I Can Resist Most Vicious Beatings

Chapter 1647: You swallow me, i swallow you

"Die to me!"

Suddenly, Jiang Du felt something climbed up on his leg.

He yelled, stretched out his palm, directly pinched what was lying on his body, and yelled in his mouth.

Watching mentally, Jiang Du suddenly discovered that this was a bug, a beetle.

At this time, the beetle was pinched in his hand, not in a hurry, and his mouth opened, and a tooth that looked like a long needle was exposed, directly piercing Jiang Du's skin.

Jiang Du suddenly tried hard!


No use for hanging!

Even the black beetle didn't mean to care about Jiang Du at all, and directly sucked hard.

Jiang Du suddenly felt his own vitality, the wisps of passing.

Of course, for Jiang Du, such a fleeting vitality is just a drop in the bucket, not to mention it.

But Jiang Du couldn't crush this worm.

He used madly, desperately.

Still not crushed.

Zhenyuan sword waved, click!

The sword light slashed on the insect's body.

The bug... still not broken?

Jiang Du's eyes almost stared out, what kind of ghosts and bugs, even Zhen Yuanjian did not break.

Puff puff…

At this time, on the soles of Jiang Du's feet, the dense beetles turned over his body, opened his mouth, and pierced in fiercely.

The pain is not too much.

It's just sucking your life.

Jiang Du's body shook hard, and the huge power of the gods wanted to shake the beetle away.

But the beetle is like immune to the power of the gods, a layer of power of the gods slaps on it, and it is completely unaffected.

Jiang Du simply used his palm to pull out the black beetle.

This time it was a success, with a large piece of flesh and blood, and it was pulled out directly.

The Beetle's mouthparts continued to absorb the vitality of that piece of flesh and blood, and soon the flesh and blood began to dry up.

"Puff puff!"

Heads of black beetles jumped onto Jiang Du's body again.


The passing speed of vitality increased instantaneously.

Jiang Du's hair almost exploded, and his body began to rush forward frantically.

Countless beetles overwhelmed and bite towards Jiang Du. Jiang Du's Zhenyuan sword swung, and shot a head of black beetle.

The power of the gods has absolutely no effect on these beetles.

Jiang Du's Zhenyuan sword swung very fast, but there were still beetles lying on his body.

The speed of his vitality has reached a terrifying point.

If this continues, I am afraid that it will only take a few minutes before he will become a corpse.

"Ding, your vitality is swallowed, vitality +1!"

Suddenly, a system prompt sounded.

Jiang Du's frantic fleeing footsteps suddenly stopped.

Is the system triggered?

What does vitality +1 mean?

He didn't feel any changes in the vitality in his body?

"Ding, your vitality is swallowed, vitality +1!"

"What do you mean?" Jiang Du hurriedly asked.

"Ding, your total vitality has increased!"

Jiang Du...

There is a fart to increase the total amount. If my vitality is sucked out, no matter how much the total amount is added, will I still die?

"Void Soul!"

The soul gathering holy pearl exudes a ray of light.

Suddenly, Jiang alone turned into a state of soul.

What made Jiang Du uncomfortable was that even if he turned into a virtual soul state, the beetles were still on his body, and there were hundreds of beetles on him now.

"Ding, your vitality is swallowed, vitality +1!"

The system's prompt sound continued.

Jiang Du was helpless. For the present plan, it seemed that he could only accelerate with all his strength and strive to run out before he was sucked into a muck.

But is Jiang Du such a person?

If you were bullied by someone else, you should take Jiang Du's Jacquard as a person. If you don't bully, Jiang Du probably won't even want to fall asleep for a short time.

"Ding, your vitality..."

Jiang Du rushed forward frantically, and more and more beetles were startled, and they began to lie on Jiang Du's body and suck.

The prompt sound of the system is getting denser.

Jiang Du was thinking crazy about how to pay a tooth for a tooth and blood for blood.

Others **** their own vitality, can they still **** it back?

Jiang Du's head instantly became flexible.

"Open the skill list!"

In an instant, the nearly 200,000 skill list opened, and Jiang Du didn't look much at it, and pulled straight to the last one.

Skills: Absorb life, absorb the opponent's life through the mouthparts.

Very simple system introduction.

"Upgrade me!"

"Ding, level up from absorbing life to absorbing!"

"Ding, soak up life to swallow life!"

"Ding, swallow your life and upgrade to..."

A system prompt sounded continuously in Jiang Du's mind.

"Ding, do you spend a little completeness to upgrade your skills?"


"Ding, the upgrade of Susheng skills is complete!"

"Ding, the Susheng skill has been upgraded to life capture!"

Life capture: talented spells, which belong to the unique talent of special life swallowing insects, which can draw the opponent's vitality through mouthparts. "

Jiang Du was silent for a while.


Does he have this stuff?

Regardless, let go and try!

Jiang Du was still running wildly, and he didn't know where the end of this passage was.

"Life capture!"

Jiang whispered alone.

In an instant, there was a weird cry.

On Jiang Du's body, a mouthpart very similar to the black beetle was directly extended, and that was his hair.

His hair turned into needles, piercing directly into the body of a beetle with great ease.



The black beetle let out a weird cry, and it found that the vitality in its body began to flow away in an instant.

Jiang Du's eyes were suddenly bright and scary.

Holding the grass, is it so fierce?

The hairs stood upright in an instant and pierced into the body of the beetle in the opposite direction.

Originally, the vitality in Jiang Du's body had been reduced by a large part, but at this time he started to replenish it quickly.

The black beetle found that its vitality had been sucked away in the opposite direction, so it worked harder to **** it up.

"Ding, your vitality is swallowed, vitality +1+1+1..."

Jiang Du's footsteps stopped directly.

More and more beetles were lying on his body, and Jiang Du frantically sucked on these beetles.

The eyes of every beetle were red.

Suck on!

At this moment, the vitality in Jiang Du and the Beetle's body seemed to be transformed into a high-speed flow of water.

You **** me, I **** you!

Jiang Du was stunned that he did not take much advantage.

But Jiang Dusi was not in a hurry, because his total vitality was rapidly increasing.

The Beetle was already on the inner and outer three layers of his body. Jiang Du, holding on to the idea of ​​thinking about others, simply directly made his body bigger.

In this way, more beetles can come to absorb Jiang Du's vitality, and at the same time, his many hairs are also useful.

Sure enough, as his body grew larger, more and more beetles were lying on his body.

I didn't miss any bit of Jiang Du's body at all, even his eyes and other things had mouthparts pierced on it.

Jiang Du was uncomfortable and happy.

His body keeps getting bigger, and even because of the limited passage space, he simply stretches his body directly.

The power of the gods urges the law of heaven and earth to strive for more beetles to receive this benefit.

You swallow me, I swallow you, Michelle Ice City is sweet...

Unknowingly, Jiang Du's body had reached a length of hundreds of thousands of meters, and his body was completely covered by beetles.

At this point, he has reached his limit, and if he grows bigger, the terrifying gravity will make his body shatter.

But this way, Jiang Du was already very satisfied.

Wait for the vitality to reach the maximum.

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