I Can Resist Most Vicious Beatings

Chapter 1175: Powerful time technology

"You go back first!" Beckham ordered directly to the crocodile of the end.

The Crocodile of End originally looked at the familiar appearance of Jiang Du and Master Time Holy Spirit, and they were a little nervous.

At this time, I received the order to return to the long river, and naturally I couldn't ask for it.

Jiang Du's mouth moved, but he still didn't say anything.

However, he silently wrote down the species of the crocodile of the end, and strived to squeeze it completely in the future. Its end power is very good for Jiang Du's ascension.

"Brother, why did you suddenly come here and want to change the past?" Beckham asked strangely.

He was called after Jiang Shuang'er.

As early as once, Jiang Du felt that his mother was really tough.

I still remember that when I first saw Xiaobei, he was completely a great demon king of the world, and the one who tossed all the time elves had the idea of ​​sending this demon out quickly for others to raise.

"I want to see what the backlash of time is actually like." Jiang Du said extremely honestly.

"Oh oh oh, forget, you like being beaten." Beckham suddenly realized that he had forgotten Jiang Du's favorite thing.

"But the long river of time is our own, can you change a place? The next backlash is time division, and then you may not be able to resist it." Beckham said tangledly.

"Time division, how is the division method?" Jiang Du instantly raised his interest, as if he had been beaten in blood.

Two girls...

"Time division, in simple terms, is to divide your time. This is a super exile type of magic that directly plunges the time of your whole body into infinite stillness. You can move freely in your own time, but you are not with the Lord. Time has split. Unless you collapse the entire timeline, you will fall into a lonely stillness forever."

Beckham explained.

Jiang Du...

It was not beaten!

"But I need to change the past, because this is the place I have regretted the most." Jiang Du said with a sigh quietly.

Jiang Shuang'er looked into the distance, looking through the endless void, and saw the point in time before he was born.

In an instant she understood what would happen in the future here.

The destruction of the Acropolis!

"Xiaobei, help!"

Jiang Shuang'er shook Beckham's arm and said.

Beckham frowned slightly.

She was thinking about something.

Jiang Du had a faint sigh on his face, but he was a little bit jerky. With allies, he couldn't waver at any time.

No, after I return from the timeline, I have to be bitten by fate a few more times. I definitely have no acquaintances on the fate side!

"The backlash of time must be endured, but what kind of backlash do you like best?" Xiaobei looked at Jiang Du and asked.

"In addition, I hereby clarify that this practice is only this one time. If you tamper with the past and the law of time does not completely obliterate you, time will weaken." Xiaobei reminded specially.

When Jiang Du listened to Xiaobei's question, he was very confused.

As the eldest brother of two girls, Jiang Du couldn't tell that he likes violent, hard, and can beat the kind that his parents don't know.

That kind of shame is simply able to make Jiang Duo use his toes to buckle out a big world in the void.

"Xiaobei, you are stupid again, don't you know what our brother likes?" Jiang Shuang'er rolled his eyes and said.

Beckham suddenly realized it, and made a sound with his lush white fingers.


Jiang Du stayed for a while, just understand, just understand.

Ah hello, what do you understand?

"Let's start, only in the earth, I try to minimize the time of disorder." Beckham said.

Jiang Du took a deep breath.

Forget it, everything is for world peace!

"All dead!"

Jiang Du spit out these two words, and between the electric light and flint, any members of the underground forces who participated in the Acropolis Project were all turned into black ashes.


For a long time, the river suddenly appeared in the void, the colorful river seemed to be angry, and the waves were so terrible.

Xiaobei's figure instantly rushed into the long river of time, and the colorful rays of light spread in all directions, as if turned into a gentle little hand, calming the irritable river of time.

"Attention, backlash is coming!"

Jiang Shuang'er hurriedly reminded his brother.

Jiang Duxin felt it and raised his head.


A light beam of seven colors suddenly fell from the sky, without any distance limit, and directly hit Jiang Du's body.

"Ding, you are under the attack of time decline, the seed of time +1, the seed of time +1, the seed of time +1..."

The dense system prompts sounded in Jiang Du's mind. Suddenly, a huge amount of energy radiated from Jiang Du's body, and the golden light of his soul directly dimmed.


"Ding, affected by the decline of time, your evolving soul degenerates to the most holy thought..."

"Ding, under the influence of time decay, your most holy thoughts have degenerated to innate thoughts..."

"Ding, affected by the decline of time, your innate thoughts have degenerated to..."


"Ding, affected by the decay of time, your most immortal body degenerates to the most holy body..."

"Ding, affected by the decay of time, your most holy body degenerates to innate body..."


"Ding, affected by the decay of time, your seven most sacred realms degenerate to the fifth..."

"Ding, affected by the decline of time, your five most holy realms degenerate to one realm..."

At this moment, the dense cluster of system prompt sounds, as if swiping the screen, appeared in rows in Jiang Du's mind.

Under the influence of time decline, Jiang Du's spirit and spirit began to regress in all aspects.

In a blink of an eye, he has become a world state.

Then came the legendary state, the eternal state, the supreme state, the golden body state...

With the continuous impact of the colorful light beams on Jiang Du's body, Jiang Du's breath finally fell into the blood realm.

Finally the colorful light beam disappeared.

"Grass..." Jiang Du's eyes widened, and he couldn't help but spit out these two words.

His body started to be somewhat uncontrollable, in the void, being pulled away by the gravity of a distant planet at will.

Zhen Yuanjian ran to Jiang Du's feet automatically and fixed Jiang Du's figure.

At this moment, Jiang Du became extremely small.

Not only has he become the qi and blood realm, but his appearance has also become particularly immature, becoming his original fifteen or sixteen-year-old appearance.

"Wow, brother, you have become so immature!" Jiang Shuang'er rushed forward, and couldn't help but squeeze his brother's face.

Zhen Yuanjian held Jiang Du back in an instant, Jiang Du frowned, and gave Jiang Shuang'er a vicious look.

As for why there is no reprimand, it is very simple. The blood cannot be released outside, and the voice cannot be transmitted in a vacuum.

Beckham flew over from the long river of time, with a few drops of sweat on his forehead.

"Tsk tusk tusk, it's really tender, it feels like a little Zhengtai, this time-declining spell can last ten minutes, originally within these ten minutes, there will be enemies sent by the long river to kill you, you now know us Time is amazing!" Beckham raised his head proudly.

At this time, Jiang Du smiled slightly.


The breath on Jiang Du's body directly rose wildly.

As for ten minutes? nonexistent!

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