I Can Pick Up a Million Exercises

Chapter 823: Spirit Stone Gift

Buyun sneered at Bu Ping in front of him again.

"Father, this time, I have my own ideas, you can no longer control me, because the whole Bu family is also finished, goodbye."

With that, Bu Yun went outside.

Buping looked at his eldest daughter's back, wondering what to say in his eyes?

This is a heartbreak from a father.

The departure of her daughter, perhaps this is the biggest blow.

"This... Am I wrong?"

Buping at this moment felt extremely sad.

Because he didn't know whether it was right or wrong to let Lin Tian leave.

If it is wrong.

Now it is too late to repent.

Lin Tian left.

"Father, don't be too sad. After all, she caused all this by herself."

At this moment, Bu Rou came in slowly from the outside.

Hearing this, Bu Ping raised his head.


Inexplicably, he sighed in his heart. Both daughters felt a growing up right now.

Bu Rou is no longer soft-hearted.

And his eldest daughter is no longer forbearing.

The two have their own changes.

For this, Bu Ping felt that he just didn't know what to think.

In this world, parents are also very difficult to do.

"Hey, you clean up, maybe it won't take long before we have to run away."

"Father, Xiaoyao said that he left something for me, so why don't you follow me to see."

Burou at this moment, opened his mouth and looked at Buping.

Bu Ping was taken aback, that kid Lin Tian left something for his daughter?

What will it be?

For Lin Tian, ​​Bu Ping can say he hates or he does not hate.

Because almost all of this was made by his two daughters.

And Lin Tian was purely the insertion of a third party.

"All right, I'll go and see with you."

Bu Ping got up with some interest, wondering what Lin Tian would give Bu Rou?

Bu Rou smiled faintly, and said at this moment: "Yes, it won't be a good thing? That guy walks so fast."

Bu Ping just said, "He should have stayed, and it's okay to see."

Immediately, the two started to act.

For them, what Lin Tian left behind may not be so precious.

If Lin Tian knew that the two of them thought so, I'm afraid they would be **** to death.

After all, what you left behind is also very meaningful, no matter what?

The two hurried to Lin Tian's room.

As soon as the door was opened, a strong spirit stone breath came.

This made the two of them stunned slightly.


Bu Rou couldn't believe it.

Lin Tian, ​​the person who liked Lingshi so much, finally let the Shen family go because of Lingshi.

This can be seen.

However, the spirit stone was left behind.

"This spirit stone is at least hundreds of pieces."

Bu Ping looked surprised, because Lin Tian left hundreds of fifth-grade spirit stones.

This kind of preciousness is also the income of the entire Bu family for several years.

And where, there is a note.

At this time, Burou walked directly over, and then picked up the note.

"You don't have to leave, everything will be resolved naturally. There are still many people in the world, such as me, a handsome guy. Thank you for your help."

It’s such a simple sentence,

Bu Rou touched her heart.

As if, the whole person was hit by something.

Everything will be resolved, she does not understand the meaning of the words.

Lin Tian is saying, will he solve everything?

However, the Shen family resolved it.

How about the Tigers?

Could it be...

She has long soft shawl hair, blue long skirt, and dynamic eyes.

At this moment, Burou's eyes shot out an incredible light.

Because of her guess, I don't know if it will come true.

Buping saw the note.

His expression was calm in doubt.

"You seem to understand what he means."

Bu Ping looked at the commission's daughter Bu Rou.

From small to large, Bu Rou basically did not hide anything?

"Father, he does the things of his wealth."

Bu Rou said it after all.

But even if Lin Tian knew, he just smiled.

Now that people are under the nine springs, they have no chance to question the right and wrong of the world. People in the world discuss a lot, but the mundane things are not worth mentioning.

The color of the step plane changed drastically in an instant.

His mouth opened slightly, and there was no sound in surprise.

Looking at the neat bedding on the wooden bed made of golden nanmu.

That person, as if never slept on it.

The silver-white silk quilt looks spotless and indeed clean.

After several months of sleep, Lin Tian did not leave a trace or breath.

"He is really a...I can't see through, are you thinking, will his next stop be to the Tigers?"

Bu Ping looked at Bu Rou, frowning at the beginning.

The Tigers are powerful beyond their imagination.

It was the powerhouse at the pinnacle of Yuanzun, I'm afraid he had dozens of them.

Among them, the suzerain is the cultivation base of the fifth-order Yuansheng.

Who would dare to mess with this?

"Well, I don't know what will happen to him? But from the above, it is also possible."

Is it just possible?

For Lin Tian, ​​at this moment, he has disappeared in Longma City.

When leaving Longma City, Lin Tian directly galloped with the help of a black horse.

As if he had died once, Lin Tian knew better about life.

"The sky is high for birds to fly, and the sea is wide for fish to leap!"

Can't help it, Lin Tian yells at the sky.

Immediately, wherever the wild horses went, there were flourishing flowers, mountains and rivers in the distance, and rivers slumping across the river from north to south.

Unable to help it, Lin Tian spoke again.

"The spring breeze is proud of the horseshoe, I can see Chang'an flowers in one day, it is comfortable!"

In ancient times, there were thousands of poems by ancient people, and Lin Tiantian naturally hid countless in his heart.

It is not a bad thing to occasionally make a sentence or two to make him feel calm for a while.

But he said he came out of Longma City.

Investigate the real place of the Tigers.

Over the mountains and mountains, the distance between the two mountains and the mountains, in the afternoon, at night, you can get there by yourself.

Lin Tian estimated that the news of the murder of the Shen family had not been received by the Tigers.

If everyone moves out, I'm afraid I'm in vain.

After all, everyone leveled the home of Longma City.

Then I can't do my own ideas.

Thought so.

"Chaos Wings!"

In an instant, Lin Tian seemed to delete the lightning? That speed is terrifying.

After a while, the sky darkened.

Sunset, heartbroken people in the horizon.

Lin Tian was on a hill, looking into the distance.

Mu Ran saw that there was indeed aura in the distance.

Among them, there should be practitioners.

Perhaps this is the Tiger Sect that I am looking for.

Lin Tian's speed was so fast that his whole body was transformed into a middle-aged man.

"Hmph, then go for a while, what is the sect strength of this Donglin Lingzhou?"

Lin Tian was still quite curious about Dongling Lingzhou, after all, he had never been here.

Lin Tian is full of endless curiosity for this kind of place and the people here.

Of course, it is natural practice.

Everyone at East Forest College knew that Lin Tian was here.

I'm afraid that Lin Tian in front of him is about to become a guinea pig, and a group of people besieged him for research.

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