"Boy, how did you do it? Shut through the space barrier, unless you are a strong Tianyuan with a perfect space, or stronger, you can't! Absolutely impossible!"

The strong man in the dark roared, expressing distress.

Lin Tian in front of him was really incredible.

For this, Lin Tian felt helpless for a while.

"Senior, I will recover and answer your question again."

At this moment, Lin Tian crossed his legs and began to recover.

The Venerable Qingyue next to him looked at Lin Tian, ​​his expression full of strangeness, and there was also an indescribable weirdness.

Lin Tian rescued himself without a trace of excitement or excitement on his face, as if it were a random act.

This made Venerable Qingyue's self-esteem more or less hit.

I never thought that Lin Tian would ignore him so much.

And at this time, invisibly, Venerable Qingyue's soul had an additional imprint of the heavenly path, that is, the imprint of the heavenly path under Lin Tian's orders.

She swears just now that ancient and modern times are officially effective.

"Hey, my famous name, Venerable Qingyue I, actually ruined this person."

Venerable Qingyue sighed in his heart.

If she wants to repent of this oath, it would be a heavy punishment from the heavens, the magical path into the heart, and a breakthrough in the future.

Therefore, without a last resort, Venerable Qingyue could not betray Lin Tian, ​​basically he was playing at Lin Tian's orders.

At the same time, Venerable Qingyue was also curious, how did the method Lin Tian used just now come from?

He was pulled out, scary quickly, although he was still attacked by golden light and was seriously injured.

But at least, his fate was saved.

With just a little bit, Lin Tian was a step against the sky, how could it be possible for ordinary Yuan Emperor powerhouses.

Tangled in his heart, Venerable Qingyue could only recover from his injury first.

In this way, he can also save his life, not to mention the martial arts light, which almost melts her.

Those three people who wanted to come, should have run out of oil.

This martial arts temple, Tian Yuan came here, also had to die.

And they rushed directly to the seventh floor, wanting to **** the inheritance of the Valkyrie, and even more want to get the spiritual weapon in it.

Relying on this, so secretly the strong shot, the martial **** light attack, so that the four great Tianyuan strong men died and disappeared, it became so simple.

In such a situation, no one believes if I say it.

However, this is the case.

As time passed a little bit, everyone outside the Martial God Hall was waiting for anger.

"What's the matter? That kid won't die inside, right?"

Bi Huang An's veins were exposed, and his whole body was murderous.

Thinking of the details of Lin Tian insulting him, I just couldn't bear it.

As for the Puhui Master, it is much calmer.

"I believe he won't die so easily. Let's wait, that guy will definitely come down."

Everyone thought so, but Lin Tian at this moment was recovering indifferently cross-legged.

Now the practice points are also exhausted.

His inner mood is terrible.


"Ah, I've finally recovered, don't talk about the golden light hit, it really hurts."

Lin Tian looked angry.

Immediately he got up and saw Venerable Qingyue recovering next to him.

Through the veil, he seemed to see an angel-like face and this devil-like figure, absolutely a stunner.

However, Lin Tian calmed down immediately.

Anyway, he is now the same character as the boss.

"Boy, just say, how did you get the space barrier? This is absolutely impossible."

Secretly the strong attacked, for Lin Tian, ​​he did not intend to let it go.

Listening to this voice, Lin Tian felt helpless.

This guy is really lingering, didn't he just use the space barrier, making a fuss.

"Senior, I don’t want to hide it. I am a space array mage, and my master will naturally have this space barrier. Just now I used what he left for me. You don’t need to be too surprised. from."

Lin Tian said, his face is not red, his heart is not beating, and he is completely calm and flawless.

Hearing this, the strong man in the dark was silent.

Because what Lin Tian said is not impossible.

"Huh, I'm not a strong person in the space department. I don't know the truth or not when I tell you, but I believe that your kid is not easy. Then you can go to the eighth floor and accept the test of the Valkyrie. I want to see See if you can inherit the inheritance of the Valkyrie?"

Valkyrie inheritance?

Lin Tian was slightly surprised.

Was it the man I saw when I first came in?

One person is the leader, even if the whole world is enemies, there is nothing to fear.

That courage is really admirable and look up.

"Okay, thank you senior, can I take her up there? I think it's too dangerous for me to go up alone."

Lin Tian opened his mouth requestingly at this moment.

"This is your freedom. Going up to the Tianyuan realm is useless after all, because the inheritance is not selected according to the realm. You are all ordinary people going up."

The strong secretly spoke at will.

I go!

Lin Tian was secretly speechless in his heart, and came up with the dagger.

Time without strength is always powerless.

"Okay, the opening mark is right by the side, I believe I don't need to remind you, you can figure it out."

With that said, the strong in the dark is silent.

But Lin Tian looked at the recovering Venerable Qingyue with a complicated expression.

But one thing worthy of surprise is the existence of Venerable Qingyue.

From now on, I can basically walk sideways.

In addition, he will soon be in the realm of Tianyuan, and he will be able to kill the Quartet by then.

Thinking of the existence of the six major forces when returning to the North Ice Lingzhou in his heart, Lin Tian had murderous intent in his heart.

If those guys don't kill themselves desperately, now, I am afraid that he will live a happy life.

A good journey of cultivation, a happy trip to pick up girls, abruptly turned into a life of hard work to improve strength.

"Hmph, wait for me, wait for the day when I go back."

Lin Tian muttered to himself with anger in his eyes.

At this moment, Venerable Qingyue also recovered quickly.

For the Tianyuan powerhouse, as long as it is not for the soul of the soul to heal external and internal injuries, it is a piece of cake.

The realm is getting stronger and stronger, for a strong person, the soul is more and more important.

Ten minutes later, a powerful force appeared in Venerable Qingyue's body.


In an instant, Venerable Qingyue regained his great strength.

"call out……"

A terrible light shot from her eyes, like a sharp sword.

For this situation, Lin Tian smiled indifferently.

"Woke up."

At this moment, Lin Tian felt the power of this Tianyuan realm, and he yearned for a while.

It seems that one has to actively approach this Tianyuan realm.

Otherwise, you will never be able to stand firm in this world.

"Well, thank you for saving me, you..."

Suddenly, Venerable Qingyue looked at Lin Tian with horror.

Because she suddenly discovered that Lin Tian's true face was not the middle-aged man in front of her.

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