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"Dad, you will succeed, right? You will succeed, right?"In Xuan Country, a little girl hugged her father tightly, watching the TV and tremblingly said

"Well, it will succeed. Definitely." His father was silent for a moment, then touched his daughter's head and said firmly."Humanity will not lose to the alien queen!" In the Red Sun Country, a little boy held an Ultraman toy and stared closely at the live broadcast on TV.

"It would be great if there was Ultraman. Ultraman would definitely be able to defeat the monsters."

After saying this, his parents sighed in confusion and stared at the TV numbly.

Ultraman?...There is no Ultraman in reality.

"Alien queen, die! Humanity will win!"

"Bomb, bomb, bomb, blow up the alien queen!"

Everyone around the world was roaring from the bottom of their hearts, or praying that the plan would succeed.

At the Blue Star Federation Headquarters, senior officials from various countries were also here, staring at the huge screen and clenching their fists.

Success or failure depended on this one move. If they failed, the possibility of humanity turning the tables would be almost negligible.

"Report, the fighter plane is about to arrive at the designated location, shall we start the battle?"

The liaison officer's nervous voice sounded

"The battle begins!"

The great elder of Xuan State and others watched silently. The commander-in-chief of the Blue Star Federation gritted his teeth and said.

How could humans fall before the arrival of the huge meteorite!

When the human battle plan was completely launched, the alien mother worms that had completely landed on Xingzhou on the Xingguo side set off a doomsday disaster.

Wherever the alien mother worms went, no grass grew, and all living things were eaten up.

They shuttled between cities at will, causing the earth to crack, buildings to collapse, flames and black smoke to fly, and cities to be destroyed.

At this moment, tens of thousands of fighter planes flew over 10,000 meters in the sky, all of which projected special devices equipped with liquid nitrogen for buildings.

When tens of thousands of fighter planes were projected one after another, the large number of compound eyes of the alien mother worms also looked up at the sky.

This scene, All humans became nervous.

They were afraid that the Alien Queen would wake up and intercept these devices filled with liquid nitrogen from mid-air.

However, what made all humans feel relieved was that the Alien Queen seemed to think that this little thing was not a threat to her. For this reason, she simply ignored it.

After all, the previous bombing by those fighters was just a tickle for her.

However, this carelessness directly caused the Alien Queen to suffer a loss.

A large amount of liquid nitrogen exploded directly above her. In an instant, the temperature dropped wildly. The huge body of the Alien Queen directly condensed into layers of ice.

And it was still thickening. Because tens of thousands of fighter planes passed by one after another, each fighter plane carried a large amount of liquid nitrogen!


"Very good!!!"

"As long as we can freeze him, we can blow her to death!"

Seeing this scene, all humans were extremely excited.

As for the great elders of Xuan Country and other human leaders, although they were also happy, they relaxed their vigilance.

"Start quickly and execute the second plan. Evacuate at full speed."

Then, another order came.

The fighter plane began to accelerate, projecting liquid nitrogen regardless of accuracy.

At the same time, a huge transport plane began to fly over.

This transport plane carried a new type of nuclear weapon with an equivalent of 200 million.

This is the killer that humans have prepared for three years!

Not only this killer, but also a large number of nuclear bombs and intercontinental missiles have been frantically produced to kill those soldier bugs.

When the transport plane flew over, all humans became nervous again.

Success or failure depends on this one move!

If it fails, humans will fall into a nightmare, which is a nightmare more terrifying than the nightmare brought by the huge meteorite.

The impact of the huge meteorite is at least an instant death.

But facing the alien mother bug, it is eaten alive!

However, when all humans were tense and staring at the screen, they witnessed a desperate scene.

That is, the ice that was already extremely thick was disappearing rapidly!

After only one second, the huge ice that was more than ten meters thick was completely gone.

"what happened!?"

"Why is this happening!?"

"Impossible. How could such a thick block of ice be broken free so quickly! ?"

"Decomposition fluid, it must be Decomposition Night! That guy can not only use the decomposition fluid to escape, but also use it to decompose the ice on his body"

"Damn it, is humanity going to lose! ?"

"Damn it, if the Alien Queen wanted to escape, she could escape anytime now! ?"

"Don't despair, the alien queen is now inflated. She has withstood nuclear explosions many times and now underestimates them. We still have hope."

"Haha, hope? There is no such thing. I can see that she is teasing humans."

"What the hell, you are still arguing at this time. Don't curse the plan to fail, okay? Don't you see that the alien mother bug hasn't attacked the transport plane yet?"

For a moment, people all over the world became emotional.

Many people were desperate and started to talk nonsense.

Even the combat center of the Blue Star Federation felt heavy in their hearts.

"Execute the backup firepower attraction plan."

The Blue Star Federation Operations Commander-in-Chief said solemnly.

We can't panic now. If the commander-in-chief panics, then humanity is really doomed.

The emotions of superiors can easily radiate to subordinates.

"The backup firepower attraction plan was activated. The fighters began to turn back. The space-based weapon, the Sword of God, began to charge."

The voice of the liaison officer began to sound.

For a time, before the huge transport plane was destroyed, a large number of fighters began to turn back desperately, just to attract firepower.

Faced with the attack of the fighters, the alien mother insect finally became impatient. Just like chasing flies, she waved a tentacle at random, breaking through several times the speed of sound. A terrifying explosion appeared, sweeping down those fighters one by one, turning them into strings of fireworks.

Seeing this scene, the eyes of people from all over the world were moist.

Now, there are no national boundaries, and we are looking at humanity as a whole.

At the same time, suspended in space, the space-based weapon, the Sword of God, which was manufactured in the past three years, also began to charge.

The space-based weapon, the Sword of God, was originally a deterrent weapon that Xingguo expected to manufacture in ten years.

But in this sense of crisis, the power of scientists from all over the world was gathered. In addition to the energy brought by controlled nuclear fusion technology.

It was manufactured in three years.

The Sword of God

The system consists of two satellite platforms in low orbit, one of which carries a sharp metal rod called"Sword of God".

The rod is made of tungsten, titanium or uranium, with a diameter of 30 cm, a length of 6.

1 meters and a weight of several tons.

The Sword of God Space-based Kinetic Weapon System will be launched in space.

These high-density metal rods can be guided by satellites, using the huge kinetic energy generated by small rocket boosts and free fall.

The tungsten rod bullets they launch can hit the target at a speed of more than 50,000 km/h, comparable to a meteor.

It has a strong attack capability and a wide strike range, and can carry out precision strikes on any area on the blue planet at any time.

"After the"Sword of God" is launched from space, it does not rely on any ammunition, but completely relies on kinetic impact to produce destructive power on the target, but the attack effect is comparable to that of nuclear weapons, and the attack method is a pure physical attack on the target.

The sharp metal rod, driven by huge kinetic energy, can penetrate all known objects on the blue planet!

(ps: Please customize, please everything, QAQ~!)_

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