I Can Pick Up a Million Exercises

Chapter 886: Break the line

Tier 5?

Lin Tian listened, feeling helpless in his heart.

Good guy, how could this formation level be so high.

If this is the case, how can I crack it?

I felt helpless for a while.

For Lin Tian, ​​this is helpless.

After all, this formation is stronger than the formation he has cracked now.

Therefore, I can't help it now.


From the red lightning, crazy strikes.

Lin Tian was surprised at this situation.

I saw the emptiness of the sky, and countless lightning descended, coming crazy.

Everyone in the Ghost Race was also surprised by this situation.

Among them, the head of Xiangyang looked at him in horror.

"What's the matter? This formation is weird."

The Lord Xiangyang roared, the whole person was crazy.

For him, he just wants to break this formation at the moment.

However, things were counterproductive, no matter how powerful he was, the formation in front of him could not be solved by strength after all.

This is a formation, very difficult.

With such a scene, the leader of Xiangyang is a headache.

Because of this, not just because of strength.

More, it will be because of the way out of the formation.

"Master Xiangyang, if you hold on, I will know a little bit of formation, so you wait."

Lin Tian planned to try it himself.

After all, Lin Tian couldn't stand by and watch this situation.

Once you can't get out, then everyone can't get out.

This naturally also includes Lin Tian.

For the safety of his life, Lin Tian naturally came out.

Entrusting life to others is the most irresponsible behavior.

"You know how to form."

The leader of Xiangyang looked at Lin Tian, ​​half-believing.

I can't figure it out, can Lin Tian in front of me work?

The Ghost Clan people nearby also showed doubts.

In this nihility space, everything seems to have turned into nothingness.

One after another, lightning struck down frantically.

Even if it is the leader of Xiangyang, it feels slightly difficult.

After all, he is just a person.

At this moment, the power of the roads crazily collapsed. !

"So strong!"

Lin Tian was surprised.

The leader of Xiangyang in front of him is really not simple.

Thinking about it, Lin Tian knew that he didn't have much time.

"Heaven and earth, chaos, mysterious and righteous law..."

In an instant, from Lin Tian's hands, terrible formations were punched out.

Everyone of the Ghost Race looked at Lin Tian with surprise in their eyes.

Unexpectedly, Lin Tian still had such a hand in front of him.

For Lin Tian, ​​this is also commonplace.

"Master, the fifth-order formation is as difficult as heaven for you."

Xiaodu's voice came, some helpless voices.

For this, Lin Tian felt uncomfortable.

"Xiaodu, what can I do? You can get rid of the formation in front of me, it consumes less points."

Lin Tian raised this question in his heart.

So far, he can think of it, that's it.

After all, if you have strong strength, maybe it's okay.

But it happened to be so, so Lin Tian was more helpless.

"Master, you can upgrade to the fifth-order formation mage realm in one minute. Are you sure to crack this formation?"

"Huh? One minute?"

Lin Tian meditated.

At this moment, the leader of Xiangyang looked at Lin Tian with a slight anger in his eyes.

He has resisted this formation with all his strength.

But look at Lin Tian, ​​this guy looks. There seems to be nothing.

This is what makes the leader of Xiangyang the most angry.

"Well, one minute is enough."

After making a budget, Lin Tian thought it was feasible.

"Ding! Congratulations to the host for being promoted to Tier 5 Array Mage, with 30 million points deducted."

In an instant, the prompt sound of the system came.

Lin Tian instantly felt the world change in his eyes.

The fifth-order array mage looked at the sun in this world, all changed.


The red **** thunder came crazy.

In response to this situation, Lin Tian didn't hesitate to make a crazy shot.

"Break for me!"




In an instant, Lin Tian made several terrible marks in his hands.

The people next to him were stunned for a moment.

The thin figure, looking at Lin Tian, ​​felt particularly horrified.

There is such a strong person in this world.

"very scary!"

A strong ghost speaks.



It only took a dozen seconds for Lin Tian to find the eye of this formation, and then directly seized the opportunity to crack it directly.


A minute’s time, in a blink of an eye.

"Be careful!"

At this moment, the leader of Xiangyang roared, and a vigorous force enveloped everyone.


The world before him collapsed.

This formation broke instantly.

Lin Tian took the most direct method of breaking the formation with violence, and there was no danger.

In an empty space, everyone from the Ghost Race, plus Lin Tian, ​​stood in the empty space.

The tattered clothes, the breath of the whole body was slightly weakened, and it was indescribable.

Lin Tian now looks extremely sloppy.

In such a situation, the leader Xiangyang next to you was taken aback.

Although Lin Tian was also under his protection just now, because of time issues, he could not completely shelter him.

As a result, Lin Tian was blasted like this by God Thunder.

"It's really frustrated, the formation is clearly broken, it's still so miserable."

Lin Tian felt uncomfortable.

In the front, one by one spheres of light exist.

Presumably, everyone who was teleported to this space was trapped in it.

"Thank you just now, Mr. Wuming."

Master Xiangyang looked at Lin Tian. I said this suddenly.

Thank you?

Lin Tian looked at him in surprise.

This guy has a distinguished status, and he didn't expect to say thank you to himself.

But now that he said that, he reluctantly accepted it.

"It's okay, just a little effort."

Lin Tian still guarantees basic modesty.

"Master, they seem to be trapped in it, shall we save them?"

A ghost man spoke.

Master Xiangyang lowered his brows and seemed to be thinking.

For these people in front of him, whether they are saved or not, it seems that the impact is not very big for him.

However, the strong man at the peak of Yuan Emperor. For this action, the impact was very large.

So, it's decided, will he save or not?

After all, those people are likely to be used in the disaster that follows.

"Let me try."

The Lord Xiangyang decided to save it.

Lin Tian looked at him with a calm smile on his face.

For him, the life and death of those people has nothing to do with him.

On the contrary, some people who wanted his life died, and he was very happy.


Suddenly, a vibrating sound came.

Lin Tian was shocked.

This is from above.

Depending on the situation, it should be the previous Tianyuan powerhouse who went up and fought on it.

As a result, it came down here.

For this, Lin Tian was surprised.

Because this means that even if they go up and the strong Tianyuan is on it, isn't it just looking for death?

Can only pray, don't meet the Tianyuan powerhouse so soon.

"Ghost Yin Shen Yin Fist!"

Master Xiangyang blasted out with a punch.

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