I Can Resist Most Vicious Beatings

Chapter 1642: Tomb of Pangu

really not easy.

To be honest, Jiang Du now wants to return to Earth to rest for a while.

It was definitely not because of eating pink jellyfish.

But I am really tired.

But he couldn't relax, the system exposed this incident, it was definitely not a joke.

At that time, the beasts of the eight star gods and seven star gods would definitely chase themselves desperately like a mad ball.

Taking a deep breath, Jiang Du was about to flee for his life.

"Can you give me some response, you seem to be being bullied by the demons, right?" Jiang Du stepped on the ground and asked.

The earth is naturally silent.

So that Jiang Du's act of speaking to the earth now is like a sand sculpture.

But Jiang Du didn’t care. Instead, he continued: “Although I don’t know how your situation is now, we can make a deal. I will help you kill more gods and demons. By the way, I can let all sequence beasts attack. Gods and demons, all you need to do is just give me a little help."

"Tell me where the gods and demons of the Eight Star Gods are?"

The earth is still quiet.

There was no response to Jiang Du.

Jiang Du took a deep breath and spoke again.

"I know that you have your own consciousness and are following me. I also tell you clearly that if you don't help this, I will die, and you won't have any foreign aid at that time."

"I'm equivalent to your investment. I don't know what those gods and demons want, but I don't care about what they want. I just want to live. You should know the speed at which my strength improves."

"As long as you help me at this moment, I will help you drive all the gods and demons out of the prehistoric continent. You may not know me well. I, Jiang Du always, will do what I say!"

Jiang Du still did not wait for Earth's response.

He sighed.

"Made, you deserve to have such a catastrophe!"

Jiang Du couldn't help but cursed.

Since the earth did not respond, he could only find a new way.

Headache, three days, so that he can be promoted to survive under the hands of the Eight Star God, how is this possible?

What can be done?

Suddenly, a terrifying will awakened in the earth.

Jiang Du's body suddenly stiffened, and a feeling of suffocation directly enveloped him.

Cold sweat began to appear on Jiang Du's forehead.

The crisis of death made Jiang Du's soul tremble.

This feeling is like an Eight-Star God...No, it should be said that it is a bunch of Eight-Star Gods, with killing intent, surrounding his body in the middle.

It may die in the next second.

"Ah, I mean, it is a bad thing to have such a catastrophe. It is said that misfortunes depend on blessings, and good fortunes depend on misfortunes. If you can survive this catastrophe, then your age will be as solid as a rock. Even if you and I work together, you can eliminate all these unstable factors!" Jiang Du said seriously.

The huge and terrifying will still quietly looked at Jiang Du.

"I didn't lie to you. You have absorbed a lot of indestructible matter under my hand. You should know that since your formation, I am definitely the one who has contributed the most indestructible power to you. Now the human race is withered, gods and demons. Invincible, there is no opponent at all, so it is only you and I who work together. Anyway, I have already offended all the beasts of the sequence and the gods and demons."

Jiang Du is still trying to persuade the will of the earth.

Finally, a position appeared in Jiang Du's mind.

Jiang Du's fist clenched instantly.

This earth consciousness is not mentally retarded yet.

Now that you have the position, let's go!

In the Sequence Land, a sequence beast of the Eight Star God appeared again, and the system estimated that it was a dream come true sequence.

The dream come true sequence is also very awesome. If anyone owns this system, they can bring everything in the dream into reality through the way of dreaming.

As long as you can pay a sufficient price.

The price is sufficient energy, and this sequence needs to be charged.

If you have enough energy, you have a dream, dreaming that you have become an eight-star god.

Well, after waking up, you are the Eight-Star God.

I dreamed that Saito Asuka became your daughter-in-law. Well, after you wake up, Saito Asuka is in your bed.

Even dreamed of animated characters, such as Bibi Dong, such as Athena, such as Daji, such as Boya Hancock.

Another example is the characters in the novel, such as Eli Yi, Jiang Ni, Ruthless People or something...

Can appear.

It is so strong, of course, the increase in strength generally consumes the most energy, like pulling out a fictitious person, it is still very easy.

It can even satisfy any of your imagination.

Of course, the person you pull out cannot be too strong. For example, the most ruthless person in ancient and modern times, you may kill you directly if you pull it out...

So Sequence Land really has no need to stay, he has no chance to attack.

With full speed, Jiang Du frantically rushed towards the position given by Shidi Consciousness.

It's so far!

He did not rest in one breath, and ran for more than 30 hours, and finally came to the position given by the earth consciousness.

This is a desert, and nothing exists at all.

Jiang Du frowned.

There is no need to deceive yourself with earth consciousness, because not all existence in the world is boring.

If you lie to yourself, the earth will not do any good.

Is there something weird about the space here?

Jiang Du's mental power explored the past in all directions, but everything was normal.


Jiang's single figure rose up and kept rising, but there was still nothing unusual.

That is in the earth?


Jiang Du's body fell from the sky and hit the ground directly, then his body turned into a drill, and he went crazy into the depths of the earth.

Without letting Jiang Du drill for long, the land suddenly broke open, and Jiang Du appeared in a black void.

Under the earth, there is a void hidden unexpectedly?

Jiang Du is slightly confused, what the **** is it?

He was suspended in the void and looked around. The void was a relatively normal void, but it was strange to appear in the depths of the earth.

In which direction should I run?

At this point, the will of the earth completely disappeared.

Jiang Du couldn't help but turned it on with real luck, and then took out a chopstick and spun it suddenly.

The big head of the chopsticks kept turning, and finally pointed to Jiang Du's left hand.

Jiang Du directly rushed towards his left hand.

Ten minutes later, Jiang dubiously suspected that he had gone out of direction, and simply started to rotate his chopsticks again.

But this time the big head of the chopsticks pointed straight ahead.

That's right, one time may be wrong, and both times point in the same direction, there must be a problem in this direction.

Keep flying.

After more than twenty minutes, finally, after Jiang Duzai threw his chopsticks three more times, he saw a black portal.

This portal is so huge, it seems to be built of bronze, simple and majestic, ancient and extraordinary.

It doesn't really matter, the key lies in the handwriting on the portal.

On the bronze portal, four characters are written.

This font is like traditional Chinese. Jiang Du hasn't learned it before, but he can understand it in a daze.

Named... Tomb of Pangu!

Ps: Calvin... is thinking hard!

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