I Can Pick Up a Million Exercises

Chapter 845: One to ten

This light, fast like thunder and lightning, rushed into Lin Tian's spirit like a broken bamboo.


Lin Tian's mind exploded in an instant.

This is the soul, so he hurts his mind as well.

The violent tearing pain, frantically attacked him.

However, Lin Tian wanted to resist, but felt particularly uncomfortable.

This feeling, as if there was something, was digging into his mind vigorously.

When the system used to instill things in him, it seemed the same, but I didn't expect to encounter it again today.

Lin Tian really didn't know, but fortunately, he should cry.

"Your uncle!"

With a roar, Lin Tian Divine Soul fainted directly in the ring.

In the ring at this moment, the vitality of heaven and earth rushed towards Lin Tian's spirit.

Lin Tianruo woke up and looked at this situation, he would be shocked.

I'm afraid he doesn't even know what happened?

The situation in front of me was naturally caused by the light just now.

And deep in his mind and soul, there was an extra layer, something indescribable.

I don't know how long it has been.

Lin Tian slowly opened his eyes.

Inexplicably, he was full of infinite power, as if he could dominate the world with a wave of his hand.

"This... what happened?"

In a daze, Lin Tian finally saw his surroundings clearly.

I saw a blank space, still blank, the pond with blue bricks was still a pond, and the flowing water in it was flowing back and forth, clear to the bottom.

It can be seen that the water in it is extremely shallow.

This left Lin Tian speechless. The owner of the ring is really too poor. Looking at the sky above, it is infinitely high. It should be a waterfall to come in directly.

I thought in my heart that Lin Tian just wanted to do it.

However, he found that he had no control over the ring.

This speaks out, I am afraid that others will laugh out loud.

You can't control the ring you refine yourself.

"Master, don't be discouraged, this thing is not simple, so you should be thankful that you will master it gradually, and there are more things in your mind, you can take a look."

A small reminder came.

For this, Lin Tian was puzzled.

something? What does this mean?

In an instant, Lin Tian started to check.

Looking at it this way, Lin Tian was stunned.

Because the things in my mind are some introductions about rings.

"The time and space ring, in which time and space, can be adjusted by the controller's thoughts. If the controller does not practice enough, it means that it cannot be controlled. It is a ten to one time ratio..."

Here, you can adjust the ratio of time.

This is called the Ring of Time and Space, with a total of nine levels, and each level requires different levels of strength.

And, there are different things waiting for itself.

And this, who left it, did not say.

It's such a simple inheritance.

Lin Tian looked happy in his heart.

The speed can be adjusted here, that's great, and there are eight floors behind, I don’t know what will happen?

"It seems that my current strength will gradually improve."

Lin Tian was very happy at this moment.

"Master, this place is really against the sky, it can reverse the power of time and space."

Xiaodu was also surprised at this time.

"Well, it is indeed against the sky, can the system do it?"

Lin Tian asked.

In response to this, Xiaodu said: "Of course it can be done, but you can't bear the required points."

Lin Tian at this moment has a smile on his face.

It's not bad to break a layer like this.

When his cultivation base grows in the future, he can refine the space-time ring in front of him.

"By the way, how many days have it been since Xiaodu?"

"One month has passed, Master."

Lin Tian was taken aback, a month had passed, it would have been too long.

Lin Tian at this moment is a little unbelievable.

I never thought that I would do it for so long.

"Master, you have to get used to it. In the future, the time to practice will only get longer and longer. There is no time in the mountains, and the practice will last indefinitely. You have to get rid of this idea.


Immediately, Lin Tian was the income.

"By the way, this ring seems to hold living things."

Lin Tian at this moment suddenly thought of this.

"Yes, Master, I want to take your Snow Spirit Beast in."

Listening to this, Lin Tian was slightly taken aback.

The last time something like that happened, Xiaodu immediately reminded him that the Xue Ling Beast was transferred to a space by Xiaodu.

"Okay, bring in the Xue Ling Beast."

At this moment, Lin Tian spoke with a smile on his face.

The furry snow spirit beast is tender and cute, with a trace of hair like snow.


When the Xue Ling Beast saw Lin Tian's soul state, it made a lovely voice.

You can see that it has a dozen white young teeth.

"Haha, what a little guy, you will stay here in the future and practice well. I will see you after a while."

Lin Tian stroked Xue Ling Beast's head.

Xue Ling Beast arched his hand spiritually.

"Hee hee, little guy, just be nice and I will go out."

Lin Tian smiled.

Xue Ling Beast glanced at Lin Tian reluctantly. After a year, it seemed to have improved a bit.

The strength of a body is much stronger.


In an instant, a pile of spirit stones appeared here.

At this moment, Lin Tian looked at the Lingshi pile in front of him, just as he looked at the Xue Ling Beast with a deep smile.

Xue Ling Beast's small pupils glowed.

Upon seeing it, Xue Ling Beast rushed towards the pile of Lingshi.

A burst of gluttony.

This operation made Lin Tian in front of him dumbfounded.

The Xue Ling beast in front of him was really greedy.

Immediately, Lin Tian disappeared here.

It has disappeared for some time now.

I also need to rush back to the North Bing Lingzhou.

At least, Lin Tian had to let everyone understand that there was nothing wrong with him actually?

However, he guessed that after the incident in Longma City, everyone should understand that he was actually fine.

Stepping out slowly, Lin Tian at this moment found an extremely powerful breath coming from the mountains and forests in the distance.

It is a spirit beast with some blood in a gluttonous pot, a fire source beast.

Yuansheng fifth stage.

"Just right, go try it!"

Lin Tian thought in his heart, and immediately rushed to the distance.

Leading to the next city, Siyang City.

Next, Lin Tian started to chase and kill spirit beasts frantically, improving his strength and skill points.

Xiaodu is responsible for navigating the route.

Lin Tian was quite satisfied with this situation.

This rhythm is not hurried or slow.

One month later, the news about Lin Tian fell to nothing.

Some people say that they have seen Lin Tian.

Some people say that Lin Tian is actually dead...

All these are heralding that Lin Tian's disappearance is full of mystery.

And Lin Tian, ​​naturally wouldn't say anything?

The crowd was so confused, exactly what he wanted to see.

Five days later, Lin Tian appeared under Siyang City.

At this moment, he finally figured out the function of the space-time ring.

It's yourself, you can enter into it at night to practice and enjoy the terrible facts of the ten days inside and the day outside.

And Lin Tian's clone was also directly collected into the space-time ring for cultivation.

The space-time ring is placed in one's body.

Such a situation satisfied Lin Tian.

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