I Can Pick Up a Million Exercises

Chapter 858: The fluctuation of Wuqishan

For Lin Tian, ​​he is still very happy to listen.

He found a very important problem, and that is the Ying Xing in front of him. The news is indeed very well-informed.

Basically, the big guys here, Ying Xing, came here again.

Lin Tian listened with gusto.

In a blink of an eye, the setting sun went down.

Wu Qishan was still shaking, and everyone was eyeing it.

If they hadn't seen Wu Qishan's Lingbao, everyone would probably not leave.

Everyone at this moment is just watching, and Lin Tian is sitting cross-legged directly.

Yingxing next to me is admiration.

"Mr. Wuming is really magnanimous, and he meditates here for such a time."

Ying Xing is ashamed.

Ying Fengxing glanced at Lin Tian indifferently.

And in the Ghost Territory Lingzhou, a group of people looked gloomy.

"Elder, there are so many people here, how should we fight for a while?"

One of the gloomy men spoke.

All of them are basically gray robes with added bodies.

When talking, I can't see the human face, the only thing is to hear the voice.

The person standing at the forefront is the leader of the Ghost Territory Lingzhou this time.

"Humph! Whoever wants to stop, kill!"

The elder's tone was full of endless killing intent.

For him, it seems that only killing can suppress the surging and excitement in his heart at this moment.

And on the other side, the people of Xishan Lingzhou.

It seems that seven or eight bald heads are still a bit conspicuous, plus a slightly yellow robes. Just let people recognize that this is a monk.

"Brother, in this situation, we don't know when is the head?"

A monk with a thick neck spoke.

It seems. He is a little impatient.

However, the leading monk has a calm expression on his face.

"Monk, calm and calm in everything, it's useless to be anxious."

After that, the monk just closed his eyes.

In this situation, the people next to him felt anxious.

This is an inexplicable impatience.

"A good method. Use this trick to increase the impatience next to you. These old bald donkeys are still just as mean."

The white-haired old man at the moment just spoke.

He said nothing.

However, no one dared how to treat him?

Because the old follower is the pinnacle of the Yuan Emperor himself.

At this moment, those monks are just no matter how upset they are with the elderly.

Also, you can't be arbitrary.

Otherwise, it is an act of seeking death.

So many people will definitely besiege them first.

In a blink of an eye, it was dark.

At this moment, Wuqi Mountain is shining light, Yaohua nine days.

It looks extremely dazzling, probably. This is where Wuqi Mountain is so attractive to everyone.

It is this kind of scenery that will make people linger.

"A good rest, like Mr. Wuming, that is the best."

Ying Xing looked at Lin Tian, ​​talking to himself.

Naturally, Lin Tian did not hear this.

At this moment, he is in the ring of time and space, practicing well.

When Lin Tian was cultivating, he had already asked Xiaodu to pay attention to the outside, and if there was any situation, he had to notify him.

Therefore, Lin Tian at this moment naturally cultivated with peace of mind.

The mountain shook, and a pile of rocks rolled in.

Fortunately, the Yuan Emperor teamed up and arranged a barrier here, completely blocking the attack.

For this situation, everyone is very happy.

At least it proved a problem, the strong Yuan Emperor would not stand idly by.

Time gradually passed, and three days passed in a blink of an eye.

With a flick of a finger, for the cultivator, this is nothing at all.

However, this news spread to the vicinity, and then the entire East Lin Lingzhou.

"What? Wu Qishan has reopened!"

"This is horrible!"

"Does the Valkyrie powerhouse really exist?"

A group of people, infinite horror.

They all want to see.

For a time, people from all major Lingzhou continents madly came to Wuqi Mountain.

Wuqi Mountain five days later.

A terrible force burst open.


"Master, wake up!"

A voice came.

Listening to this, Lin Tian woke up from a deep sleep.

At this moment, Lin Tian felt an infinite power coming.


"Mr. Wuming, leave quickly!"

Yingxing's voice came from nearby.

This surprised Lin Tian.

Wu Qishan in front of me? What happened?

For them, they don't know that Wu Qishan is mysterious and terrifying, and it is really incredible.

The destructive force struck a hundred li.

The crowd went away.


Here, the big trees in the sky are shattering, and the dust and rocks are all flying scenes.

The power of each road is shaking.


There were a lot of powerhouses who didn't have time to react, and they were immediately shocked and killed.

For this situation, everyone fled further.

In an instant, everyone went straight to the distance.

At this time, Wu Qishan instantly fell to the ground.

It looks scary.

The ground was sinking hundreds of meters deep, and everyone who was too far away was stunned looking at the rising Wuqi Mountain.

No one would have thought that such a thing would happen.

Obviously, Wu Qishan, which was still fluctuating, had this turmoil at this moment.

"Mr. Wuming, you wake up, luckily you run fast!"

Ying Xing looked at Lin Tian with an afterthought, and in his eyes, he was afraid.

Lin Tian looked into the distance, naturally also in shock.

The objects that everyone left there were crushed in an instant.

"Well, thank you Young Master Ying for reminding me just now, I understand a little bit."

Lin Tian spoke at this moment.

"It's terrible, can we still go to Wuqishan?"

A strong Yuan Emperor spoke.

Even the strong men of the Yuan Emperor said such things. One can imagine the despair of the people next to him.

"Hey, let's go back, this kind of stay shouldn't be long."

A man spoke, he was in the realm of Yuansheng.

"Yeah, this place really can't get in at all, it's really uncomfortable."

A group of people sighed helplessly in their hearts.

In front of Wu Qishan, such a terrifying situation broke out, how dare they act there?

Now they can only step back.

Just like Ying Fengxing and Xishan Lingzhou and other powerful people, they certainly wouldn't be afraid.

Suddenly, a bunch of people just went away.

But Wu Qishan was once again covered with a veil of mystery, and no one saw the scene.

"What to do? We can't always wait here, right?"

At this moment, a powerful man of the seventh rank of Yuan Emperor looked at Ying Fengxing and complained.

For this, Ying Fengxing smiled faintly.

"Of course you can't wait, but it's not now."


The people next to the City Lord's Mansion were taken aback.


They seem to have waited a long time.

"Mr. Wuming, you look at the people on those two continents, it seems that you can't hold back your breath."

Yingxing at the moment speaks.

Lin Tian looked in the direction of Yingxing.

I saw people from two continents, their faces gloomy, and they were moving.

A dull breath is rippling away.

For this situation, obviously I want to do it.

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