun was standing directly at the door at this time.

It seems that the whole person has become a city wall.

"My **** sister, you said that you are currently weak, and you are only a military commander of the Yuan Dynasty. How do you fight with me?"

At this moment, Buyun had contempt in his eyes.

When Bu Rou heard these words, she felt inferior.

Yuan Wujiang's cultivation base is really too low, in a big family like Bu's family, it is already very low.

Those bodyguards and subordinates, and some of their cultivation bases, are all great masters.

"Sister, although I am not as powerful as you, but I want to tell you that my father said that only a kind person can cultivate for a long time."

"It's extremely ridiculous, is it useful for you to heal so many people? Who repays you, you are not at this level of cultivation now, it really makes me feel sad for you."

At this time, Buyun has experienced the extreme with acrimony.

Hearing even the words, his brows couldn't help but frowned.

"What was the noise early in the morning?"

At this moment, a rough voice came from the mansion.

I saw an upright man slowly walking out of it.

"Huh? What's wrong?"

This person is the Patriarch of the Bu family, Bu Ping.

"I saw my father."

"Meet Patriarch!"

A group of people just calm down.

Everyone knows that Bu Ping has a high status in the entire Bu family.

"Well, this is?"

Bu Ping at the moment looked at the seriously injured young man with surprise.

Especially, it is a terrible young man.

But at this time, Bu Rou hurriedly said, "Father, this is the one I found by the roadside by accident. I hope you don't mind."

For this, Bu Ping was taken aback.

"Pick it up? This person should be breathless. How did you find it?"

"Father, it's not like that."

Burou at this moment, with a nervous expression on his face, hurriedly said everything he had passed by.

Bu Ping listened to the experience in the process, slightly surprised.

Buyun next to listen, just looking at Bu Rou with contempt.

In her opinion, Bu Rou is just being fake here.

The so-called kindness is just a pretend.

"Well, it's really miserable. Carry it in and let someone take care of it."

Bu Ping showed a trace of heartache.

The young man in front of him was really scary.

Bu Rou was happy for a while when he heard this.

She knew that her father would definitely heal the youth.

"Hmph, I support my father's decision, but this is a bit biased, so I went in first."

Compared Bu Yun glanced at Bu Rou uncomfortably.

In this case, Bu Rou is obviously in favor.

And Bu Rou just smiled.

What was happy was not because he won Buyun, but because the youth was saved.

Looking at his daughter, Bu Ping sighed slightly.

"Rouer, come in with me."

Bu Ping said, and went straight inside.

Bu Rou was taken aback. When his father said that, he was very disappointed.

As soon as he entered, Buping at the moment was his mouth.

"Rou'er, you are sometimes too kind. I'm worried that something will happen to you. If you have time, it's better for you to stay calm, so that maybe, there will be no accidents.

Buping at the moment said so.

Because he knew that his daughter, if Bu Rou continued to be so kind, something would happen eventually.

This world has never lacked curiosity.

Also, there is too much kindness.

"Father, I will pay attention and will not hurt myself. Your daughter is not a fool."

At this moment Bu Rou looked at Bu Ping with a smile on his face.

The slightly weakened appearance before, became very happy now.

For this, Bu Ping was taken aback.

"Haha, your little girl, still confused with me, you thought I would believe you, do you remember one time, when you saved others, did others still want to agree?"

Bu Ping looked at Bu Rou and smiled.

Bu Rou was stunned for this, and then the whole person was blushing.

"Huh! Father can't even mention that, you still mention it."

Burou at this time was shy.

Buping smiled even more happily at this.

"Haha, good I won't say, I won't say."

Bu Rou looked at Bu Ping at this time and said, "Father, do you think that person is still saved?"

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