Although this grand wedding was only held for one day, too many people remembered it deeply.

In the evening, Jiang Du also showed interest, condensed a few stars, and exploded outside the earth for a while.

Right to set off fireworks.

Of course, if the earth was blown up, it would not be too festive.

It took a long time to say, but this time I came back and it took about ten days in total.

Because he wanted to visit relatives and friends again, Jiang Du did not toss for too long.

The honeymoon is not saved.

Because Jiang Du has already embarked on a serious road.

Silently, he has come to the chaotic star ruins.

This time, he was looking for Confucian Sage.

Once raw, twice cooked.

In front of the huge statue of the most sage of Confucianism, Jiang Du was shrouded in a ray of light, and then disappeared.

When it reappears, it has come to a small independent world.

Among the square pavilions, the Confucian holy sage is waiting here.

In front of him is a chessboard.

It seemed that he was going to play against Jiang Du.

Actually this Go, Jiang Du only knows the fur

The only thing he knew was that the words black and white, as long as the black and white surrounds all the white and black, then the white can be eaten.

vice versa.

Jiang Du didn't know the other tricks.

Jiang Du sat in front of the most sage of Confucianism, this time, he was no longer the same as before.

Because this is the confidence that strength brings him.

"Play chess and talk." The Confucian sage said with a smile.

Jiang Du held the sunspot and dropped a little at will.

"A generation of Heavenly Emperor and the Unknown Lord have been hit hard by me, and I should not be able to turn over any waves in a short time." Jiang Du said openly.

The most sage of Confucianism smiled slightly.

"Looking at your relaxed posture, I can guess a few."

"How about making a deal?" Jiang Du said.

"Deal?" Luozi, the sage of Confucianism, became more interested.

"I think you are also the pinnacle of the most sacred. Now that I can take you into the transcendence realm, as long as you enter it, you have a chance to reach the realm of real immortals, how about?" Jiang Du said directly.

The most sage of Confucianism did not have much surprise about this.

In fact, it can be guessed that Jiang Du's strength has soared, and he has severely damaged a generation of Heavenly Emperor and Unknown Lord.

Then he has a way to freely travel back and forth between the Three Realms.

This kind of method is still extremely rare. The most rare thing is that Jiang Du has the means to hide himself, which is really admirable.

"This is not bad, but it's not as attractive to me as you imagined." The Confucian sage said with a smile.

"Is this attractive?" Jiang Du frowned tightly, somewhat strange.

"You tell me that you can travel back and forth in the Three Realms. Why don't those two dignified fairy kings go down in person and completely wipe out all the creatures in our world, but instead find ways to make a generation of emperors and two of them transformed into demons first Let's kill the creatures again." The most sage of Confucianism said with a smile.

Jiang Du was taken aback.

"I actually have a bold conjecture, that is, the two fairy kings cannot leave the transcendence realm. If transcendence loses their existence, they will also be invaded by the evil demon realm!" Jiang Du said his own speculation.

Unexpectedly, the most sage of Confucianism shook his head gently.

"You underestimated the methods of the immortal kings. If the two immortal kings are really determined to kill the chaotic world, then no one can stop them!" the Confucian sage said affirmatively.

Jiang Du frowned tightly. He hadn't used his brain for a long time, and suddenly he started to run his brain crazily, and he really felt a little strenuous.

"Then what are they for?" Jiang Du asked very puzzled.

Since the two immortal kings wanted to destroy the chaotic world easily, they would simply destroy it, shut the transcendence realm, and wait for the evil demon to perish naturally, and dominate the world from then on...

Thinking of this, Jiang Du frowned.

Dominate the world?

Assassin unified, even Jiang Du's current strength has no interest in any rule of the world, how could the two supreme fairy kings think about the low-level things such as the rule of the world.

"What are they for?" Jiang whispered quietly to himself.

A smile appeared at the corner of the most sage of Confucianism.

This kid is really smart enough.

Just a little bit to penetrate.

