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By the way, let me introduce the situation of the author himself.

And, introduce some situations related to this book.

Friendly reminder: If you don’t want to read this part, you can skip it and go to the next chapter directly]


Strictly speaking, this is the first book written by the author Junlaifeilu.

But it is the fifth book since I wrote the web article.

The author has mixed in many websites.

I wrote a certain style, but when the grades just started to improve, the book was banned.

I have also written wireless articles, the longest single book is more than 5 million words, and I wrote it for two years.

However, the website is too pitted and too disappointing.

After staying for two years, the author Jun resolutely left in order to make a living and stop writing disgusting things.

After browsing several websites, I finally chose Feilu.

First, because the environment here is relatively inclusive, you can write your favorite stories.

Secondly, the editors here are very professional, and the operating model and philosophy are very comfortable for the author.

As for Sanlai, it is because there are so many loving readers here.

I have heard many author friends say that the readers here are all pretty boys and girls, and they speak nicely, and they really like it here.

When I came to Feilu to publish a book, the author Jun really didn't understand anything at first.

It's like moving to a new city and starting from scratch.

Learn from scratch.

The future is unknown.

The process is very hard.

But the author Bacteria still feels very happy.

Firstly, it’s because this book is actually a life-oriented urban daily article that the author himself likes very much.

In this article, a lot of material comes from what the author has seen and heard.

There are also a few of the author's personal experience.

Among them, even some characters are set by friends around the author.

Therefore, after writing this book as a whole, the author actually has a strong sense of accomplishment in his heart.

Moreover, there will be a feeling of breaking through the dimensional wall between the second dimension and the third dimension.

Otherwise, according to the habit of most Filo authors, the book will be pigeonholed because of unsatisfactory results after it is published on the first day.


Secondly, it is because the readers here are really heart-warming.

Not only will I send book reviews to encourage, but I will also vote for flowers, comments, even comments, rewards, and monthly tickets to encourage authors.

Unlike the readers under some websites.

Look ~ pirated ~ version ~ not to mention, the comments are completely unreadable.

A large gathering place of Zaun people.

All of them are like honey smeared on their small mouths, and they spit out fragrance when they open their mouths.

Thirdly, it is because of the editorial team and operation team here that the author Zhe feels at ease.

Therefore, the author Jun, who is a handicapped party, and Xiaomengxin who just came to Feilu, persisted all the way.

Until today, it will be on the shelves soon.

Speaking of shelves, everyone must know it.

This matter is related to the author's well-being.


When writing this, the author took a special glance at the lower right corner of the computer screen.

The time is ten fifty in the evening.

Colleagues in the company have been off work for nearly five hours.

Only the author, Bacteria, was still frantically typing on the keyboard in the office.

Write stories for yourself and for your lovely readers.


The author Jun is actually a person who loves to write stories.

He is also a very hard worker.

The kind that works six days off, often works overtime, and has no overtime pay.

I have been working in a super-first-tier city for four years, and my salary is only 3,000 yuan, and the rent and utilities are 2,000 yuan.

Life is really hard.

Stories are the sustenance of the author's soul and the main source of income for the author to improve his life.

This book has exhausted all the author's time after get off work (including not limited to eating and sleeping).

Just at the end of the year, the author’s work has also undergone major changes, and he almost lost his job (the company’s profitability is not good, and a large number of layoffs have been laid off. Cut to the author), this period of time is really exhausting.

The new book is coming out soon.

To be honest, the author is very nervous.

Fear of not doing well.

I am afraid that the only source of income to improve my life will be cut off. I am too embarrassed to go home during the Chinese New Year, and I have to hide away from old acquaintances.


So, if possible, I hope that everyone will subscribe more if conditions permit, as a little encouragement and support for the author, is it possible?

Thank you everyone!


Finally, while on the shelves, according to international practice——

Roll call to praise the beautiful boys and girls who have given rewards, voted monthly votes and reminded votes for this book since the book was opened.

Thanks to user "lu521030" for voting for a monthly ticket!

Thanks to user "lu521030" for the five reminder votes!

Thanks to the user "**" for voting for a monthly ticket!

Thanks to the user "xqc1xqc" for a reminder vote!

Thanks to the user "**" for voting for a monthly ticket!

Thanks to the user "**" for voting for a monthly ticket!

Thanks to the user "btaliuxu" for a monthly ticket!

Thanks to the user "**" for voting for a monthly ticket!

Thank you for the 1000 vip points rewarded by user "**"

Thanks to the user "**" for voting for a monthly ticket!

Thanks to the user "**" for voting for a monthly ticket!

Thanks to the user "**" for voting for a monthly ticket!

Thanks to the user "**" for voting for a monthly ticket!

Thanks to the user "**" for voting for a monthly ticket!

Thanks to the user "**" for voting for a reminder!

Thanks to the user "chhhhh" for the reward of 100 vip points

Thanks to user "chhhhh" for a reminder vote!

Thanks to the user "**" for voting for a monthly ticket!

Thanks to the user "**" for voting for a monthly ticket!

Thanks to the user "**" for voting for a monthly ticket!

Thanks to the user "**" for voting for a monthly ticket!

Thanks to the user "**" for voting for a monthly ticket!

Thanks to the user "a**" for voting for a monthly ticket!

Thanks to the user "q**" for voting for a monthly ticket!

Thanks to the user "chenlin5637" for voting for a monthly ticket!

Thanks to the user "**" for voting for a monthly ticket!

Thanks to user "qianqian0205" for voting for a monthly ticket!

Thank you for the 1000 vip points rewarded by user "**"

Thanks to the user "**" for voting for a monthly ticket!

Thanks to user "h516" for a monthly ticket!

Thanks to the user "**" for voting for a reminder!

Thanks to the user "a**" for voting for a monthly ticket!

Thanks to the user "q**" for voting for a monthly ticket!

Thanks to the user "**" for voting for a monthly ticket!

Thank you for the 100 vip points rewarded by user "**"

Thanks to the user "**" for voting for a monthly ticket!

Thanks to the user "**" for voting for a monthly ticket!

Thanks to the user "Brother Min" for voting for a monthly ticket!

Thanks to the user "**" for voting for a monthly ticket!

Thanks to the user "**" for voting for a monthly ticket!

Thank you for the 100 vip points rewarded by user "**"

Thanks to the user "**huangjian95" for the reward of 100 vip points

Thanks to the user "s**" for voting for a monthly ticket!

Thanks to the user "a**" for voting for a monthly ticket!


Of course, because the author's backend only displays dozens of recent related information, the names of some pretty boys and girls may not be able to be clicked. The author is here, thank you in advance.


Finally, if possible, I hope that everyone can subscribe more if conditions permit, as a little encouragement and support for the author, is it possible?

Thanks again everyone!

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Immediate recharge (activity time: April 29th to May 3rd)

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