I Can Resist Most Vicious Beatings

Chapter 1589: Cut (make up)

The Supreme Change can double his strength.

Then it takes a whole system of integrity, how much the evolution of the gods and demons will improve him.


three times?

Still five times?

Jiang Du didn't know, but he would be able to get the answer soon.

The Great Blue Bull and the Nine Dragons fought madly. Both gods and demons are extremely powerful. It can be said that even in this huge prehistoric, such gods and demons are all dominating one side.

But the four-star **** is a four-star **** after all.

A **** and demon that can reach this level, no matter how weak it is, it will not be so weak.

The bodies of the nine dragons were pierced with huge wounds, and their heads were all crushed by five alive.

The battle between gods and demons is extremely miserable and primitive, and their bodies are often their most powerful weapons.

Although Daqing Niu was not comfortable, with numerous traumas, it was far better than the nine dragons.

The two huge gods and demons fought for more than half an hour, and finally the nine dragons were only left with two heads, dragging their broken bodies and fleeing quickly.

Jiang Du's body quickly followed.

Wherever the Big Blue Bull would be willing to let it go so easily, chasing it fiercely behind, the sharp red horns are like missiles that are constantly launching.

The Devil Dragon obviously felt scared, all his potential had burst out, and he escaped extremely fast.

Jiang Du...

Special, can't catch up!

Watching the two huge gods and demons chase and flee, they began to slowly disappear within his field of vision.

In Jiang Du's heart, he could only use a capitalized "grass" to express his inner thoughts.

He followed the traces of the battle and kept moving forward.

It didn't take long before he ran into the big green cow lying on the ground.

The little green cow was gently licking the wound of the big green cow, tearful.

Jiang Du took a look and was convinced that even though Da Qing Niu had become like this, he still couldn't match it.

So he ran directly past Daqing Niu, carefully looking for the traces of the escape of the nine dragons.

Soon, this trail was broken.

Jiang Du sighed, a little unwilling, did he just let this magic dragon run away?


Jiang Du suddenly remembered that he had the thread of fate and cause and effect.

But does this thing have any effect on the nine dragons?

Try it, it won't be wrong to try it.

The Fate Karma Silk Thread appeared in Jiang Du's hand instantly, and then the Silk Thread sank directly into the void.

Jiang Du silently waited.

Sure enough, the thread of destiny karma is still capable of catching the horrible existence of the nine dragons.


Jiang's one-eyed ball moved slightly.

Indeed, the Nine-Headed Devil Dragon is a very powerful **** and demon. It is very difficult for oneself to find its body through the power of destiny and cause and effect.

But what if you are looking for the blood of the nine dragons?

Since the opponent was injured, a lot of blood must have been spilled along the way.

Thinking of this, Jiang Du directly changed the subject.

In an instant, the fate karma thread spreads in all directions.

The way he passed just now, the fate has the most karma.

In addition to the way he had just come, in another direction in front of him, there also began to appear the fateful threads of fate.

Jiang Du's expression suddenly lifted up.

found it!

He is really a genius.

Jiang Du was not sure whether his use of the fate karma thread had been noticed by the magic dragon.

But the opportunity is great at this time.

Jiang Du's figure began to lurch quickly along the direction of the dragon's blood.

After running for several hours, Jiang Du finally saw a stretch of mountains. Trees have appeared on the mountains. In this wild world, the restoration of the ecology is still very fast.

Moreover, with such a strong energy, I am afraid that it will not take long for the entire prehistoric continent to undergo earth-shaking changes.

Jiang Du cautiously walked into the mountains, and strange life had already emerged among the trees.

This place is an extremely primitive ecological jungle.

Walking into the mountains, Jiang Du finally found a cave based on the traces of blood.

A smile finally appeared on his face.

The nightmare power enveloped him, and Jiang Du slowly walked in. For absolute concealment, he did not even release his mental power, for fear of being noticed by the nine-headed dragon.

The cave is dark and damp, and there are many rattans at the entrance of the cave.

The soles of Jiang Du's feet didn't even touch the ground, but directly floated over. Because this cave was used by the nine-headed magic dragon, when Jiang Du entered again, he felt particularly spacious.

After flying through a cave, Jiang Du finally heard the dull roar.

It was a panting voice.

Zhen Yuanjian appeared in Jiang Du's hands.

Zhen Yuanjian also seemed to know that he was going to kill one of the most powerful enemies in history. The excited sword body was trembling slightly, and the blood gleamed on the blade and sawtooth.

The space in front began to become wider.

A faint white light reflected on Jiang Du's eyelids, and Jiang Du felt extremely comfortable throughout his body.

However, he is not injured now. If he is injured, he will be surprised to find that just shrouded in this white light, the injury will heal quickly.

No wonder these nine dragons come here!

Jiang Du clearly saw the scene in the depths of the cave. It was a huge cavity. In the center of the cavity, a small white jade tree that was only a foot long was growing.

In the center of the small white jade tree, a green fruit is obviously not yet ripe, but even if it is not ripe, it exudes amazing energy.

Or it's medicinal power.

The nine-headed dragon is extremely miserable at this time. It is lying next to the small white jade tree, with only two heads, and its huge body is full of traces of piercing.

The blood dyed the earth red.

At this moment, it is slowly repairing its injuries with its eyes closed. Under the shining of the white light, it can be seen that those serious injuries are slowly healing.

The nine dragons are very weak.

Jiang Du observed carefully and could see that it was indeed very weak.

But it does not rule out the other party is pretending.

According to Jiang Du's acting master's level, after observing for two minutes, he could be sure that the nine dragons did not expect that he would come.

Concentration skills are released on one's own body.

Jiang Du's face began to become cold, and he walked over with Zhen Yuanjian in his hand.

The body has come near the nine dragons.

The change of gods and demons, open!


Although there was no real sound, Jiang Du felt his body, at this moment, it seemed like a breakthrough.

His already huge spiritual power began to swell crazily at this time.

In a blink of an eye, five million spiritual powers.

Six million, seven million, eight million, nine million, ten million!

A total of 10 million units of spiritual power poured into Zhenyuan Sword.

This sword, lore!

Even the broken source has not been released, all the spiritual power, one brain converge into one skill.


At this time, the nine-headed dragon finally noticed something wrong.

Its only three eyes opened instantly.

And what greeted it was a sword light, a huge figure, holding a huge epee in his hand, exuding an indescribable breath, a sword that was slashed at it.

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