I Can Resist Most Vicious Beatings

Chapter 1187: Come without a trace

Son of Eleven Epochs.

At this moment, all of them looked strange, standing in a row just in front of Jiang Du.

Seeing those little appearances, Jiang Du couldn't help showing a kind smile.

Inexplicably, Jiang Du looked at the sons of these epochs, and he felt like he looked at the younger generation, and he didn't know if it was an illusion.

In fact, the children of these eras are all much older than Jiang Du, but their strength is still a little weak. Destiny Cat should be almost the strongest among them.

It's just that part of the process of arresting them caused some trouble for Jiang Du.

For example, the Son of Card, when the ultimate ban came, he turned into an unlockable card, making Jiang Du's absolute ban directly invalid.

For another example, the son of the era of science and technology directly brought out a cannon that could release a full blow at the peak.

There are also the sons of Baijiajiyuan, who are directly bragging. The most important thing is that the bragging has been realized.

Anyway, all kinds of methods have added a touch of fun to Jiang Du's boring career.

So now all 12 people have been arrested by Jiang Du.

Although the Mysterious Era was overcast with Jiang Du in front, it did not have much impact on Jiang Du.

"Everyone, I think you all know who I am?" Jiang Du said with a gentle smile on his face, just like the old king of the neighbor next door.

Destiny Cat was the most honest, nodded hurriedly, and even proactively said: "This is the handsome, handsome, talented and unparalleled Jiang Du, who is also the brother of Jiang Shuang'er, the son of Immortal Era."

Jiang Du glanced at Destiny Cat with some surprise. Destiny Cat gave him a bright smile, as if he was saying, "Fuck!"

The faces of the sons of other eras are a little weird.

Isn’t Destiny Cats usually very cold? Usually when people have parties, they always like to stay alone and lick their paws. Today this is...

What are you afraid of? This is Jiang Shuang'er's elder brother. He dares to kill anyone here, then his younger sister will die first.

"I invite you all over this time. In fact, there is no major issue. I just want to invite the twelve of you to unlock all the spells on my sister, so that everyone can live in peace with Meimei and Era. In fact, it is also a very satisfactory thing. Things." Jiang Du said with a smile.

"You want to ask us to unlock the spells on Jiang Shuang'er, do you have this attitude?" The son of Guidao Jiyuan is a cloud of black fog, unable to see the appearance, but he snorted coldly.

Destiny's cat's eyelids jumped, and hurriedly reprimanded: "Will, don't talk nonsense, I think Jiang Du is right. Between epochs, it is indeed necessary to get along with each other. It is the saying that enemies should be settled and not settled.

The son of Guidao Era suddenly sneered.

"Why, your Destiny Era does not hate us now?"

The Era of Deception has replaced the existence of the Era of Destiny.

When fate meets an unpredictable strangeness, it is indeed a headache, not to mention other factors at play.

Destiny's eyelids throbbed violently.

It stood obediently, looked at Jiang Du extremely honestly and said, "Boss Jiang Du, I am determined to obey any decision you make, but they don't cooperate."

Jiang Du nodded and looked at this group of sons of Era.

Tsk tut, these are the protagonists!

Now that it has fallen to this point, the world is really going down, and people's hearts are not old.

"As for me, I usually treat all kinds of creatures, even if they are not human beings, I basically regard harmony as the most valuable thing."

"But now, everyone seems to have touched my bottom line, and they have fallen on my sister's calculations. Isn't this a bit unethical?" Jiang Du said with a smile on his face.

"Your sister, I think you may have made a mistake. In our eyes, Jiang Shuang'er is because she is the son of Epoch, we count her, not because of you, we count her." The son of Chaos Epoch sneered.

Except for the Son of Destiny, the other Sons of Epoch also nodded fiercely.

Destiny Cat couldn't help but looked a little sad and pitifully at the sons of many eras.

These guys...

Is it true that when you see Jiang Du with a smile on his face, you think that this person is a kind-faced human being, but in fact this person is completely black and bad.

When that kind of pain comes to you, you will know what pain is.

Huh, that's not right!

Destiny Cat suddenly remembered.

Among the twelve sons of Jiang Shuanger's Era, he himself was tortured.

Obviously everyone has calculated it, so why only I have experienced that kind of pain, wouldn't it be fine for everyone to experience it together?

Thinking of this, Destiny Cat instantly relieved.

Holding the grass, I would worry about them again, come and be tortured and tortured them to death!

Jiang Du looked at the sons of Era who were not afraid of death, and couldn't help but sighed with some pity.

It's not that I don't have humanity, but they really don't cooperate!

But speaking of it, the pain has been broken to pieces, is he resurrected now?

With a wave of his big sleeve, all the children of Twelve Epochs disappeared in front of Jiang Du, and Jiang Du's fate quickly rushed into the world of evil spirits.

At the point of Jiang Du, it was actually very simple to enter the world of transcendence and demons.

Similarly, true immortals in the transcendence world can also enter the chaotic world, but because of special factors, they have not entered.

Only demons can neither enter the transcendence realm nor enter the world of chaos. They can only absorb the negative emotions of sentient beings in the world of demons.

Speaking of it, it feels like a pig being raised in captivity.

Pain dominates not dying, but slowly rebirth.

Jiang Du's figure cut through the void and rushed towards the place where pain dominates rebirth.

This is a huge ocean. The sea water is completely formed by various negative emotions. Jiang Duo flies on it, releasing his concentration skills on his body, so that he is not affected by these negative emotions.

On the surface of the sea, various demons are gestating one after another, and their bodies are covered with a membrane that looks like a nasal mucus, with various sounds from their mouths, struggling in the ocean.

Looking across the huge ocean, there are countless demons who are struggling.

It gives people a shocking feeling.

It was the first time Jiang Du saw this kind of scene. He couldn't help taking a deep breath, feeling extremely terrible.

Such a situation can directly scare a mentally fragile person.

But Jiang Du flew over countless demons, and no demons found him. He came to the deepest part of the ocean.

Here, the figure dominated by pain has slowly bred out, a huge and ugly ball.

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