I Can Resist Most Vicious Beatings

Chapter 907: Primitive battle

For the God Whale, these things are completely dispensable, because its strength does not need these at all.

But in the long river of time, some dead people appeared from time to time. After being killed by some time creatures, some things were thrown into the river at will.

And every time the time whale eats, it eats a large area of ​​fish, and sometimes messy things enter his stomach.

There is no way to digest it, it can only spray out again, thrown into a small space at will.

Over time, these gadgets pile up.

If it is a truly precious treasure, there are really not many time whales. It itself is not good at fighting, and it is not very interested in other people who come to play in the long river.

He has a mild personality and rarely kills.

Like the kind of advanced world weapon just now, and it is still a spiritual treasure, the **** whale will pull out one after a long time.

Otherwise, how could I hold back for so long without giving Jiang Du?

However, if Jiang Du wants garbage, that is the strength of the time whale. Large pieces of garbage fall from the sky, burying Jiang Du directly in it.


A huge dark golden stone was lifted up by Jiang Du. Looking at the energy-filled treasures around him, Jiang Du gestured to the sky and said OK to clean up.

"This insect king is handed over to me, I promise to let him obey, I can't stop!"

The treasures of the blockbuster disappeared, and they were all taken into the small world by Jiang Du.

Jiang Du took a deep breath and felt his mental power. After the improvement of seven colorful soul lotus seeds, he felt his mental power more than doubled.

This is already a terrible improvement.

With his current mental power, Jiang Du felt that he could even threaten a world with insufficient mental power.

The Soul Gathering Sacred Pearl appeared in his hand.

The attributes and skills of the soul gathering holy pearl began to appear in his mind in the form of small fireflies.

Soul Gathering Sacred Orb: A high-level world tool that doubles the strength of the soul. It comes with the Soul Gathering Holy Realm to increase the speed of soul cultivation by ten times.

Incidental skill 1: Gather souls, collect any broken souls, which can be cultivated and refined.

Skill 2: Void Soul, which can be transformed into Void Soul state in a short time, immune to all physical attacks.

Skill 3: Soul suppression, absolute skill, can suppress the enemy's soul for three seconds, within three seconds, the enemy can not release any skills.

Skill 4: Soul, then summon a powerful soul to fight. This skill requires a certain amount of soul power. The strength of the summoned soul is related to the user's lucky value. (You may summon an ant, or you may summon a dragon, who knows?)

There are a total of four skills, of which there is an absolute skill and an unstable skill.

not bad.

At this time, the freezing of time suddenly touched, and the King of Spirit Devourers let out a sharp scream, and the suction on his body continued to absorb the power of all Spirit Devourers.

However, this time Jiang Du didn't change into the form of the Spirit Devouring Worm, and was completely in the state of his body.

The Spirit Devouring Insect King cast his gaze on Jiang Du for the first time, and his body about ten feet in size instantly rushed towards Jiang Du.

Jiang Du watched the oncoming hurricane and took a deep breath.

Although there is a kind of thought that I can't wait to try my mental power, but in the face of this rare one-on-one situation with a guy who has just been promoted to the world.

If you don't get a chance to improve your strength, you are simply sorry for such an environment.

Will not die, have time to watch the whale.

Why are you still hesitating?


Jiang Du suddenly let out a violent roar, the Ancient God Nine Transformations opened madly, and a golden-red light burst into his body.

Seeing the oncoming Spirit Devouring Insect King, Jiang Du's feet twisted, and the power of the physical body formed a big dragon through his spine, and the energy in the body formed a surging river.

Longyou big river, Qianlong goes out of the river!

Jiang Duyi's fist slammed into the Spirit Devouring Insect King with an extremely explosive light.


The entire flesh and blood world seemed to shake violently at this time.


It seemed that a lot of bone fractures were heard, and then a golden-red figure turned into a streamer and was instantly knocked off.

Outside the world of flesh and blood, the three of Li Zizai watched this scene, and the corners of their mouths twitched.

At this time, the thieves looked painful.

"This guy won't be taking the colorful soul lotus seeds. The medicine is too powerful and his head is shocked. Isn't he stupid? He hasn't just improved his soul power. Why is he now fighting this insect king with his body?" Meng Xuan said. Murmured.

The other two shook their heads.

Regarding Jiang Du's behavior of seeking abuse, they really didn't know much about it.

