I Can Predict Danger 100%

Chapter 087 His Mission Must Be Very Advanced, Right?

[Is Guabao cooked] I once helped Zhao Junzong to inquire. There are many [XX Road] quest recipients, but it is extremely rare to complete the first stage [Brigade Commander's Road], and [Yehuanghui] similar tasks are accepted There are also many takers.

Only the [Xiantian Clan] quest, when I inquired about [Is the Melon Precise], no one knew that there was such a [quest]. Obviously, the conditions for triggering the [Xiantian Clan] quest were harsh. And the [Xiantian Clan] quest is the direct reason why Zhao Junzong will be concerned by [Hidden World NPC].

Zhao Junzong also has a [Quest: Unknown Existence], which he also knows about [Does Gua Baoshu], but he said that the level of this quest is too high. There is no clue to analyze.

After drinking the tea, Zhao Junzong thought for a while, and then went back to report to Qu Hong. Of his four special [tasks], three are "passive", and only the [Road to Princes] has the initiative.

After completing the "Mojing Mansion" integration mission in a short period of time, Qu Hong actually increased his favorability by himself, which was also an unexpected gain. He asked Zhao Junzong to prepare the "Zhuyesi Mojing Branch" as well.

Zhao Junzong didn't dare to tell the eleven big brothers this time, one [Haijing Branch], the big brothers had emotions, and now that there is one more, he will probably complain that Zhao Junzong acted too fast.

The landform of "Lingjingfu" is quite similar to that of "Chuanjun" in Haijingfu, which is very suitable for "savages" to hide. It also allowed the "savages" tribe to continue to grow, and thus migrated to other "Jingfu".

The road conditions of "Lingjing Mansion" are the worst among the five capitals of the empire, mainly because of the high maintenance cost, which makes "Lingjing Mansion" reluctant to build roads.

As the saying goes, if you want to get rich, you must build roads first, and the poor road conditions make the "Drunken Emperor" of "Lingjingfu" at the bottom of the empire, and also make "smuggling" extremely popular in "Lingjingfu". As long as the special products of "Lingjing Mansion" can be transported out, even if they are digested within the "Empire", they can earn more than ten times the profit.

The Dajin Empire was inactive in the control of "weapons", that is, there was no "weapon" control, but in the other four capitals, there were people who carried "weapons", but there was no such thing as the "Lingjingfu", including Women and children, young and old, almost all carry "weapons".

"The folk customs of Lingjing Prefecture are sturdy because every household has a close relationship with [walking] private individuals, including officials of Lingjing Prefecture." See Zhao Junzong paying attention to the clothes of pedestrians, and [Zhu Fengqingshao] acting as a commentator next to him. All of her conditions met the recruitment of [Evil Army], and she completed the joining procedures before Zhao Junzong went to "Lingjing Mansion" to work on errands.

Zhao Junzong was secretly surprised by the game knowledge reserve of [Zhu Feng Qingshao]. He felt that the speculation of [Zhu Feng Qing Shao] should be correct. [Zhu Feng Qing Shao] must have joined an ancient sect just like him.

The Dajin Empire had no "sects", the army was the only place to train "cultivators", and the "cultivation halls" all over the streets were actually founded by retired military officers. With this, the empire has great control over the practitioners, and once a war is launched, these retired practitioners can be summoned.

The reason for eliminating the existence of [sects] is related to the belief in the "ancestor worship" of the empire. Although the "immortal" is ethereal and illusory, the "sect" still regards "cultivating the immortal" as the ultimate pursuit.

This knowledge is also what [Zhu Fengqingshao] told Zhao Junzong. The reason why she said this is to let Zhao Junzong know that "faith" is related to the level and route of "cultivation".

The worship of "spiritual respect" seeks "innate", "ancestor worship" is the root of seeking "human race", although "human race" all know that they have evolved from "chaos", however, what exactly is "chaos", "human race" "Understandable.

The "sect" pursues "longevity", and the path of practice is based on "immortal" as a template. However, compared with the human race, they still have a little understanding of "chaos", and the "sect" actually knows nothing about "immortal". The information is conjecture.

The official road of "Lingjingfu" twists and turns, passing from one cave to another. When resting at night, it is basically in a cave similar to a tunnel.

After such a three- or four-day trip, we arrived at "Jing County" in "Lingjingfu", bypassed "Jing County" and continued to travel to "Dangyang Village" in the northern suburb of "Xiaocheng" in "Jing County".

This village is the private property of the "Lingjingfu" governor, and a large number of "Yasaka leaves" are planted, which is one of the many special products of "Lingjingfu". It is not worth much locally in "Lingjingfu", but if it is shipped out for export, the net profit is as high as 20 times, if it is processed once, it is forty times, and if it is sold abroad, it is a hundred times the profit.

