I Can Read Unlimited Files

Chapter 262 Promotion

In the first week after school started, everyone slowly adapted to the life of the new semester again, and put an end to the troubles from the junior high school students. The teachers also unanimously decided to use an in-class quiz to help the students recover from the summer vacation. Adjust back to the normal learning state in the state. Liu Huaxing was not surprised by this, but the result was not very good.

After all, it is summer vacation, with more than two months of rest, most of the students in the class did not study seriously, so the role of summer homework is reflected at this moment. Students who do their homework well have relatively better grades, while those who copy Other students' homework... such as Yang Xiaoxiao's grades have dropped significantly.

"I'm sorry..." When school was over on Friday afternoon, Yang Xiaoxiao didn't dare to look at Liu Huaxing anymore.

"Why are you apologizing to me?" Liu Huaxing touched Yang Xiaoxiao's little head and asked with a smile, Yang Xiaoxiao pursed her lips and muttered in a low voice, "Because my grades have dropped a lot..."

"Yes, from the top ten in the class to the top 20 in the class, it's really immediate." Liu Huaxing put his arms around Yang Xiaoxiao's slender shoulders and smiled, "But this kind of thing is also normal, and the teacher held this test as well. Remind everyone to take heart and study hard.”

"You really don't blame me?" Yang Xiaoxiao asked, tilting her head and sneaking a glance at him.

Liu Huaxing shook his head, and handed the chicken chop in his hand to Yang Xiaoxiao's mouth, the little girl smiled happily and took a big bite. Liu Huaxing stretched out his thumb to help her wipe off the dipping sauce from the corner of her mouth, then sucked his thumb and said, "It's too early to go back, do you want to sit with me? Or do you have any arrangements..."

"My arrangement is to pester you until you bother me." Yang Xiaoxiao hummed proudly.

"Then you'll have to haunt me for the rest of your life." Liu Huaxing smiled and patted Yang Xiaoxiao's forehead.

Because today is Friday, there is only one class on Friday afternoon this semester, and it is still only about 3:30 when the students in the class have finished cleaning and they return home. They can be alone for an hour before Liu Huaxing's mother returns home from work.

As soon as she arrived at Liu Huaxing's house, Yang Xiaoxiao kicked off her sandals two or three times and walked inside barefoot. Liu Huaxing said "Ahhh?" behind her, the little girl turned around with her mouth pouted, obediently put on the slippers handed over to her, and muttered unconvinced: "What's the matter? Thirty-five degrees..."

"This has nothing to do with the temperature. It's very cold on the floor. If you run on the ground with bare feet, the cold air will invade from your feet." Liu Huaxing scolded, frowning, "Your health has finally improved, isn't it a period of time?" When the period comes and the stomach pain is gone, do you think you can do it again? When the pain comes again, you can only lie in my arms obediently, humming in pain..."

"Oh, oh! Don't listen, don't listen! I'm your little strawberry!" Yang Xiaoxiao covered her ears angrily and said coquettishly, rushed into his room with small steps, and then threw herself on his bed His face was buried in the pillow, and his beautiful calves were kicking on the bed, which was really naughty and cute.

Liu Huaxing couldn't help but came to the bed and sat down, patted Yang Xiaoxiao's little butt: "Okay, okay...I'm also concerned about your health."

With that said, Liu Huaxing grabbed the remote control and turned on the air conditioner, then stroked Yang Xiaoxiao's slender legs, then went down her calves, and held her delicate ankles, "Go out and do homework when it cools down." Oh?"

Yang Xiaoxiao just turned over on the bed and pouted at him. Liu Huaxing couldn't bear the temptation, and took a sip on the little fiery red strawberry. Yang Xiaoxiao looked at him with a sweet smile, and patted her leg: "Knee pillow?"

"You're spoiling me like this..." Liu Huaxing sighed, but he still lay down on her lap.

"If you pet me, I will pet you too." Yang Xiaoxiao touched his face and smiled, "Besides, summer is coming to an end, and the weather will cool down in October, and I don't have much time to wear shorts. Let’s enjoy it a few more times before the summer is over, or I’ll have to change into long pants later.”

"I see." Liu Huaxing said, kissing her fair leg lightly.

