I Can Resist Most Vicious Beatings

Chapter 1192: Please raise your hand

"Who~ is my groom?"

"Don't let me look around, don't let me guess every day..."

The cheerful singing resounded through the void on the edge of the evil world, bringing a different voice to this painful and desperate world of negative emotions.

In an instant, the body of the son of eleven eras quivered quickly with a different trembling frequency.

"Who is my groom?"

"I am your groom!"

The son of Void Age has started to foam at the mouth.

"Who is my groom?"

The figure of the Son of Card Era has become blurred.

"I am your groom!"

The sons of Baijiajiyuan huddled together, with their mouths open but they couldn't make any sound.

"Hey, you come to my side soon."

The body of the son of eleven eras trembled frantically.

Destiny Cat raised his paws and covered his eyes, unwilling to watch this tragic scene again.

too terrifying!

This Jiang Du human is really terrible.

He always brings some new tricks to people.

"Stop doing it, I'm willing... willing to untie it!"

The son of Void Era could not bear it completely, and said with a loud roar.

This roar is simply hysterical.

Good luck came to an end, Jiang Du didn't seem to hear the other party's roar, but continued to say to the Pain Master: "Resting for a minute, waiting for a while is more difficult!"

Pain dominates panting, and now it also feels great pressure.

This song seems to have magical powers, even if it is over, it still echoes in his mind.

"No, we are willing to unlock the magic, we are willing!"

"We know that we were wrong, please let us go, let us go!"

The son of the Era of Science and Technology suddenly burst into flames and directly activated the self-detonation device. He would rather die than suffer the pain here.

Jiang Du sneered and pointed his finger at the Son of Science and Technology Era.

The law of time and the law of space, two law forces that are about to approach the fairy seed, directly envelop the body of the son of the science and technology era.

The self-detonating device directly solidified.

"Pain, he wants to destroy the game." Jiang Du said with a smile.

A white light burst out of Pain Dominator's body, rushing towards the son of the era of science and technology.

The son of the era of science and technology was struggling crazily in the white light for an instant, his eyes were staring wide, and bloodshots appeared.

Pain can be seen in his eyes, from his face, and even from any part of his body.

Children of the other ten eras...

You can't blew yourself!

This human being is just a devil, a devil with extreme evil.

Why would they provoke such a person?

"Now, those who are willing to help me unlock Jiang Shuang'er's spells, please raise your hands." Jiang Du said while looking at the group of sons of the era with a gentle smile on his face.


In an instant, all the sons of the era raised their hands except for the son of the technology era who could not move.

Jiang Du nodded with satisfaction.

"It wouldn't be better if this was done earlier, and I won't hurt my peace before. Let me see how this son of science and technology is." Jiang Du looked at the son of the era of science and technology.

The pain master cleverly recovered his energy.

The son of science and technology is full of electric currents, and the whole person seems to be bad.

"Do you agree?" Jiang Du asked.

"agreed, agreed……"

The son of science and technology exhausted his greatest will to survive and said these four words.

"That's good, now I'll take you to find Jiang Shuang'er. As for the dominance of pain, I will give you some problems when you have time. Go back by yourself first!"

Master of Pain sighed with a pity.

"If you have such a thing in the future, you must remember to find me!"

Jiang Du...

Wait, when did the pain master become his own?

But Jiang Du didn't say anything, just smiled and nodded.

Seeing the Pain Dominator reluctantly leave, Jiang Du thought about the possibility.

First, it should be more boring to dominate the pain, the second is the difficulty set by Jiang Du, which he likes, and the third is that the power of his pain is applied to the sons of these eras, and he should be able to gain a lot of benefit.

After all, the sons of these eras almost went smoothly along the way, where they have suffered such pain.

For the first time, it is natural to give more feedback to the power of the pain master.

Thinking of this, Jiang Du gently shook his head.

I'm afraid this group of demons don't know that their so diligent desire to grow is actually speeding up the process of being swallowed, and also adding more pressure to the mother of demons.

Forget it, don't care about it.

Jiang Du's figure disappeared instantly, and the son of Twelve Epochs also disappeared at the same time.

Chaos world, next to the ocean of an unknown big world.

On the beach, people come and go, and many beauties in bikinis are either sunbathing or swimming in the sea.

The sky is high and the earth is wide, and the sea and blue gulls fly.

It's also an excellent beauty. Of course, the beauty here is not about the beauties in bikinis, it's just describing the natural environment.

Two little girls, seventeen or eighteen years old, were also wearing relatively conservative bikinis, lying on the chairs, four long white legs dangling like this.

Wearing sunglasses, a round sun hat, and a small parasol, Jiang Du can't understand it.

Covered with sunscreen, fully armed, and covered by parasols when you come to the beach, what kind of sun is this?

Standing upright, showing a big letter, lying on the beach, facing the sun, turning over in ten minutes, this is called sunbathing.

Jiang Du's figure appeared on the beach. Although there were many people around, no one could see him.

Jiang Du looked around slightly.

Well, this beach is so long, and the sea is so white.

Speaking of it, he is not afraid of people making jokes. Although Jiang Du's experience has become a legend, he was stunned that he did not go to the snow-capped mountains to ski through the snow or go to the coast to ride the waves.

Seeing those beautiful women with their big backs exposed and such a good back, it would be a pity not to take a cupping pot.

Jiang Du casually strolled around and took a look.

Two hours later, he came to Jiang Shuang'er and Xiaobei, and the moment he saw the two girls, his brows wrinkled tightly.

"What is it like to go out dressed like this?" Jiang Du frowned and scolded.

The two were shocked.

"Brother, when did you come here, don't tell me in advance, I don't know how scary people are!" Jiang Shuang'er patted his chest with some lingering fear.

"That's right, I'm out of sight, what's the matter with us, hurry up and say, don't delay us from seeing beautiful women!" Beckham said carelessly.

Jiang Du's brows were almost condensed.

The palm of his hand is directly in the shape of a claw, and the large piece of sand directly pastes the two young and invincible beautiful girls.

"I will dress me neatly. I will give you three minutes!"

Then Jiang Du waved his hand suddenly, and the two girls flew out of the world screaming in an instant.

Jiang Du lay on the chair comfortably, took out a cup of ice, put on his sunglasses leisurely, and enjoyed it.

As for why wear sunglasses?

Because you wear sunglasses, others don't know if you are looking at her.


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