I Can Resist Most Vicious Beatings

Chapter 1030: Breakthrough (Happy Qixi Festival)

The river of time flows steadily and orderly, and it seems that no matter how hard you fight outside, the world you are hitting will be shattered, everything will become nothingness, and the river of time will not ignore you.

But now, the long river of steady flow has flowed strangely.

A section of river water suddenly stirred up a layer of wind and waves, gently hooking the time-space boundary wheel, and then, this long river turned into a dead knot and sank into the depths of the long river.

Time to end!

Jiang Du observed everything outside and finally heaved a sigh of relief.

Fortunately, fortunately, the time elf has not dropped the chain.

This time Jiang Du also took a proper risk. If the time elf hadn't taken the initiative to find Jiang Du, it would have been too much for the two great demon kings, and Jiang Du would not have designed this situation.

Now, the time node is formed.

To sink completely into the long river of time, then Yasheng is looking for it, and in the long river of time, it takes a while to search.

You may even encounter terrible time creatures.

And during the period of time they were searching, Jiang Du reckoned that the relic of the Emperor of Heaven and the Dragon Lord had long since died and even a scum was left.

Oh, and this demon monk!

The Emperor of Heaven also felt the situation outside.

His face twitched violently.

But he didn't go into a rage again.

Without him, only familiar!

Jiang has his plan only, and the Emperor of Heaven naturally has his hole cards.

"Time and space imprint!"

The three of the Heavenly Emperors faced the six sub-sages with only solemn expressions.

The emperor suddenly let out a low growl.

The power of the Time and Space Circle began to work.


Between heaven and earth, a huge world began to slowly emerge.

This is a scene that has happened in the past, and it is directly on this world at this time.

"Kill them!"

Jiang Du waved his hand gently.


The endless light burst directly, almost blinding Jiang Du's eyes.

Immediately afterwards, the endless terrible wind blows wildly in this world.

It was just a momentary effort, Jiang Du lay down.

His body was lying on the ground, and the terrifying energy storm could shred everything.

Jiang Du's palm was grasping the earth, but the earth was constantly turning into quicksand. At the same time, Jiang Du's body was in this terrifying energy, and his flesh and blood seemed to be sandy, constantly flying away with the wind.


Jiang Du took a breath.

Cao Nima, so powerful?

A total of nine sub-sages, fighting in this not huge world, the power formed by them is simply appalling.

It's not the strength of Ashen, and it can't even survive in it.

The female emperor shouted and turned into an endless sword shadow and blasted towards the emperor. The old scholar just wanted to impose a shield on Jiang Du. Jiang Du hurriedly shouted, "Don't worry about me, kill them first!"

They must be killed!

As long as the three of them are killed, the layout of Shanhai City for such a long time, they can break open.

The ultimate goal of Shanhai City, no matter what it is, as long as it is for them to complete, then Jiang Du and the others will probably fall into a desperate situation.

Only by killing these three sub-saints now can they find a ray of life in this desperate situation.

Hearing Jiang Du's roar, Lao Xueqi took a deep breath.

A book was in his hand, quickly began to flip, and then, various terrifying spells began to bombard the dragon master.

"Hahaha, Jiuyu Demon, the two of us are finally going to end up with one." The Inanimate Demon laughed frantically.

The Jiku Demon is the demon monk, because he condenses the suffering of all living beings and feeds on the suffering. Any existence who hears his name will fall into the suffering and cannot escape from life to life.

Of course, only the weak will do this.

The more powerful, you can call it by name, not to mention the old opponents like Inanimate Demon.

A plum blossom branch suddenly appeared in the hands of the sacrifice, and there were plum blossoms on the plum blossom branch.

But she just drew it to the Jiu Ku Yao.

In an instant, the plum blossoms shattered, and the power of fate directly enveloped the Jiuyu Demon.

Countless screams came from the body of Jiku Yao.

The Emperor Zombie and Bald made the same shot. They didn't help the others, and they still rushed towards the Jiekui Demon.