So the two of them were like this, Yang Xiaoxiao sat on the bed, Liu Huaxing pillowed on her lap, quietly waiting for the air conditioner to cool down the temperature in the room. Suddenly, Yang Xiaoxiao started humming a ditty, which seemed to be Gigi Leung's "Coward".

"It's rare for you to sing a song younger than you." Liu Huaxing raised his head, reached out and touched her face and teased.

"Old songs have a taste..." Yang Xiaoxiao smiled and continued humming her song, while Liu Huaxing enjoyed it with her eyes closed.

In a daze, he seemed to have returned to the time when they first dated, he was lying on Yang Xiaoxiao's lap, listening to her humming those songs older than her, the sunlight slanted on the floor from the window of his room The shape of the leaves of the sycamore tree outside was shown on the photo.

The two of them were so tired of it, and half an hour passed without knowing it, and the room cooled down, so the two of them came to the living room to do their homework, the little girl was doing her homework, her little feet were still light on his Tread lightly.

In his heart, Liu Huaxing only hoped that they could go on like this forever. But life is always moving forward, and it is impossible for Liu Huaxing to use the file to keep himself in this moment forever. Because only if life goes on, more good days will come.

This afternoon, Liu Huaxing's parents went home together. When they came back, they brought back good news and a big bag full of food and drinks. Seeing this, Liu Huaxing immediately stepped forward to help, and indeed bought a lot of things, not only roast duck, beer, and various cold dishes, but also a sumptuous McDonald's set meal, obviously intending to celebrate.

"Yo, Xiaoxiao is here too." After seeing Yang Xiaoxiao, Lu Jing asked with a smile, while Liu Xuebin smiled slightly.

"Hello, Uncle and Auntie, why did you come back with Uncle today?" Yang Xiaoxiao asked curiously, and came forward to help Liu Huaxing take the drinks and put them on the coffee table beside him, "I bought a lot of things."

"Because there is great news." Lu Jingxi smiled and said, "Ah Xing, your dad is going to be promoted to deputy factory director!"

The place where Liu Xuebin works now is a well-known state-owned enterprise. Before that, Liu Xuebin was just a small employee, but after more than ten years of hard work, Liu Xuebin became more and more familiar with and proficient in the business of the factory, and was finally promoted by the factory. , promoted to deputy director. Of course, it is not the deputy director of the whole factory, but the deputy director of each small branch below.

But even so, this is not a small position, it is equivalent to a position at the general manager level of a foreign company. Of course, what really matters is income, and now Liu Huaxing's father's annual salary is as high as 200,000. This was already a very high income in Beichang City at this time in 2009, and maybe Yang Xiaoxiao's father's income was also at this level.

In this era of Beichang City, a high income of 100,000 is enough for a family to live comfortably, so his father is finally in his early years. But Liu Huaxing was not particularly surprised, because he knew this day was coming.

And, more importantly, the good times don't last forever.

In the future, the company of Liu Huaxing's father, Liu Xuebin, will undergo large-scale layoffs and transfers due to the acquisition by foreign companies. At that time, although Liu Xuebin was not laid off and retained his position, his salary was lowered and his rights were revoked.

Of course, even if the salary was lowered, Liu Xuebin's income was still considerable at that time. It was only the downgrade of power that really made Liu Xuebin feel the feeling of being bullied by dogs in Pingyang, and see through the warmth and coldness of human feelings.

It was precisely because of this that Liu Huaxing was not satisfied with his father's promotion, nor did he intend to rely on his father's position to make things easier for himself in the future. He still wanted to create his own future.

After all, he really couldn't change his father's promotion and demotion. The fact that a state-owned enterprise was acquired by a foreign company was too big, not only money but also political factors were involved, which he couldn't handle. As for what to do in the future, Liu Huaxing has already made a plan. Working with others is always going to be irritating, but it is too troublesome to start a business by yourself.

Although it is true that his foresight of the future allows him to achieve success in starting a business, but starting a business requires a lot of energy. To be honest, he doesn't have anything or work that he particularly wants to do, so he doesn't have the slightest motivation to start a business. He just wants to accompany Yang Xiaoxiao to enjoy their leisurely life, and work is just to make money.

If you start a business, you must invest a lot of time and energy in the work of starting a business, so he doesn't have much time to accompany Yang Xiaoxiao.

Even with the ability to read files, there are still only twenty-four hours a day. Even if reading files saves thinking time, it still takes a process to put it into action.

