I Can Pick Up a Million Exercises

Chapter 825: Roll and empty

Ran into the Huxiaopai Mountain Gate and reported to Shen Wen, the nephew of Elder Shen He.

Everyone was chasing Lin Tian frantically.


The entire Huxiao Sect is like a mess in the heaven.

For Lin Tian, ​​he can only say that he can still make noise.

I'm afraid there is nothing he could not think of.


Lin Tian attacked the palace, and saw a huge palace collapsed instantly.

"Ah! Who is it?"

An angry voice came from the palace.

"No, it's Elder Gong Guangliu."

Everyone was shocked.

Because Lin Tian offended these elders.

"Elder Gong, someone broke into the Tiger Sect without authorization, and is now frantically attacking everyone in our group."

Everyone at this moment is a brief report.

Listening to the words, a middle-aged man, who looked extremely wretched, just came out right now.


With that said, the man went crazy towards Lin Tian.

"Then kill him! Since you come to my mountain gate, you are really looking for death!"

In the distance, there was also a middle-aged man. This man was Shen He. He was dressed in a long coat with a special style.

Shen He was panicked when he learned that it might be his nephew who was making trouble with the Tigers.

However, looking at this scene, he felt a lot more at ease in his heart.

Because of his nephew, he naturally knows how many catties there are.

Looking ahead, the man's back.

Shen He at this moment is more sure.

This Lin Tian is going crazy here.

The other Lin Tian disappeared in front of everyone without a trace.

"What about people? What's the matter?"

"He was here just now?"

Everyone was shocked to find that they were lost inexplicably.

Lin Tian's speed, in an instant, reached the limit, so they just lost it.

Everyone hasn't reacted to this situation.

When they reacted, there was a shock from the palace in front.

"not good!"

"That's where the Sect Master treasures his treasures!"

Everyone felt a little scary in a panic.

Unexpectedly, Lin Tian disappeared.

And now, it is most likely in the palace where the sovereign treasures the treasure.

If so, then they are dead.

Because the place where the sovereign treasures treasures, there must be many good things in it.

Lin Tian went in, then they, even if they really wanted to die.

At this moment, Lin Tian was really in it.

"Who is here!"

An old man appeared in front, looking slightly vicissitudes of life.

Yuansheng third order.


The strength of this Tiger Howl faction seems to be like this.

Lin Tian smiled slightly.

"That old man, let me go a little bit, I don't want to beat the old man."

At this moment, Lin Tian sounded loudly.

For this, the old man in front just smiled indifferently.

"Boy, don't be too arrogant, otherwise!"


The old man's words hadn't been finished, and Lin Tian immediately fisted him.

"Ah! Silk..."

The old man felt badly hurt.

He wanted to stand up, but found that he was a little out of control.

This situation makes him really uncomfortable.

Lin Tian just laughed at this moment.

"Old man, in fact, sometimes, you still have to do what you can. Otherwise, the result will be too miserable and you will be helpless. I advise you to lie down now, otherwise your life will be gone, it will really be gone."

With that, Lin Tian disappeared.

Hearing this, the old man was stunned.

He thought of resisting.

However, in Lin Tian's eyes just now, he inexplicably experienced a smell of killing intent.

It seems that if you move yourself, you will be killed by Lin Tian here.

Therefore, the old man at this moment was particularly shocked.

And Lin Tian broke into the treasure house directly.

After rushing in, Lin Tian felt a strong breath.


In an instant, Lin Tian's eyes lit up.

Because in front of me, a bunch of treasures appeared.

And he immediately collected the treasure in front of him.

Lin Tian naturally investigated the usual style of the Tigers.

This is a bandit sect.

Therefore, Lin Tian will not feel guilty about robbing them like this.

Besides, there are not many good things here.

It didn't seem to be too much to exchange success points for himself, but it still made Lin Tian look happy.

Perhaps this is another kind of joy of robbery.

"Ah! Junior!"


At this moment, in another place, Lin Tian was besieged by the three powerhouses.

Yuan Zun's peak is directly against Lin Tian.

"Split through the sun!"

"Prime Xuantian Fist!"

"Swire Shaking Fist!"

"Ding! Congratulations to the host for getting 100,000 exercise points!"

"Ding! Congratulations to the host for getting 100,000 exercise points!"

Attacks one after another, exploding frantically.

Lin Tian at this moment was extremely terrifying.

The three powerful men besieged him, but he was in danger. Although he was injured, he still looked good.

"It's true that the tiger fell into Pingyang and was bullied by the dog. The three of them couldn't bear it."

At this moment, Lin Tian sighed.

Several elders looked gloomy when they heard this.

Shen He directly said: "Boy, who are you? I don't even know you, why do you and I slander me?"

It seemed that Shen He was still quite angry.

"Oh, it seems that you still don't know the news that the Shen family has died."

Lin Tian looked at Shi Shenhe in front of him with a smile on his face.

Speak early and late, this guy knows it.

Therefore, there is no need to hide it.

Hearing this, Shen He looked at Lin Tian in disbelief.


Shen He roared.

He didn't receive any news about the death of the Shen family.

Lin Tian in front of him, could it be that he was deceiving him.

"Oh, I forgot to tell you that I killed the Shen family. Do you think I have this strength?"

Lin Tian looked at Shen He in front of him with a casual smile.

However, when Shen He listened to this, he felt that his whole person was about to run away.

Because Lin Tian was too rampant.

However, Shen He looked at Lin Tian furiously in his eyes.

Because Lin Tian in front of him seemed to have that strength.

The current Lin Tian was just suppressing the three of them.

From this we can see that his horror is beyond doubt.

The Shen family, could it really be destroyed by Lin Tian.

It is difficult for Shen He to accept this fact.

"Elder Shen, take this kid directly, the crazy torture will not end."

At the moment, Gong Guang left his mouth.

For these words, Shen He just looked at Lin Tian with venomous eyes.

"Okay! Kill!"

In an instant, the three of them rushed towards Lin Tian.

For this situation, Lin Tian just smiled indifferently.

"Come on then!"

The three powerhouses are coming, and it happens that he can add a little more power.

"Ding! Congratulations to the host for getting 100,000 exercise points!"

"Ding! It was checked that the host's leg was injured, and it costs 1000 power points to repair it!"

The practice is increasing little by little.

For Lin Tian, ​​he was in a good mood.

Although, being attacked by three people is uncomfortable.

"Ah! Who is it?"

At this time, a roar came from a distance.

The expressions of the three elders changed, and the people watching the battle next to them were shaking all over.

Because this voice is their lord.

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