I Can Resist Most Vicious Beatings

Chapter 942: You came? (One more)

The blood is like an oven, providing a steady stream of heat.

Jiang Du didn't say anything else, but looked around and looked at the surrounding situation.

There is ice blue everywhere, this is a world without up, down, left, right, all directions are a scene, they just think about being inside a huge ice egg.

"Xue'er, why are you here? How much do you know about this place?" Jiang Du asked.

"This is a magic technique, and I got the primary version of the magic technique, so I want to come here to verify this primary version and the space ice cave. I have a chance to obtain this remaining magic technique." Ning Xue said softly. Said.

"This is a spell?" Jiang Du's eyes widened.

"Yes, what we are caught in at this time should be part of the spell, called the Endless Frozen World. Once we enter it, we will completely fall into it, until the blood withers, the energy is exhausted, and it turns into a part of frost. "Ning Xue explained.

"How to get out of trouble?"

"Break the world with brute force, or comprehend this technique, you can get out of trouble."

It seems very simple to say, but the freezing power here is too strong, and Jiang Du's blood is disappearing at a terrifying speed.

It is almost impossible to quickly understand this technique in such a difficult environment.

And if you break the boundary with brute force...

Zhen Yuanjian appeared in Jiang Du's hands.

Immediately, the Zhenyuan Sword quickly whispered, and suddenly, a large amount of energy was continuously injected into the Zhenyuan Sword.

Jiang Du raised his head and looked above his head.

Hold Zhenyuan Sword with both hands.

Suddenly there was a roar in his mouth: "Duanyuan!"

The sword light crazily condensed, and the dazzling sword light soared in the blink of an eye, reaching hundreds of thousands of meters, and slashed directly towards the top of the head.

The golden sword light cut a large area of ​​cold air, but it was too cold. It didn't take long for the sword light to turn into golden blue, and then the sword light slashed on the ice crystal.

A continuous roar sounded, the large ice crystals were directly shattered, and Jian Guang drilled in one direction.

However, the ice crystals didn't know how heavy they were. The sword light was being quickly wiped out on the way to crush the ice crystals, and within a few seconds, the originally broken ice crystals began to be covered with a layer again.

Jiang Du frowned.

Sword Qi finally ran out of power.

Although the source cut was effective, it could not break such an ice crystal of unknown thickness.

Breaking the boundary with brute force, Jiang Du obviously did not reach this point.

In addition, the power of the badge of attachment was isolated. He could enter it through the badge of attachment, but he could not get out of it.

"Can you comprehend this technique?" Jiang Du asked, looking at Ning Xue.

Ning Xue nodded, "Yes, but it will take time."

Jiang Du breathed a sigh of relief.

"As long as you can comprehend this skill, it doesn't matter. As for time, as long as I am there."

A touch of puzzlement appeared in the eyes of the three of them?

Can Jiang alone resist such coldness for a long time?

Although he knew that Jiang Du could resist the most venomous beating, it was obviously not at the same level as the beating.

And there are them...

Jiang Du smiled and waved his hand suddenly, and the three of them disappeared in front of him.

On the earth, on the East China Sea, three women appeared directly.

Just after it appeared, there was still a wisp of cold air, just this wisp of cold air caused a large area of ​​the East China Sea to freeze.


The body composed of Jiang Du's thoughts appeared, and Jiang Du said a word at random.

The cold air dissipated directly.

The three women looked at the surroundings blankly.

Blue sky, white clouds, breeze, seagulls...

"This is the earth?" Qin Ran asked.

"Yes, it's the earth, Xiao Xueer will restore her strength on the earth first, and when her strength is restored, I will take you into that endless frozen world." Jiang Du said with a smile.

"Can't you come in?" Ning Xue asked worriedly.

"The whole earth has now become my sea of ​​gods, so never worry about my lack of energy!" Jiang Du grinned.

"It's amazing!" Li Meng said to Jiang Duqing with red lips.

Jiang Du...

"Ah, you are also great, thank you so much this time, you first restore your strength."