So how to make a lot of money without starting a business through your foresight of the future?

It's simple, invest. As an investor, Liu Huaxing has already planned to invest in some promising companies in the future as a shareholder. In the future, some emerging industries similar to live broadcasting will be very popular. Liu Huaxing only needs to invest in these industries.

Therefore, all he has to do before that is to save enough capital to invest, probably a few million is enough. Those in charge of these technologies and work are all big companies, and they will become listed companies in the future, and the shares in their hands will skyrocket dozens of times. And Liu Huaxing's goal is to save enough of these millions during college, and start investing after graduation. The time is completely enough.

As for how to make this money? Liu Huaxing has already made plans. He plans to find some seniors who share the same aspirations to make a few small games after he goes to college. The game doesn't need to be too exquisite, and the picture quality doesn't need to be particularly good. The key is the gameplay.

After it's done, big companies will buy the copyright of the game, and they will divide the money.

From future experience, the copyright prices of games such as "My World" and "Plants vs. Zombies" are around several million dollars when they are acquired, and these games can be solved by a small team of four or five people. . The copyright of the two games is enough to make everyone in this small team earn millions of dollars.

In this way, he should be able to save enough millions of capital to invest during college.

Of course, the return on investment does not appear immediately, so when he just graduated, Liu Huaxing could rely on his high school part-time job experience or college game making experience to find a job and start doing it first.

After all, he planned to marry Yang Xiaoxiao after graduating from university. After getting married, he would be a human husband anyway, and needed a stable income to support his family. Therefore, after a few years of serious work to support his lovely wife, when the price of the shares in hand has skyrocketed, he will sell these shares.

Because the future he knows is only ten years from now, and he doesn't know anything further, so it is risky to continue holding these shares. It is better to sell them when they are most valuable and store them in the bank to get interest It's also flattering enough.

At that time, Liu Huaxing will quit his job again, and the interest alone will allow his family to live a prosperous life.

This is Liu Huaxing's blueprint for his future, and only he knows this plan. As for what job Yang Xiaoxiao will do in the future, he doesn’t really care. It’s better to say that he prefers Yang Xiaoxiao to choose a job that has no future and doesn’t require hard work. Like her mother, she can work from nine to five and stay with her every day he.

But this is just a plan. What to do in the future depends on "what happened". After he came back, his life has changed a lot. The influence of the flapping of the butterfly's wings back then will gradually come out in a few years. It is definitely impossible to be exactly the same as the trajectory of the previous life. The longer the time, the greater the changes caused by these flapping wings.

And now he has accumulated some foundations, which may also lead to changes in his life in the future. For example, he has cooperated with magazines several times and even published a novelette. writer, or a screenwriter.

Liu Huaxing's parents didn't know this, neither did Yang Xiaoxiao, they were still immersed in the joy of Liu Xuebin's promotion at the moment. Yang Xiaoxiao also seemed to be in a good mood, happier than her own father's promotion. Because Liu Huaxing's father was promoted, now her father has no reason to dislike Liu Huaxing at all.

Liu Huaxing did not deny that this incident made him very happy, but at the same time he was really worried. It is not a lie that a man will turn bad when he has money. In this life, he made their family's life miserable in recent years because of the two hundred thousand lottery tickets. He lived a relatively well-off life, and he didn't know what impact this would have on the future.

"Does Xiaoxiao want to stay for dinner today? Let's celebrate with our family." Lu Jing asked with a smile at this time.

"Hey, don't worry." Liu Xuebin raised his hand and said, "We'll have a big meal at home some other day, and we'll invite Xiaoxiao's parents over to celebrate together. By the way, we'll decide on the marriage of these two brats."

This girl Yang Xiaoxiao also blushed, holding her face together and laughing: "Oh, uncle, you really..."

"Dad, don't meddle in our affairs, we have our own plans." Liu Huaxing frowned.

"Okay, anyway, I'm telling you now, you don't have to worry about money anymore. Before you get married, I will definitely prepare your future bride price and house for you!" Liu Xuebin vowed to shoot He said proudly with his chest in his hands.

Thank you for the monthly tickets of the central dispatched book inspector, Mo Yi, and Kekekk, thank you for the super fierce 2 monthly tickets, and thank you Xiaolou for the rewards of the spring rain for a few nights

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