There are 25 Datang cinemas in Yancheng.

The property rights of all cinemas belong to Datang Cinemas. (Chapter 513 is written as Cheng Yutong Theater Line, which has been changed!) )

Datang Cinema Line has not been expanding since it occupied 60% of the world’s cinema resources.

If it expands, once it is recognized as a monopoly by some countries, it will also be a problem.

Just last month, all Datang Cinemas launched holographic theaters.

However, the current mainstream is still naked-eye 3D, and holographic movies are currently such a magic child.

Although we all know that holographic movies must be the mainstream in the future, no one can say what kind of acceptance people will have for holographic movies at present.

Therefore, the magic child is a masterpiece that tests the market.

Its quality is of course good, and it is definitely a work that the animation production company under Cheng Yutong Group has worked hard towards.

Nowadays, the Bai family generally travels by helicopter.

Today is no exception.

Because of the large number of people, in order to ensure their comfort, Bai Xiaoguang and others boarded another larger helicopter.

Of course, the Datang headquarters building is not far from the theater line where the premiere is held, which is only five minutes away.

Even from the roof of the Datang headquarters building, you can see the Zhentai Plaza building at a glance!

Zhentai Plaza is a chain commercial plaza established by Zhentai Group.

And every Zhentai commercial plaza has established a Datang cinema.

This is just like the original Yida Plaza-like model.

The helicopter soon arrived at the roof of the Zhentai Building.

And the red carpet is walking down the red carpet at this time.

The premiere of the Demon Boy was very huge, inviting almost the stars of the entire entertainment industry.

This cinema is also the flagship store of the Datang Cinema Line, and the entire holographic hall can accommodate two thousand people.

Plus some media, and it’s basically able to sit down for everyone.

Bai Xiaoguang’s family did not do it in front, but sat in an inconspicuous position in the middle.

Except for Bai Xiaoguang wearing a mask, no one else had any cover.

Bai Xiaoguang usually protects his family very well.

There are basically no photos of family members and related information on the Internet.

Therefore, except for a few people, few people know about Bai Xiaoguang’s family situation.

The seats of the holographic cinema are different from ordinary cinemas, and their seats are full of technology, and they can swing up and down, left and right.

All control ends are in the hands of artificial intelligence.

The movement of the seat is also rotated according to the scene in the movie.

Some are similar to VR, but without wearing any VR devices.

This is a glasses-free holographic device.

The premiere began soon.

All the voice actors, the director team came to the front as usual.

The premiere was broadcast live on major live streaming platforms.

When everyone saw the voice actors on stage, they were stunned.

These are actually all king-level celebrities belonging to Cheng Yutong Entertainment Company, as well as first- and second-tier celebrities.

Such a lineup can’t help but make fans excited.

Although it’s just a voice act, at least his idols are also involved.

This is also enough for these fans to buy tickets to watch.

And this is also the world’s first holographic movie.

There is enough attractive decisive factor in itself.

It can be said that this movie will definitely create the highest movie box office in the eyes of many people.

After an hour of interactive sessions, the premiere really began.

Everyone read and followed the prompts to put on their seat belts.

Then the entire holographic hall went dark.

Bright lights light up around the audience.

A golden dragon began to hover around him.

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