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"Elder Xuan should be calmer."

Lu Jie smiled playfully.

The rest of the human leaders were more or less lost in the fear of their own tragic death.

However, this reaction was normal. After all, no one would keep a tiger that could bite people at any time by their side. Maybe one day they would be eaten by a tiger.

And the blackened Wu Song was not as simple as a tiger. She was definitely the goddess of death.

The reason why she absorbed the spiritual consciousness of tens of billions of people was, after all, a small agreement with her parents.

Otherwise, she really had a lot of ways to destroy the world.

For example, giving birth to new biochemical viruses, making the world's antimatter weapons self-destruct, etc., is as simple as drinking water.

These are just the two most common methods.

However, Wu Song in the movie is always full of shining points of humanity, a true human hero and savior of mankind.

If humans can be calmer, they can still consider many things. Obviously, only Elder Xuan has considered it. Maybe Elder Xiong and Elder Shui'e count as half?

"However, some people are still worried. Once the dark side of human beings appears, it will be infinitely magnified in fear."

Lu Jie glanced at Elder Xing and others and commented meaningfully.

"System, speed up the timeline.

Then, Lu Jie slowly spoke

【While the host was evaluating, a day passed. After the meeting, Elder Xuan ordered Wu Yan and Lin Ru to take Wu Song to move out of the Shuidu Military Region and live in the city. This order made Wu Yan and Lin Ru a little confused, but they still accepted it. Soon, Wu Yan and the other two were protected by the officers and returned to the Shuidu Military Region and lived in the villa arranged for them.】

【After finishing these, the Blue Star Civilization dispatched the strongest soldiers of mankind to take turns to secretly guard around the villa.

If Wu Yan and the other two go out, they will also follow and protect them secretly.

Under this configuration, Elder Xuan believes that Wu Yan and the other two will be fine.

Although Wu Yan and Lin Ru feel that this makes their lives a little awkward, they can only accept it.

After all, this is for the safety of their family of three.

It is better to say that this is the best.

Wu Yan and Lin Ru both understand that there must be many people in the world who are plotting against them.

【Just like that, a month passed. Wu Yan lived a stable life, nurturing Wu Song. Although he had to disguise himself when he went out because he was too famous, his life was still good. At least he was much freer than when he was in the Shuidu Military Region. Wu Yan and Lin Ru were very satisfied.】

【At the same time, during this month, under the proposal of the Star Elder, the Blue Star Civilization announced that humans have developed a series of military weapons such as antimatter weapons, and no longer fear the threat of the Blue Star Civilization. In two years, humans will defeat the small surveillance ships of the Blue Star Civilization and deter the Blue Star Civilization from invading again. Humanity will move towards prosperity.】

【In the blink of an eye, two years have passed. Wu Song is already over two years old. Because of her high IQ, she has understood a lot of things. With her parents' occasional guidance, she has even learned all the knowledge in high school. She is very satisfied with such a life and feels very happy. She is also very grateful to the soldiers who have been guarding her family.】

【At the same time, in the past two years, humans have created a variety of antimatter military weapons, and quantum networks have also been applied in real life. Everything is prosperous and peaceful. But Wu Yan and Lin Ru didn't even notice it. Those reports that deliberately boasted about the military strength of mankind had the meaning of suppressing Wu Song's presence. It gave people a false impression that humans could defeat the Blue Ge civilization even without Wu Song.】

【Even Elder Xuan didn't notice this.

Because there was nothing wrong with Elder Xing's proposals.

The humans in the parallel world had been defeated by the Blue Ge civilization so many times.

This time they had the strength to fight back, so they naturally had to hype it up to make humans confident.

This would help stabilize society.

After a while, the small reconnaissance ship of the Blue Ge civilization finally arrived in the solar system, and humans easily defeated it using the antimatter space orbital cannon!

【This great achievement, directly released to the world in the form of a video, has made all of humanity fall into a carnival.

Humans have become confident and feel that the Blue Grid Civilization is nothing.

After all, after defeating the small reconnaissance ship, the Blue Grid Civilization no longer knows the situation on Blue Planet, and will not see the Observer website.

Then, the amount of information owned by both sides has been exchanged.

The Blue Grid Civilization will definitely be wary of humans having the same level of military power as them.

Humans will move towards peace and prosperity!

【When the news was widely reporting and promoting, humans gradually became less obsessed with Wu Song.

Although they still like him very much, in the minds of many people, Wu Song is indeed a hero of mankind, who helped mankind a lot by researching antimatter technology.

But look.

Humans just lack that finishing touch.

If antimatter technology is developed.

Humans can apply it to the military in a short time.

Even the ladder and quantum network in the movie have been realized.

This shows that there are many scientists in the human world who are not much weaker than Wu Song!

They just lack that finishing touch or a thought.

【Under the deliberate guidance of the news, the public could not help but have such thoughts. They no longer have great expectations for Wu Song's growth, but only have a little expectation and like her very much, that's all.】

【After many actions, Elder Xing also proposed to provide a large amount of funds to Elder Zhao to research the weakened serum and gene medicine. He said that humans should not put all the treasures and pressure on Wu Song, and that researching the weakened �� virus serum in advance could also save many people who were suffering from the disease.】

【Elder Xing made a big statement at the annual public meeting. This seemingly caring move won the approval of the whole world and won countless fans. Elder Xuan did not doubt anything and felt that what Elder Xing said was quite right. We cannot bet everything on one person. Moreover, it is not advisable to put the pressure of defeating the Blue Ge civilization in the future or other crises on a child. It is also necessary to let Elder Zhao study genetic drugs.】

【Because the only observer website in this world is"The Evil Girl: Prelude to Counterattack". In the movie, Wu Song did not have the opportunity to study genetic drugs, so the people did not know. The human leaders knew, but Elder Xing deliberately did not say it, guiding their thinking. This meeting once again weakened Wu Song's position in the minds of humans.】

【Humans suddenly felt that it didn't matter whether Wusong was there or not. At this time, Wusong was more like a childlike innocence. An idol in the minds of many humans. And the popularity of this idol was gradually declining as time went by. 】

The system's explanation stopped..

"Haha, those hawkish elders of Elder Xing are going to stir up trouble. Now, it's interesting. You will suffer the consequences if you do evil."

Lu Jie narrowed his eyes and smiled playfully.

(ps: Please order, please do everything, QAQ~!)_

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