What annoyed the governor is that since the past 30 years, the village has refused to deliver the processed "Yasaka leaves" because the "salary" is too low. Of course, the political envoy also sent people to clean up these wicked people who wanted a "salary increase". However, there were some powerful people among the wicked people, who pushed back several waves of the political emissary's private soldiers.

The chief envoy was originally going to continue to send people. Zhao Junzong happened to visit him and wanted to obtain the "key to the sundial". The chief envoy asked Zhao Junzong to solve the matter. If it can be solved, he promises to give "the secret key of the sundial" and arrange for Zhao Junzong to meet with the ruling assassin and the administrative governor of "Lingjingfu".

"Dangyang Village" is quite large, built according to the mountain, from a distance it looks like it is embedded in the mountain. The lush "ban tree" stretches up and down. Use scissors to remove the "Yasaka leaves" of the green glutinous rice, and store them in a special wooden box.

The imperial household registration system was not perfect, otherwise, the Iraqi household registration system would not be able to create a “true” household registration for profit. If you are farming, you are a farmer, if you are doing business, you are a merchant, if you are successful in a scientific examination, you are a scholar, if you are refining and purifying, you are a "worker."

There is no contempt chain in terms of status. After all, a peasant is a cultivator when he mentions a sword. Who dares to despise it?

This also makes the laws of the "Jin State" extremely strict. Those who violate the law are punished by hard labor, and at worst, beheaded. Anyone who dares to resist will be wanted. If a crowd gathers to resist, an army will be sent to suppress it. It is composed of practitioners, so the people of Jin state are law-abiding and sturdy.

Legally speaking, "Dangyang Village" is illegal. Everything was established by the governor. They are just hired workers. If they are not satisfied with the "salary", they can resign. It is illegal to detain the owner's goods in order to "raise the salary", but since the "political envoy" is also doing "smuggling" smuggling business, it is not easy to bring it to court, and only private soldiers can be sent to destroy it.

The chief envoy has only one request, kill all those who take the lead, and the chief envoy will solve the aftermath.

[Zhufeng Qingshao] I thought that Zhao Junzong would contact the people from "Dangyang Village" first, but unexpectedly, Zhao Junzong smashed the gate of the village and killed him all the way in, "I'm sorry, and said that he is not sick". But [Zhu Fengqingshao] was just complaining, and she also knew that many [natural disasters] acted so violently.

Rumbling, booming, [Martial Arts · Cloud and Mist Thirty Knives], bombarded and collapsed 30 houses with grass and wood structures, and didn't care if anyone was injured or not.

Affected by the "setting", the combat skills and martial arts are all aimed at "killing or maiming". Zhao Junzong did not want to cause too much damage to these NPCs, so he destroyed the house first.

The "zhaimin" who drew their daggers and swords stood far away in fear and did not dare to approach. They also knew the difference between "combat skills and martial arts". And those who know martial arts are all in the "feudal realm", and there are not many of these "zhaimin" soldiers in the realm, so how dare they fight with the feudal realm.

"Sir, we just want to be full," a middle-aged man in leather armor and a long spear cried out in grief and indignation.

"[Dangyang Village] is owned by the governor. If you feel that you can't get enough to eat here, you can leave, but you can't detain the governor's property," Zhao Junzong said coldly.

The surroundings were quiet, Zhao Junzong sneered.

"Leaving here, you will only starve to death, freeze to death, and even if you can find other villages to take them in, it is really better than here? The governor can be more brutal than other villages when repressed? You have worked here for more than ten years. After a long time, has anyone starved to death? Frozen to death?"

Zhao Junzong is not "washing" the land for the political envoy, but the "political envoy" is indeed "the best among the dwarfs".

However, according to the intelligence collected by Zhao Junzong in "Dangyang Village", no one died of starvation or freezing in the past ten years. The villagers are far stronger than the surrounding villages. And this is also the source of their strength to take up arms and kill the governor's private soldiers.

"It's nothing more than money and silk that move people's hearts, or people with intentions to incite people behind their backs. You don't think about it. It's a big deal for the governor to lose a [Dangyang Village]. With his power, why not build another [Dangyang Village]? But what about you? Do you think you can make a fortune by occupying this place? Who do you trade with? Even if the people behind you promise anything, what will happen in the future?"

[Zhu Feng Qingshao] has a strange face, because when she interacts with NPCs, she is not so "lively", that is, the interaction between NPCs and her is "templated". But the interaction between Zhao Junzong and the NPCs is more "real". The NPCs seem to have flesh and blood, and they can listen to them.

How many [natural disasters] wanted NPCs to listen to their own words, but Zhao Junzong could easily do it. [Zhu Fengqingshao] concluded that Zhao Junzong's [XX Road] was very successful.

"Don't listen to him, a dog officer is a dog...".

"Huh", a flying knife was inserted into the speaker's heart, so that the subsequent words could only be mixed in blood, and flowed on the ground.

"That's all I have to say. If you are disobedient, I don't mind killing you all. After all, the Chief Envoy has recruited more refugees who are willing to work for him."

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