He fell behind and said leisurely: "With your current strength, it's actually pretty good. You can simply tell you some basic things."

"I can't ask for it, the kid listens carefully!" Jiang Du said with a fist.

The more you understand the enemy, the better you will be able to know the opponent's weakness, which is why Jiang Duxiang is eager to know.

"Do you know why Chaos Xingxu escaped from chaos?" The Confucian sage asked a whole new question.

Jiang Du was dumbfounded.

Shouldn't this question be the question three hundred chapters ago?

Why are you asking now?

And now that the Confucian sage asks it, the answer is obviously not the answer that everyone recognizes.

Why did you escape?

Seeing Jiang Du's bewilderment, the most sage of Confucianism was also a little confused.

Isn't it, such a difficult question, this kid can find the answer, and he is at a loss about this matter?

The Confucian sage smiled helplessly, and said calmly: "In fact, there are no other factors that are too complicated, just wanting to create one more variable in the chaotic world."

Hearing this answer, Jiang Du couldn't help but start looking at the chess pieces to reshape his three views and cognition.

It turns’s not that so many sages can’t beat a generation of emperors...

In fact, thinking about it, how could it be possible. If a generation of heavenly emperors turned into evil spirits and achieved the level of true immortals, the Confucian sage couldn't beat it too much.

However, the previous generation of Heavenly Emperors had not yet become demons. One by one, the most holy gangs also killed a generation of Heavenly Emperors.

How could he dare not enter the chaotic world because he was afraid of a generation of emperors.


Jiang Dunian talked about these two words.

What is called a variable is a change that cannot be fully controlled by people, and this is a variable.

"Within the chaos, a generation of emperors control, outside the chaos, the unknown master wants to control the chaotic star ruins, but he is directly beaten back to the chaotic world, do you mean it is interesting?" the Confucian sage said leisurely.

Jiang Du was shocked.

In an instant, countless clues crazily converged in his mind at this moment.

Connected into a straight line.

Just this sentence, Jiang Du can infer too much.

To sum it up, there are people on the front of a generation of Heavenly Emperor and Unknown Lord, and they want to use these two guys to completely control the entire chaotic world, including the Chaos Star Ruins.

A generation of Heavenly Emperors succeeded because of the many holy ones who took the initiative to take a step back. They withdrew from the chaotic world and formed the chaotic star ruins.

There was another person above the Unknown Lord, who also wanted to control the Chaos Star Ruins, but he was directly slapped and knocked back into the Chaos World.

The meaning of all saints is obvious.

Chaos World, we gave it to you, but you don't have to make an inch of it, the Chaos Star Ruins are something you can't get involved.

So what are they controlling?

Three Realms! Three Realms!

From the long-term love and killing of the two generations of the emperor and the unknown master, it is not difficult to speculate.

That is, it is very possible to control the amount of negative emotions!

If there are too many negative emotions, the master of the unknown will take the initiative to create unknowns in batches, to destroy the creatures on a large scale, in order to reduce the speed of negative emotions.

If the amount of negative emotions is reduced, the unknown will be eliminated, and humans will start to reproduce wildly, but there will be a lot of hardships, and people will produce all kinds of negative emotions.

To give a simple example, high price gifts, high housing prices, high cost of living, high comparisons, etc...

Too many manipulable factors make living beings anxious and crazy, and the base increases, and the amount of this negative emotion will rise sharply.

If there are too many, the unknown will be destroyed again.

The cycle goes back and forth, and always allows the number of negative emotions to reach the point expected by a generation of emperors and those above the unknown master.

It's like the Primordial Era. Before the Primordial Era, there must have been a huge prosperous age, but there were too many creatures, which led to too many negative emotions. Then there was a great cleansing in the Primordial Era.

Almost killed the creatures directly.

Then, in this way, the people on the heads of the generation of heavenly emperors and the unknown masters are particularly obvious, who else can be not those two immortal kings?

They control the amount of negative emotions, probably for...

Mother of Demons!

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