They don't understand the joy of being abused.

The Devourer King shook his head violently, and a clear fist mark appeared on his head.

Looking at Jiang Du again, he slammed into a red rock-like object. I don't know how many blood vessels exploded at this time, and he was covered with blood.


The shackles kept breaking in Jiang Du's body, and the system's prompt sound was so beautiful.

There was pain and excitement in Jiang Du's eyes.

That's how it feels.

I can't wait to kill myself with every blow.


Jiang Du roared, his figure accompanied by blood mist, rushed towards the King of Devouring Insects again.

The Spirit Devourer King let out a sharp yell, this ant-like guy really hurt it.

Saw the Spirit Devouring Insect King's mouth suddenly sucked, the blood-red world directly engulfed a violent wind, a large amount of energy from Jiang Du's body turned into a layer of mist and flowing continuously toward the Spirit Devouring Insect King.

"Add energy!" Jiang Du gave an order to the system.

Jie Li instantly turned into a large amount of energy, constantly replenishing Jiang Du's power flow.

And Jiang Du rushed to the front of the insect king again, and the big fist of the casserole hit the mung bean eye of the insect king.

"Boom boom!"

It's almost as if they are making iron, Jiang Duzha's that is called a joy.


The Spirit Devouring Insect King screamed in his mouth, and the suction power became even more violent, just trying to **** Jiang Du's soul.

It's just that a gray soul gathering holy bead flew to the sky of Jiang Du's Shenhai, and the gray light scattered across the entire Shenhai, firmly suppressing Jiang Du's soul.

As for energy, Jiang Du made the spirit devouring insect king suck.

Just now the whale boss gave so many treasures, let alone 700,000 to 800,000 power points, if you can clean it before your parents don’t know Lao Tzu Hammer, what am I...

I'm so much like a god-whale boss crying again.

Jiang Du's fist kept hitting the Spirit Devouring Insect King's body, and the sound of drumming was loud.

The Spirit Devouring Insect King finally couldn't help it, his mouth grew suddenly, and he bit into Jiang Du.

Jiang Du didn't hide, the golden red light on his body bloomed to his heart's content. The spirit devouring worm's teeth directly penetrated Jiang Du's body, but it was blocked by bone.

Even more terrifying suction power came from the teeth of the Spirit Devouring Insect King, and Jiang Du felt his energy, like a flood, disappearing crazily.

At this speed, even if it is a strong person at the peak of the taboo, if he can hold it for a few seconds at most, he will be sucked up.

As for how long the world can last, Jiang Du is also not sure.

However, since he didn't directly crush his bones, Jiang Du started to smash the teeth of the Spirit Devouring Insect King again.

The Boundary Strength is constantly decreasing, Jiang Du doesn't care!

One punch, two punches, three punches...

The Spirit Devourer King is also crazy, how much energy does this guy have in his body, why can't he **** it cleanly?

The mad Spirit Devouring Insect King caught Jiang Du and began to bite frantically, his sharp teeth grinding Jiang Du's body like death.

The three of Li Zizai watched this crazy scene, only feeling the crazy beating of their eyelids.

That's it, what's wrong with this?

Why is there a feeling that primitive people discovered primitive beasts in primitive times?

Without any skills, without any skills, some are just smashing and biting. Humans win when the beast is killed, and the beast wins when the beast is bitten.

Being chewed frantically among so many sharp teeth, Jiang Du will not be bitten to death alive, right?

Jiang Du...

It hurts!

I love you and don’t think about it, I’m smashing!

A world of flesh and blood seems to have become a venue for Sa Huan.

After several minutes, the Spirit Devouring Insect King suddenly vomited Jiang Du.

Looking at Jiang Du again, he was covered with blood, and the blood was even dried up, but his entire right arm exuded a particularly fierce breath.

And looking at the Spirit Devouring Insect King, after vomiting Jiang Du, he vomited again, and pieces of teeth were vomited out with blood.

One person and one insect king looked at each other again.

Jiang Du now felt that he was very weak, as if he was sucked up and coughed.

I definitely don't want to go through the scene of the crazy falling teeth in the sky just now.

But fortunately, his physical body has increased in strength after such ravages.

Suddenly, the Spirit Devouring Insect King directly transformed into a big green sap, it... finished the battle.

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