I Can Pick Up a Million Exercises

Chapter 898: Shock everyone

For Lin Tian, ​​he couldn't take care of that much at this moment.

When he rushed to the top and reached the exit, his strength was almost exhausted.

Also brought a person, just a god, I'm afraid they will feel desperate.

At this moment, it was already difficult for him to find a landing point for climbing.

Basically, it is relying on the strength of the physical body to rush up quickly.

There is no stopping.

If it were not for the power of space, Lin Tian would certainly not take risks.

This is equivalent to stepping on the air every time.

This is something no one else can do.

"Who is he?"

At this moment, everyone who came to the exit of the passage was finally safe.

Seeing Lin Tian rushing up quickly, everyone was shocked.

Lin Tian is terrible.

In such a short time, he immediately rushed forward.

"The light in his body?"

Someone discovered all this very carefully.

Lin Tian at this moment is terrifying.

A white light was looming on his skin, like energy.

For this situation, Lin Tian is a headache.

"Fuck me!"

Holding the woman, Lin Tian took the last step and rushed on the road, then rushed towards the passage frantically.

At this time, he just didn't let go of the woman.

If this guy falls again, wouldn't he fall short.

Therefore, Lin Tian hugged him and rushed.

The face of the woman under the veil was directly red.

There has never been anyone who knew of a man, relying on her so close.

Not to mention, hold it up.

At this moment, Lin Tian felt as if he sprinted, like a 100-meter sprint, without thinking about anything else.

"Hurry up………"

Master Xiangyang was in the distance, shouting for a while.

In this scene, as if the exit is the end, the champion is there.

This made Lin Tian feel helpless for a while, good fellow, he also took part in saving people.

What is this situation?

Didn't you come to find your baby? But who makes yourself a good person? Besides, saving the ghost saint in front of me is not for nothing.

In this case, the leader of Xiangyang would owe him a love.

In this way, Lin Tian did not suffer.

After all, now, so many people hate him.

If there is support and shelter from the leader of Xiangyang, Lin Tian should also feel more at ease.


In an instant, a huge stone hit Lin Tian directly.

"Are you OK?"

The saint of the ghost race spoke for a moment, and the words were full of concern.


Lin Tian spewed out blood.

The whole body was full of energy and blood, and the whole person was full of discomfort.

The internal organs were all shattered.

The huge rock also hit him and rolled down into the magma smoothly.

Faced with this situation, what can Lin Tian say?

At this moment, he can only say a word, really shameless stone.

Run if you hit someone!

Who will be responsible for your own injuries?


At this time, Lin Tian kicked one foot, and at this moment, he finally reached the passage.

"Girl, are you okay?"

At this time, the first sentence is not the concern of the leader of Xiangyang, but the greeting of the leader of Xiangyang to the saint of the ghost race.

In response to this, Lin Tian just wanted to spit out blood again.

Please see clearly, it is him who is lying on the ground now, but not the saint.

The saint, protected by herself, seemed to be completely fine at this moment.

"I'm fine, what do you think of him, Uncle Xiang?"

The saint spoke with a sweet voice.

It was the first time everyone heard the voice of the ghost saint in front of them.

She had just entered before, and it seemed that when the ghost rod was taken away, she made a screaming sound, but there would be no more.

"By the way, Mr. Wuming, are you okay?"

Guru Xiangyang just remembered now, he seemed to have overlooked an unknown person.

Regarding this situation, Lin Tian wanted to kill people and divide the body by five horses. This reaction speed was enough for himself.

"I'm fine, Master Xiangyang don't have to worry, but I don't want to forget that I owe me a favor."

Lin Tian is here, but the leader Xiangyang protects himself.

When people around listened to this, they secretly admired Lin Tian.

Too courageous, at this moment, I'm afraid no one would dare to provoke Lin Tian.

Lin Tian in front of him has become the strong here inexplicably.

Obviously he was only a sixth-order guy of the Yuan Emperor, but a little bit, it became a formation that everyone could not ignore, and now it has become the object of protection by the leader of Xiangyang.

All this illustrates a problem.

Lin Tian must not be simple in front of him, he even hid even more powerful secrets.

In short, everyone was curious about the current Lin Tian.

"Well, you don't need to look at me now, think about what we will encounter when we move forward?"

Lin Tian diverted everyone's attention.

For a moment, everyone thought of the previous scene, and they were all scared.

The countless fireballs, formations, and huge falling stones.

All of this proves the horror here, as well as the perversion of the master who arranged all this.

If there are a few weaker ones, it is certain that they will be killed.

Because there were too many dangers, I came in and survived entirely by luck.

I have to say that the luck of a few people is still very good.

Then everyone started to take action.

At the forefront are the heads of several families.

At this time, they naturally believe that there is no microx ahead


At this moment, everyone is moving forward.

For them, it is also extremely cautious at the moment.

Nowadays, except for those who have shelter, the rest are basically dead and injured.

This is not Lin Tian joking or bragging, but it is true.

This makes Lin Tian also have to believe.

The horror of the Wushen Temple is not a blow.

I don't know how long it has been, the few people in front of me have traveled for a long time.


Suddenly, they felt empty under their feet.

"Ahhh...what's going on?"

In an instant, someone fell under his feet.

Lin Tian was surprised at this situation.

In a blink of an eye, the ground that everyone stepped on collapsed.

At this moment, everyone panicked and fell directly.


Some strong people can't help but roar up till now.

They were not reconciled, so they burped like this.

"Xiaodu, am I in danger?"

At this time, Lin Tian asked Xiaodu directly.

In general, small degrees can be solved.

"Master, landed right away, tooth decay."

what? So fast!

At this moment, Lin Tian felt that the whole person was just landing.


In an instant, his whole person was hit on the ground.

For this situation, Lin Tian grinned in pain.

The rest is the same.

Back, finally back, the magnificent sixth floor space.

The strength and mystery of the Wushen Temple is indeed not something ordinary people can come to.

"Dao Qinghe, you still don't leave!"

At this time, a voice suddenly came.

"Jian San, shoot!"

"Qingyue, can't delay!"

The people below Lin Tian looked up in shock.

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