I Can Pick Up a Million Exercises

Chapter 912: Huang Family's Fury

For Lin Tian, ​​he missed the Huang family.

That Huang An, I'm afraid he is also worried about himself.

As soon as the two entered the city, Lin Tian heard the people around him talking about him.

"You said, Mr. Unknown, who is he?"

"Hey, it's necessary to say that it must be a strong person of some big power, so that's why the Huang family will be crushed."

"I heard that he used to stay in the City Lord's Mansion."

"Hey, you don't know about it. The City Lord's Mansion is just to cover people's eyes. Have you heard that he ate Buddhism's relics? This behavior is something that the City Lord would not dare to do."

Listening to everyone's words, Lin Tian was embarrassed for a while.

This seems to be boasting.

Venerable Qingyue next to him just looked at Lin Tian weirdly.

She did not expect that Lin Tian in front of her would have done so many things in the world of Valkyrie.

This guy really can't be quiet wherever he goes.

"You really are a legend."

At this moment, Venerable Qingyue looked at Lin Tian with a speechless expression on his face.

For this, Lin Tian smiled embarrassedly: "Hey, thank you for the praise, thank you for the praise."

In Lin Tian's heart, he actually didn't want to do this, but his strength didn't allow him, how could those people continue to move forward if he didn't make a move.

Obviously, the Valkyrie is a master of formations that is good at formations, and all the methods of advancement are basically related to formations.

Immediately, the two heard some news again.

Those monks from Lingzhou in Xishan were looking for Lin Tian in Wuqi Mountain.

Because Master Puhui suspected that Lin Tian was not dead, but just hid.

"This old bald donkey, don't let me meet him, otherwise I will just meet him once."

Lin Tian said viciously, Master Puhui should still hate himself for eating his relic.

In fact, Lin Tian got it all wrong.

What the Master Puhui really hated was that Lin Tian used his power to refine the relics for him.

This point should be beyond the tolerance of Master Puhui.

As a strong man at the peak of the Yuan Emperor, and still a Buddhist power, he was asked to refine the instinct relic, and he became an accomplice.

The spread of this is simply a great insult to Master Puhui.

"Are you sure you can teach him well?"

Venerable Qingyue looked at Lin Tian suspiciously.

"Hey, isn't you here? My Xiaoyueyue."


Venerable Qingyue just wanted to get angry.

As a result, the heart lock worked, and he couldn't get angry at all.

Lin Tian, ​​this fellow sometimes disgusts her so much, making Venerable Qingyue feel helpless.

At this time, he can only accept it.

After all, it was already destined to be this situation, no matter how angry, it seemed that it could not be changed.

For Venerable Qingyue, although there were 100,000 unwillingness in his heart, after all, it still had to be like this.

"Hmph, I really hope this guy will reach Tianyuan soon, and then let me leave."

This idea appeared in Venerable Qingyue's mind.

But she immediately got rid of the thoughts in her mind.

It is because Lin Tian is currently in the sixth stage of the Yuan Emperor, he does not know that the year of the monkey can reach the realm of Tian Yuan, and Tian Yuan is too far away for Lin Tian.

"Since we are all back, Qingyue, we are just visiting."

Lin Tian opened his mouth with a smile and swaggered to Huang's house.

When Venerable Qingyue listened to this, he gave Lin Tian a blank eye.

She naturally knew, what did Lin Tian do?

Nothing but revenge.

"You guy, really..."

Behind Lin Tian, ​​Venerable Qingyue was a little helpless. Sometimes he liked Lin Tian's low-key a little, but sometimes, Lin Tian's endless rampage made her angry.

At this moment, the two swaggered to the door of Huang's house.

I saw the Huang family, full of murderous aura.

Because of the Huang family, I don’t know who was teased by the nameless? It's spread all over the street.

As a result, the current Huang family seemed embarrassed throughout Wufeng City.

Regarding this situation, Huang An was naturally angry, even outside Huang's house, he could feel endless anger.

"Hey, Qingyue, you set it up, I will meet old friends when I go in."

Lin Tian said with a smile on his face.

There is no guard at the door of the Huang family. It seems that the Huang family is really lonely.

"Huh! Be safe."

Venerable Qingyue didn't want to say this, but he still said it.

When Lin Tian heard this, he smiled.

"Are you caring about me?"

Regarding these words, Venerable Qingyue collectively wanted to slap Lin Tian.

How could this guy be so brazen.

The talk made people want to hit him.

Immediately, Lin Tian went in frantically.

For Lin Tian, ​​if he came here today to accomplish his purpose, then it would be done.

Then, he can leave here well, forget it.

"Trash, trash, all of them are trash. I can't find out this investigation. There is also that guy, he must not die. You guys go out and look for it..."

Before Lin Tian entered, Huang An's angry voice came.

For this situation, Lin Tian just laughed.

This fellow Huang An really hated himself. It is estimated that because people outside talked too much, so he found himself, and then killed himself to prove his reputation.

However, this seems impossible.

"Who are you? This is the Huang family, so hot and bold."

At this moment, a group of strong men in the courtyard rushed towards Lin Tian.

Because Lin Tian broke in, he was damned.

It just so happened that they were also the **** heads scolded by Huang An, and now Lin Tian came in like this. Just to vent their anger.

"I am here to find someone."

Lin Tian smiled faintly.

"No matter who you find, breaking into the Huang's house without authorization, that's **** it!"

A group of people just rushed up to do it.

As for who is Lin Tian actually? They simply don't care.

Regarding this situation, Lin Tian smiled faintly.

These guys are really impulsive, indiscriminately, they just shot, and they are about the same virtue as Huang An.

But that's okay, do it yourself. There is no guilt anymore.

"God's Wandering Dragon Technique!"

"Swire punch!"

"The ghost is lost!"

In an instant, Lin Tian speeded up and shot quickly.

"So strong!"

The people who rushed hadn't reacted yet, they just felt that they had been hit hard.

"Boom boom boom!!!"


One after another screams sounded.

The entire Huang Family Mansion shook again.

In the Huang's compound, everyone moved into action, raging to the sky.

They all want to know, at this time, which one is not long-eyed, even came to offend the Huang family.

Isn't this looking for death?

Today's Huang family is so angry that the power of discussion in these two days is really terrifying.

They are already planning to leave this Wufeng City.

The owner, Huang An, was still waiting to search the whereabouts of the unknown gentleman, so everyone did not leave.

"Who are you? Are you looking for death?"

All the people who came out saw a piece of their own lying on the ground.

Where a strange middle-aged man stood, he thought he did it.

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