I Can Pick Up a Million Exercises

Chapter 877: Lin Tian's terrible

Therefore, if they stay longer, it will only become more embarrassing.

It might as well, really stepped aside and let Lin Tianlai perform.

In this way, it's okay.

This should be the most arrogant words they have ever heard.

Lin Tian in front of him was really crazy.

Terrible power, crazy burst.


The power of one road is bursting infinitely.

Everyone looked at, surprised.

Lin Tian is really strong.

"Kacha Kacha..."

Under the power of Lin Tian's formation method, each puppet shattered directly.


"This guy, really did it!"

Some people stammered.

The person who satirized Lin Tian just now had an ugly face, as if he had eaten flies.

"It's not easy."

The leader of Xiangyang said inexplicably.

The Puhui Mage next to him just smiled kindly.

"This unnamed benefactor does not seem to be an ordinary person, it is indeed quite strong."

The rest of the Yuan Emperor peak powerhouse also spoke.

Ying Fengxing did not speak.

However, the look in Lin Tian's eyes was full of curiosity.

Lin Tian in front of him is indeed not simple.

The strength of the whole body looks particularly scary.

Also, the formation power in Lin Tian's hands.

It is enough to see that Lin Tian has very strong attainments in formation.

"very good!"

At this moment, Lin Tian smiled slightly.

However, at this time, the broken puppets began to regroup.

Everyone was astonished by this situation.

I saw Lin Tian still working on it. After all, there were fifty or sixty puppets, and it was quite laborious to kill.

"Haha, I thought he had any tricks. It turns out that he will be resurrected after he fights. What's the difference between this and the powerful ones?"

Huang An was ridiculing at the moment.

The person next to him did not speak.

A discerning person can see that Lin Tian can do what he is now, already very powerful.

Moreover, Lin Tian was only a third-order Yuan Emperor.

Compared with the people at the peak of the Yuan Emperor, there is a world of difference.

The current Lin Tian can only be said to be very tough.


"Since you have such a big opinion on me, then watch it?"

Lin Tian smiled faintly at Huang An's words.

The show just started, they were so anxious.

At this moment, Lin Tian's eyes focused on the spiritual medicine behind the many puppets.

This should be a test of Valkyrie.

And it was this test that caused headaches for the powerhouses at the peak of the Yuan Emperor.

Could it be that if the strong Tianyuan came, would it not have a headache?

If this is the case, then the things in it actually don't make much sense.

After all, it can't seduce the interest of the strong Tianyuan.


Lin Tian continued to observe and continued to take action.

"Xiaodu, can you collect the many spirit stones and spirit treasures in front of this distance?"

Lin Tian asked Xiaodu.

Xiaodu listened to this, and then said: "Master, it's okay, but it may not be possible to extract it from a distance."

"That's OK, you unknowingly take the first two-thirds of it, and leave one-third of it. No, just keep some, don't keep that much."

Lin Tian suddenly felt that he was too kind.

This formation method was cracked by yourself, and it would be good for everyone. What do you leave so much for?

Thinking of this, Lin Tian was ready to act.

"Okay, master."

Xiaodu also started to act.

Lin Tian just increased the attack.

It seems very hard work.

Everyone is just by the side, watching slightly.

For them, Lin Tian in front of them was very happy with such hard work.

After all, if someone is fighting in front, they only need to take advantage of it.

However, everyone actually didn't expect that those things had been taken away by Xiaodu.

Xiaodu at this moment is charging wildly.

Lin Tian can feel it.

"Ding! Congratulations to the host for obtaining the 3rd grade spirit stone!"

"Ding! Congratulations to the host for acquiring the Blue God Grass..."

"Ding! Congratulations to the host..."

From the system's hint, Lin Tian's face was filled with happiness.

"Huh, what is this guy happy about?"

"Does he think he can crack this formation? It's just a dream."

Huang An looked at Lin Tian with an unhappy expression on his face.

For Lin Tian at this moment, there is a smile in his eyes.

"Master, it's all finished, very rich."

A small voice came.

It sounds like Xiaodu is very happy.

Lin Tian was naturally very happy too.

"Okay, nice, nice, now it's my turn to perform."

With that said, Lin Tian is acting.

"Formation universe, come!"

In an instant, Lin Tian took action.

As far as Lin Tian is concerned, he used to be small and small, but now he is on the right track.

Changing shape and shadow, Lin Tian weirdly shuttled among the puppets, looking extremely mysterious.

The people next to him were taken aback, and still puzzled.

Only those who know some formations are slightly surprised.

"Is he breaking the formation?"

Lin Tian suddenly appeared among many puppets.

"What is he doing? It's ridiculous to just run around."

"Hahaha, this person probably just wanted to show the limelight, but now he is recruiting."

The Huang family laughed mercilessly.

"If you don't have the ability, don't mess around randomly."

Huang An spoke loudly.

Lin Tian ignored it.

Under the surprised look of everyone.

At this moment, Lin Tian shot in an instant.

"Break for me!"

A series of golden formations were shot from Lin Tian's hands.


There was a continuous broken voice.

Everyone was shocked, it was hard to imagine what was going on?

In their thoughts, Lin Tian in front of them should just be blocking it.

But now, many puppets are directly broken and completely broken, and they are not a puppet. It's a lot of tools.



Someone was surprised.

"He will be resurrected, I think he is much in vain."

A group of people is a random blow.

At this moment, behind Lin Tian, ​​there was no movement at all.

Those broken puppets are no longer resurrected.

"Impossible! Let's wait a little longer, maybe we will be resurrected soon."

A strong man of the fifth rank of Yuan Emperor from the Huang family spoke.

In response to this, everyone next to him turned dark.

Hearing what the strong man meant, it seemed that he wanted these puppets to wake up.

Isn't this harmful?

Wouldn't it be better if the puppet could sleep completely?

As a result, this guy now hopes so.

I saw Lin Tian with a faint smile.

"Everyone, you can pass."

Lin Tian looked calm.

The dead puppets on the ground seem to have nothing to do with him.

What everyone strong sees is that they are inexplicably ashamed.

Lin Tian in front of him was too strong.

Many powerful players did not solve it, but Lin Tian actually solved it directly.

This situation is not Lin Tianqiang, or what?

After finishing speaking, Lin Tian randomly put the body of a puppet into his ring.

Then he went forward and walked to the crowd in the City Lord's Mansion.

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