"Hey, why bother? You said how good you are."

Lin Tian smiled casually.

Immediately, he stepped directly on Shen Wen with his foot.

"I am..."

Shen Wen wanted to speak, but the whole person was screaming.

And Shenhu, at this time, was full of anger.

"Die to me!"

The knife that was blocked was instantly withdrawn by him.

"Hey, the lingering spirit is still there. I hate it most because I am entangled."

Lin Tian shot.


In front of me, Chen Hu was kicked by Lin Tian and kicked to the wall, and the wall was shattered.

Being beaten in this way, the status of the head of the Shen family seemed useless at this moment.

Looking at this situation, Lin Tian smiled.

"Sorry, the start is a bit heavy, I'm really embarrassed."

For Lin Tian, ​​this is how simple it is to sneeze.

And his foot stepped on Shen Wen, harder.

This time, Shen Wen was a waste.

"Cough cough cough..."

When everyone looked at this situation, they were shocked.

Buyun was immediately dull.

Who is this?

When is Burou? Know such a strong person.

And his own father, don't you really know this young man?

Suddenly, Buyun's eyes were dumbfounded.

Because she found that Lin Tian's back was so familiar.


Isn't it the living dead?

Although he hadn't seen the outline before, he knew the figure very clearly.

"How could he... so strong? And how did he wake up?"

At this time, Buyun felt that he was almost dazzled.

This once looked down upon him, and he sent someone to assassinate him.

What about the person who sent it out?

At this moment, Bu Yun suddenly realized that Lin Tian turned around and looked at her with a smile.

That smile looked strange.

Seeing this situation, Buyun immediately felt cold all over his body.

"Cough cough cough..."

At this moment, Shenhu emerged from the collapsed rock.

Looking at Shenhu in front of him, Lin Tian just smiled.

"I said Patriarch Shen, you are too serious, what does this make me?"

Lin Tian looked at Shenhu in front of him with a smile.

Shen Hu looked at Lin Tian with a gloomy expression.

"Who are you? Today is the day when my Shen family came to propose marriage. What is the relationship between the Bu family and you?"

Looking at Shen Wen who had been abandoned by Lin Tian, ​​the anger in Shen Hu's eyes could not be concealed.

However, he knew that the youth in front of him was not something he could provoke.

So Shen Hu chose to forbear.

Lin Tian naturally understood Shen Hu's words.

"Well, I want to let you go today.

Lin Tian said so and paused.

The few people next to him were slightly taken aback.

Lin Tian, ​​don't know what to do?

"I tell you, one day, you will definitely want to do it."

Lin Tian at this moment has a smile on his face.

Shen Hu looked at Lin Tian, ​​and intuitively told him that Lin Tian's purpose was not simple.

"Go ahead, what are your conditions?"

"My condition is very simple. I will leave 15,000 Grade 5 spirit stones and the spirit weapons on your body. Well, that's it."

Hearing this, everyone's veins were exposed.

Ten thousand five-grade spirit stone.

This is simply robbery.

This is the income of the entire Shen family for several years.

Shen Hu looked at Lin Tian with a fierce light in his eyes.

"If we don't have one, what do you want?"

"Then I'm sorry, just kill them all."

Lin Tian said plainly.

"Well, I want to know, what's your name?"

"Oh, me! Just call me Happy."

Lin Tian at the moment, with a smile on his face, looked extremely happy.

"Okay, Xiaoyao, I remember you, take out your spiritual weapons."

With that said, Shen Hu just took out his knife.

Immediately, he handed Lin Tian a storage ring.

Among them is Lingshi.

Really gave it?

Everyone was shocked.

Bu Ping's expression turned gloomy for a moment.

Lin Tian accepted the spirit stone and looked very happy.

But in Buping's opinion, this is an indescribable act of seeking death.

"Well, not bad there are those three, and by the way, there are yours."

Looking at Shen Wen at his feet, Lin Tian directly increased his kick.

"I give it to you, to you."

At this time, Shen Shenwen couldn't scream out of fear, and trembled all over.

The dignified son of the Shen family, now his spiritual veins were broken, and a bone in his body was almost broken.

If this is said, I'm afraid no one will believe it.

However, this is the case.

After a while, Lin Tian collected everything.

Everyone was scrapped and finished, and some wanted to hide it privately.

But Lin Tian just did it directly.

Because the system knows those spirit weapons on that person.

"Devil, devil..."

A group of people looked at all this dumbfoundedly.

At this moment, Lin Tian spoke with a smile on his face.

"Several, you can leave now."

Looking at the people in Shenhu, Lin Tian just laughed.

The three people who were seriously injured, looked at Lin Tian in fear at the moment, and immediately took Shen Wen away.

Next, everyone in the living room was silent.

Buping looked at this situation, but he couldn't be happy.

Because this time the Bujia is implicated.

At the beginning, it was said that things could be calmed down, but now, the appearance of Lin Tian broke everything.

For everyone, never thought that Lin Tian was so terrible.

"It's okay now, and it's okay in the future, this time you saved the right person."

Lin Tian looked at Bu Rou and walked in slowly.


Bu Rou looked at Lin Tian, ​​wondering what to say?


His name is Xiaoyao, and his strength is so against the sky, directly destroying the head of the Shen family.

This level of horror is shocking.

"Well, I am the living dead."

Lin Tian admitted.

At this moment, Bu Ping and Bu Yun were shocked.

Bu Rou, what did you save back?

Shot and crushed four Yuanzun powerhouses.

Yuan Zun's pinnacle was in his hands, and it turned out to be vulnerable.

Where can I find such a terrifying powerhouse?

"Thank you, for saving me this time, I'm afraid they won't let it go."

Bu Rou spoke at this time.

Because she is not a fool, she can see it naturally, Shen Hu's last forbearance.

I am afraid, just waiting for a more terrifying outbreak.

"Little brother, your name is Xiaoyao, right? This time, if my Bujia owes you, you can take Rou'er and leave."

For this, Lin Tian laughed.

"Father, Bu Rou caused the disaster. If she leaves, what will Bu's family do?"

At this time, Buyun immediately panicked.

It is for the whole Bujia.

Now if Bu Rou leaves this Xiaoyao, wouldn't Bu Rou be the target of Shen's revenge?

What does she want to do in this situation?

Bu Ping was a sharp look in his eyes.

"She is your sister. This time, Bu's family will be fine. She is ashamed of the previous embarrassment."

Bu Ping looked at Bu Rou with a look of reluctance.

At this, Bu Rou's eyes lowered.

Buping in front of him was obviously for her consideration.

"Thank you, Xiaoyao, I won't leave, you go quickly."

Bu Rou spoke at this moment, facing Lin Tian.

Lin Tian was taken aback, and then relieved.

With Burou's character, he really couldn't make the choice to leave.

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