Jiang Du casually grabbed it, and a large amount of energy condensed into a cloud, wrapping the three of them tightly.

At the same time Jiang Du's figure disappeared.

The cold air came quickly, and Jiang Du couldn't help but sneezed.

In this case, Jiang Du obviously cannot enter the earth to avoid danger, because the premise for Jiang Du to enter the earth is to release the earth. In this environment, I am afraid that the earth will become an ice ball in a few seconds.

Jiang Du looked at the endless icy blue of the world, and his blood slowly subsided.

"Ding, suffering from extremely strong cold, the ice attribute of the source of water is +1+1+1..."

"Ding, suffering from extremely strong cold, the ice attribute of the source of water is +1+1+1..."

Jiang Du listened to the system prompts, and slowly, ice blue crystals covered his body, as if to completely assimilate him into the world.

"Don't make trouble!"

Jiang Du casually grabbed it, and the large ice crystals shattered directly.

"I'm not dead yet, you don't need to build a grave for me!"

Hearing what Jiang Du meant, he seemed to be talking to someone.

After saying this, Jiang Du continued to lower his head, writing and drawing on the ice blue ice crystal with his fingers.

In the dark, a translucent figure almost the same color as the surrounding ice crystals, was quietly looking at Jiang Du.

It watched ice crystals appear on Jiang Du, and the ice crystals disappeared in a blink of an eye.

Although the body was shaking in the cold, it gave people a sense of stability in the shaking.

This is a weird person. It is obvious that so much cold air has fallen on him, why hasn't he been frozen into frost yet, obviously he has not used his strength to resist?

And why did those three people disappear just now?

This... man, where did the three women go? Why didn't it understand?

And this man, what he is doing now, he is constantly writing and drawing, he looks very attentive.

Maybe this ice-blue figure hadn't been noticed, it became especially easy to concentrate at this time, watching Jiang Du's figure intently, and watching what Jiang Du was doing.

Now I don't know what Jiang Du is writing, it feels like being scratched by a cat in his heart.

Can't help it, can't help it, this really can't help it.

The ice blue figure turned towards Jiang Du and turned into a small ice blue ice crystal, the size of a rice grain, and rolled towards Jiang Du.

Jiang Du still didn't move much, so he focused on where he was writing.

Xiao Bingjing slowly rolled to Jiang Du's feet, and looked at what Jiang Du had written.

I saw some idioms written on the ice crystal ground.

Lead the snake out of the cave, adjust the tiger away from the mountain, surround the Wei and save Zhao, watch the fire across the bank, hit the west with the sound, hide the knife in the smile...

Xiao Bingjing was a little confused and couldn't understand the meaning of this idiom.

But after the idiom, it is like this...

"Are you here? Are you here? Are you here?"

Little ice crystal stayed, and a fierce big sword slashed in front of him with a click.

"Little thing, you are here!"

Jiang Du turned his head and showed a grinning smile at the little ice crystal.

The tyrannical energy formed a big bowl, directly buckling this little ice crystal in it.

Then the big bowl shrank, forming a small ball.

"Little thing, do you think I didn't find you looking at me?" Jiang Du said with a grin.

Xiaobingjing trembled slightly, **** it, he was discovered and arrested.

But the problem is not big, the little ice crystal melts quickly, trying to escape this confinement.

"Want to run?"

"The soul source is torn apart!"

A terrible mental shock formed in Jiang Du's mind, and it was a violent shock to the little ice crystal.

Xiao Bingjing's body trembled violently, as if she had been stunned by the impact, and no longer melted.

"Give Lao Tzu into the earth to play!"

Jiang Du's clone appeared, grabbed the little ice crystal, and disappeared instantly.

But Jiang Du stretched out and lay on the ice and snow. I don’t know when a dog's tail grass appeared in his hands. The moment the dog's tail grass appeared, it was frozen and turned into ice flowers. Jiang Du didn't mind. , In the mouth, most of the consciousness has fallen on the earth clone.

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