I Can Pick Up a Million Exercises

Chapter 854: Strange ball

Young Master Ying showed a surprised look on his face,

Because Lin Tian in front of him is really extraordinary.

"A piece of emerald green spirit jade!"

In an instant, the boss dug it out.

This made everyone stunned.

"Something really happened. This emerald green spirit jade is worth at least one hundred fifth-grade spirit stones."

Everyone at this moment was shocked.

Lin Tian in front of them really surprised them.

After only a while, Lin Tian randomly identified one, and he was hit.

"Impossible, maybe it's just good luck, no one is lucky."

"Yes, absolutely."

A group of people began to ridicule again here.

For them, sometimes it is just not good to see others.

This is human nature and also belongs to the selfishness of the cultivator.

However, Lin Tian's smile at this moment did not show the slightest fluctuation.

It seems that the opinions of the people are not important to him at all.

The fact is true, for Lin Tian, ​​he just wants to achieve his goal.

"Can you choose another piece?"

At this moment, Young Master Ying looked at Lin Tian, ​​although he was surprised, but still suspicious.

"That piece, and another piece next to it, cut together, and the black piece."

Lin Tian casually pointed to the three pieces next to him.

For this situation, everyone is dumbfounded.

"Huh! It's impossible this time!"

"Yes, it is absolutely impossible for him to mess around at will."

In any case, they would not believe it even if they were killed.

But Lin Tian smiled indifferently.

In front of him, it seemed that nothing could shake his inner firmness.

"Boss, please help me cut it."

Lin Tian looked at the boss with a smile on his face.

"Ah, yes, that's okay."

The boss took out the emerald green spirit jade.

The jade looks smooth and translucent, giving people a pleasing feeling.

And in the jade, there are also a series of heaven and earth vitality, acting in it.

The situation is even more surprising.

"This is definitely top-grade green spirit jade, it's too..."

Even the boss couldn't help but marvel.

This situation made Lin Tian smile indifferently.

When it was opened just now, Xiaodu was already popular.

"Okay, this Xiongtai wait a minute."

With that said, the boss is going to cut it for Lin Tian.

Everyone looked at this scene expectantly, and some even prepared to mock.

As long as the cut is not good, they will vigorously attack Lin Tian.

Who made Lin Tian behave in front of Young Master Ying?

They are here, but they have not performed at all.

Isn't that, to steal their face?

The people who thought so in their hearts were staring at them.

Regarding the situation of everyone, Lin Tian naturally guessed everyone's thoughts, but he didn't want to say too much.

Too much, but let these people get an inch.


The stones fell piece by piece, and the boss before him looked like a carpenter.

At this moment, he was holding a small knife and struck directly.

The falling speed of the stone can be found to be very even.

"This boss is not easy!"

Lin Tian thought secretly in his heart.

At this time, the boss still cut very quickly.

Ten minutes later, the stone was cut open.

A scene that stunned everyone appeared, and a purple spirit stone appeared.

"Purple Yuanshi! This..."

Everyone held their breath.

The purple yuan stone found by the fist suddenly appeared and appeared in front of everyone.

This kind of stone can be used to refining spirit tools, and its value is very precious. Among them, this kind of stone is needed for earth-level spirit tools.

Everyone wants to say that this is too coincidental.

Lin Tian in front of him was really against the sky.

"It's not easy."

Young Master Ying next to him, Ying Xing looked at Lin Tian, ​​not knowing what to express?

Lin Tian, ​​I'm afraid he is no longer sitting up.

Whose luck is so good, then he also admires.

"Next piece."

The boss at the moment did not stop, but continued to cut.

It seems that the whole person looks very skillful when he raises the knife in his hand.

Looking at this situation, Lin Tian just laughed.

A few minutes passed.

A thumb-like stone appeared.

"Blue Luan Stone, the best material, a natural and excellent base mixer material."

Everyone was dumbfounded.

Everything is amazing.

Lin Tian in front of him already exists against the sky.

"It's so fierce, is this still a human?"

"Could he be a Master Tianyuan, otherwise how could he guess so many?"

The eyes of the people next to him were full of shock.

For this, some people are also skeptical.

Three times, this can never be luck.

"I don't know Mr.'s name?"

Ying Xing at the moment looked at Lin Tian with more respect in his eyes.

It seems that Ying Xing is relatively older, so Ying Xing directly calls Mr. Lin Tian.

"No last name, just one name, just no name."

Everyone was taken aback.

The unknown person is also low-key.

It's just that this City Lord's Mansion, if it can get a little relationship, I'm afraid it will be better.

In their hearts, they are happy.

"Haha, since Mr. Wuming is so powerful, why not go to the City Lord's Mansion? My father is also a person who likes strange flowers and stones."

Ying Xing looked at Lin Tian, ​​this was to introduce the city lord to Lin Tian.

At this, Lin Tian smiled slightly.

"Okay, then thank you, Master Ying. It happens to be a visit too."

"By the way, Mr. Wuming should give me three things like this?"

"Of course, it just depends on how much Master Ying pays?"

Although I want to make good this guy.

However, Lin Tian would naturally not let himself suffer.

If you suffer, then stop doing it.

For Lin Tian, ​​this situation is not allowed.

"All right, I have fifty thousand third-grade spirit stones, can Mr. Wuming cut love?"

Ying Xing looked at Lin Tian.

Fifty thousand third-grade spirit stones, in fact, changing these three types is indeed only a few.

If Lin Tian minds, maybe he can't get it.

Everyone next to him is also looking at Lin Tian, ​​wanting to know what will happen to Lin Tian?

At this moment. If you don't agree, you will miss the City Lord's Mansion.

Think about it if you have rejected others, how can others recommend others to you?

"Haha, Master Ying's, it must be the real price, I'm naturally the same."

Lin Tian smiled suddenly.

For this, Ying Xing just smiled.

Everyone nearby could see that Lin Tian knew how to be a human.

In this way, if you have a good relationship with the young master of the city lord's mansion, it will be equivalent to opening a way for your own life.

"Well, boss, you wrap me up, Mr. Wuming, let's go!"

Ying Xing looked happy.

If you count this way today, you can count yourself, and you have gained something, not as nothing.

Immediately, Yingxing led the way.

Lin Tian was behind him.

Although this seems like a small follower, Lin Tian doesn't care.

In just a few minutes, a few people arrived at the City Lord's Mansion, and the City Lord's Mansion in front of them looked majestic and tall.

As soon as you enter it, the buildings on all sides appear grand.

Lin Tian's eyes were slightly surprised.

This place is much bigger than Yu De's.

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