I Can Pick Up a Million Exercises

Chapter 901: The sorrow of the four powerhouses

At this moment, the surrounding magnificent, seemingly solid walls moved unexpectedly.

This situation means that in this environment, there are a lot of formations.

It is this wall, all in the formation.

The four people in front of them all have to concentrate because of the spirit weapon.

"No matter what, kill me!"

Jian San roared, and the long sword in his hand trembled.

Regret at this moment, that is a failure, and the cultivation level will be affected?

Therefore, we must go all out, only to succeed, not to fail, as did the other three.

Seeing them, the green veins were exposed, just to control these spiritual weapons in front of them.


"Ho **** ho ho..."

"No! What is it?"

For a moment, the four heard the roar of the spirit beast.


At this moment, they seemed to wake up, what seemed to be discovered?


In an instant, the four wanted to leave.

"Want to leave? Dreaming."

In the void, that voice sounded again.

At this moment, the four powerhouses are pulling away one after another. At this time, they realized that something big had happened.

The beast soul was in it, and the Qinghe Daoists touched them at this moment, and it was a surge of infinite power.



In an instant, a terrible explosion occurred here.


Accompanied by the sound of screaming, followed.

The four figures were madly submerged in the power of this space for an instant.

Without any mercy, it is so terrifying.

The entire sixth floor was covered with golden light.

The four great Tianyuan powerhouses are no longer visible.

If someone sees this kind of situation, I'm afraid it will be shocked. What happened?


At this moment, Lin Tian was hit by an invisible force and crawled on the ground.

"It's terrible, my fame, what happened?"

At this time, Lin Tian was full of doubts.

Inexplicably, this happened to me.

Say it out. I'm afraid no one will believe it.

"It's really hard."

At this time, Lin Tian got up a little bit, and his whole body seemed weak.

"What happened above?"

Lin Tian was curious, why did he do that just now?

"Master, be careful, it's a battle between Tianyuan powerhouses, and if you go up, it will be a life of nine deaths."

A small update came.

Listening to this, Lin Tian was slightly taken aback.

A life of nine deaths?

It's horrible, and he can't get up.

However, thinking of the explosion just now, a crazy idea emerged in Lin Tian's mind, which no one else had.

Thinking like this in his heart, Lin Tian took action and hurried to the seventh floor.

If everyone knew, Lin Tian's crazy behavior at this moment.

Will definitely curse, Lin Tian this lunatic.


In an instant, Lin Tian entered the passage.

This time, there was no obstacle in the passage, and Lin Tian went in very easily.

Lin Tian himself was afraid of this situation.

It's not normal anymore.

But now, he can't manage that much.

Since it is here, you have to take a good look.

"Huh! I don't believe you won't come out!"

Outside the Martial God Hall, Huang An at the moment, staring at the Martial God Hall angrily.

Many people are still waiting.

For example, Master Puhui wanted to kill Lin Tian. For Lin Tian ate the relics, and forced himself to refining, Master Puhui kept it in his heart.

"He has offended a lot of people."

At this moment, the saint of the ghost tribe muttered.

"Hey, whoever can save the person this guy has offended."

At this time, the leader of Xiangyang sighed.

The first time I met Lin Tian, ​​almost everyone was offended.

But at this moment, I don't know if Lin Tian is scared? What's wrong? It hasn't come down yet.

Everyone is expecting and guessing.

They must not have thought.

At this moment, Lin Tian had already rushed to the seventh floor.

As soon as I went up, I saw a hazy golden light.

Ok? What happened?

Lin Tian felt strange in his heart, but he could feel that the void was filled with the breath of terrifying power.

"Master, be careful, there is something in front of you."

A small, cautious voice came.

Hearing this, Lin Tian looked forward in confusion.

Immediately, Lin Tian moved forward step by step.

"Well, here's another one, recklessly."

Suddenly a voice came from the void.

It sounds hostile and very unfriendly.

Lin Tian was shocked by this situation.

Who is this? Valkyrie?

But Valkyrie, shouldn't it be dead?

"Hey, interesting boy, what are you doing? Boy."

This interested voice came from the void.

Hearing this voice, Lin Tian was slightly taken aback.

I still felt murderous just now, why did you feel a lot gentler all at once?

Secretly this person, he really can't see through!

"Answering to senior, I just passed by here accidentally, so I just came up and took a look. Actually, I don't have any other thoughts."

Lin Tian said pure.

However, all ghosts know that Lin Tian came here because he was not pure in his heart, so he came up. As a result, he said that he had no other thoughts.

If this is said, no one would believe it.

"You kid, you're not honest at all, do you think I will believe you?"


Lin Tian was embarrassed about this.

"Well, senior, I just came to observe, Senior Valkyrie is great, just take a look at it and leave, you can't mind."

"Of course I don't mind. It's been a long time since no one has come. Your kid is also interesting. You keep walking forward. Let me see if you have the ability to accept this Valkyrie inheritance."



For an instant, Lin Tian felt a shock in his heart.

The Martial God inheritance was originally in this Martial God Temple.

"Cough cough cough... save me."

At this time, a fragile voice came.

Lin Tian felt that if he had heard the wrong words, it should be the sound coming from the dim golden light.

"Well, someone."

Thinking in his heart, Lin Tian just attacked out.


I saw a terrible force burst out from the golden light.

This situation surprised Lin Tian. Is there anything in it?

He was puzzled.

After all, I haven't seen the things in it, but it should not be easy to imagine.

"Help me! Please."

At this time, a weak cry for help came again.


Lin Tian's heart jumped, there is someone here, there is only one possibility.

The four powerhouses that came up just now.

Are they all trapped in this golden light?

No way? Is this golden light so terrible?

"Boy, this is not something you can manage. The four are asking for trouble. I advise you to do what you should do."

The voice of the man came from the void.

Lin Tian was even more surprised at this, and he was right.

In that golden light, four people should be trapped collectively.

No wonder myself, did you feel so weird just now?

It turned out that there was a big battle here.

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