Six to three, that is two to one.

If you kill one first, it's three to one.

Four sub-sages besieged one, and there is also a sacrifice that controls the power of fate.

In the blink of an eye, the body of the Jiekui Demon was severely shattered, and the body of the demon monk was completely shattered. I don’t know how many unjust souls came out crazily at this moment, screaming in his mouth, forming a A monster with a face and a sad look.

The imprint of time and space seems to have slowed down because of the terrible battle of many sub-sages.

The raging energy spread in all directions, hindering the descent of the time-space brand, but the brand still descends firmly and slowly.

At this time, the image of this brand has appeared blurred.

There were many palaces and fairies dancing.

The singing and dancing are rising, immortal spirits are lingering, and there are countless army is training.

This brand is extremely likely to be the brand of the ancient heaven in its heyday.

If all this imprint is allowed to descend, then many sub-sages will enter the ancient heavenly court in its heyday, the original ancient heavenly court, but a powerful existence that can confront the most holy.

"Ding, lethal immunity is activated!"

A voice resounded in Jiang Du's mind.

Putting Jiang Du in the destructive energy, Jiang Du, who had almost fainted, was agitated in an instant.

Holding the grass, the lethal immunity was touched.

"Ding, the host realm is being upgraded..."

"Ding, the host body is being upgraded..."

"Ding, the host world mind is being upgraded..."

The sound of three consecutive system prompts rose in Jiang Du's mind.

Jiang Du looked at his completely broken body and his dim soul, and couldn't help but let out a wry smile.

This is Yasheng!

The volatility of the fight can make him fall into this terrible crisis.

However, at this time, Jiang Du directly released his concentration skills on his body.

Jiang Du at this moment, in a state of extreme chaos, finally slowly stabilized.


A strange sound rang in Jiang Du's broken body.

Jiang Du looked at his body by himself.

He saw the broken body, which had completely turned into dark gold at this time, and small whirlpools appeared above his body.

This golden vortex seems to want to absorb energy in the void and replenish it into the body, but the surrounding energy has been completely beaten in chaos.

It can't be absorbed at all.

Similarly, the soul and state are basically in this situation.

If the soul and realm want to advance successfully, they also have to absorb huge power.

"Is there no way for the initial power to replenish me with energy?" Jiang Du frowned and asked.

"Ding, the initial power is insufficient, please recharge the initial power in time!"

"What are you doing in a daze, charge!"

Jiang Duo had already forgotten his vows to not let the middlemen make the difference before killing them and not charging them up.

With Jiang Du's words, a large piece of golden light fell in Jiang Du's small world, and the initial value began to surge upward.


Jiang Du took a breath of air, on the one hand it was refreshed by the initial power, on the other hand it was completely distressed.

The large pieces of treasures turned into initial power, but then the initial power was absorbed by Jiang Du like running water.

Jiang Du's body began to quickly recover and evolve!

The same soul becomes more tenacious.

The realm rises, the energy is tumbling, and it starts to increase in a leap.

Countless insights flooded into Jiang Du's mind. At this moment, his energy path had evolved along with Jiang Du's realm.

"Ding, the source of the Five Elements Realm is beginning to evolve..."

"Ding, the space world source is evolving..."

"Ding, Destruction World Source is evolving..."

"Ding, the initial value is insufficient, and the initial value of the system conversion has reached the upper limit."

"Ding, the initial value is insufficient, and the initial value of the system conversion has reached the upper limit."

Continuous sounds came from the system.

The supply of the initial value directly fell into a state of a lot of shares.

It's like when it receives water, it doesn't continuously enter the bucket, but a little bit, wait a while, and then another...

The obsessive-compulsive disorder series.

Jiang Du's face was as dark as the bottom of a pot.

Suddenly, a ray of light flashed in his mind for an instant.

PS: Although it is Chinese Valentine's Day, the update will not be pulled down. I also want to take care of your harem pressure!

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