I Can Resist Most Vicious Beatings

Chapter 854: I, Jiang Du, have a chance!

"How's that? That kid?"

"The character is pretty good, I think it can!"

"Well, although the strength is weaker, there is still a catastrophe when going out, but there should be no big problem."

"Not so good, after all, it's time..."

Before the words were finished, a group of voices said in unison: "Well, well, you come to raise, call, finally someone is willing to raise."

"Bah, baah, whoever wants to raise it, I can tell at a glance that this human kid is a dragon and a phoenix among humans. If Beckham follows him, he will definitely be happy and grow up healthy and healthy.

A group of sighs sounded.

"Then it's decided, it's him!"

In the end, a sound was decided.

"En, it's him, but he still has a death calamity. We need to help him reform so that he can successfully survive this calamity."

"No problem, no problem. Everyone thinks about how to protect yourself from death and protect Xiaobei at the same time."

These are all faint fragments that Jiang Du heard in a daze.

Jiang Du's brain hasn't been clear yet, so the cloud of listening comes and goes.

But before Jiang Du woke up, a voice rang slowly.

"Hey, I seem to be waking up, I can't wake up yet!"

A foul smell suddenly appeared in Jiang Du's nose.

Jiang Du...

He passed out again.

A hairy spirit of time showed a satisfied look.

"I announce that the super bodyguard transformation plan is officially launched!"

A group of elves of time let out a cheering sound.

"Everyone, if you have any means, please sign up. As long as you can help this kid become a little stronger, you can."

"I, I, I, I can make his body stronger."

A big muscle tyrant happily ran out and said.

"Okay, you come first!"

Jiang Du was in a daze, he seemed to appear in an extremely heavy world, making him almost directly crushed to death by this gravity in his coma.

And such a force is squeezed from all directions.

Jiang Du was uncomfortable. He wanted to wake up, but he couldn't wake up anyway.

The system also seems to have disappeared.

The pressure continued to increase, and Jiang Du also felt a tyrannical force starting to run around in his body. His resistance to this pressure seemed to increase.

"I, I, I, my special potion, mental booster, completely non-toxic, harmless and without side effects, I will give it a shot!"

Jiang Du felt a cold water flow into his abdomen, and then, his mind seemed to explode, and terrible power rushed across his mind, wishing to explode Jiang Du's brain.

"Then what should I do? Oh, yes, his equipment is not bad, I will fix it for him."

"What I wanted was to repair his equipment, don't grab it for me!"

"Fart, I said I thought about it first!"

"You fart, I'll take it quickly!"

"Don't take it, it's all mine!"

"Dingling bells..."

"Then what am I going to do? I know, draw a big tortoise on his face, so that others will think he is mentally ill, and everyone dare not approach him, hahaha, I am really a genius!"

"Fuck off!"


Jiang Du was just tossed over by a group of elves of time, and even the system seemed to disappear.

I don't know how long it took.

Jiang Du felt that his head was about to explode, and slowly opened his eyes.

who am I?

Where am i from

Where are you going?

Three soul questions unconsciously appeared in Jiang Du's mind.

At the same time there is an answer.

The poor monk Xuanzang came from the East of Tang Dynasty and went to the West to ask for the truth...what a shit!

Lao Tzu is Jiang Du!

Jiang Du rubbed his head and sat up slowly, his memory swept like a tide, returning to Jiang Du's mind.

Jiang Du looked at the surroundings blankly. The surroundings were completely chaotic, and he was lying on a boat at this time, and the boat was suspended in the chaos.

Jiang Du frowned slightly.

He wasn't stunned by a bear kid from the house of the elves of time. How could he appear here now?

Some of their heads were stunned by Jiang Du, and subconsciously used Nightmare Origin to protect their bodies.

But suddenly, Jiang Du stiffened.

Jiang Du's figure disappeared into the chaos without any warning, as if not leaving a trace in the chaos.

Jiang Du's eyes widened, and he looked at his hands in disbelief.



A terrifyingly powerful force was conceived in his body. His body seemed to have been tempered, and the feeling that everything in the world could not destroy his body unconsciously appeared in his heart.

There is also mental power, and the chaos will appear under his spiritual power.

How can I become stronger inexplicably.

And it has become stronger than a little bit.

Jiang Du touched his head and called the system directly in his mind.

"System, what's going on?"

"Ding, it's really not easy. You are also a person with chance. For the first time in your life, the system has reserved precious video data for you."

Jiang Du listened systematically and couldn't help rolling his eyes frantically.

What is called me can have a chance.

My special chance...

Well, even if I don't have the chance, haven't I reached this point step by step?

Jiang Du was a little embarrassed, as if he really never had any chance.

This is too absolute.

For example, when the power of True Nightmare was formed, isn't this a chance?

Could it be that when he got the Celestial Flower, it was not a chance?

Could it be that he met the old scholar by coincidence and was valued by the old scholar, isn't this a chance?

Oh, a mere chance, will Lao Tzu have it?

The system is definitely envious and jealous.

Soon, in Jiang Du's mind, there was a picture playing.

He was lying on a bed, surrounded by a group of elves of time, still talking in his mouth.

When he heard the words "Super Bodyguard Renovation Plan officially launched," Jiang Du couldn't help but jump his eyes.

Later, he saw his miserable life.

All the elves of time worked together, as if they were sorting out the ingredients, and tossed Jiang Du over.

What Jiang Du saw was the crazy twitching of his mouth.

These elves of time are real dogs.

At the end of the video, Jiang Du watched as he was thrown onto the boat, and there was also the little girl named Xiaobei.

The little girl looked innocent and looked pathetic.

But these elves of time were really cold-blooded and ruthless, and threw this ship out of the island of time, out of the sea of ​​time, and out of the river of time.

So...what about Beckham?

Jiang Du opened his eyes and looked around towards this small boat.

This girl named Xiaobei really seems to have disappeared.

Jiang Du was a little dumbfounded.

Before he wakes up, this Beckham has disappeared, so who is responsible for this?

And Jiang Du's equipment was thrown on the boat indiscriminately at this time, seeming to be shining with all kinds of divine light, quite mysterious.

But at this moment, the attachment badge flashed violently a few times.

At the same time, a buzzing sound rang.

A little girl appeared in front of Jiang Du, holding a dark golden honeycomb in her hands. The honeycomb was only tens of centimeters in size, so she hugged it in Beckham's arms.

Jiang Du didn't have time to look at Beckham, but twisted his neck, looking stiffly into the chaos in the distance.

I saw deep in the chaos, the dense chaos gradually dissipated, one by one huge black wasps, at this time, shaking their wings, looking at the position of the boat.

If it's a single-headed wasp, Jiang Du still doesn't persuade the ground.

However, the hornet that appeared now, can't wait to wrap up the entire chaos.

The incalculable black wasp, with extremely intense anger in his eyes, as if a large black cloud, overwhelming the sky, flooded the chaos and charged towards Jiang Du.


Jiang Du let out a loud roar, he didn't even have time to start the ship, he flew directly under the ship, and ran towards the depths of the chaos while carrying the ship.

On the boat, Beckham looked curiously at the golden honey in the dark golden honeycomb, poke a little with his finger, and then licked it, revealing a satisfied smile.

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