I Can Rewind

Chapter 460 Magnetic Pile Monster

Chapter 460 Magnetic Pile Monster

In the past few days in Goldman Sachs, Yan Junze and Zhang Xiaomo were indeed very tired. During the seven days, the number of weird incidents surged, and the calls to 4747 were all ringing off the hook.

But fortunately, because of the support of the spirit removers from the Tianmeng District team, and the dispatch of spirit removers from other cities, under a strong suppression, although the number of weird incidents has increased sharply, the speed of the spirit removers is also very fast. quick.

The entire city of Goldman Sachs was panic-stricken, but people also saw the hard work of the Exorcist Organization, and all residents cooperated very well.

Yan Junze and Xiaomo sleep less than three hours a day, and they take a rest in the car.

However, the two of them gnawed hard nuts, and those weird incidents that were more bizarre and higher-level were basically handed over to them and Mei Lianhua and Huang Wenjian, the two four-star spirit exorcists.

The other spirit-killers were responsible for mopping up the slightly lower-level weirdness, but in the process, three spirit-killers were still killed.

The other seven spirit eliminators were found as substitutes by Weiwei in various weird ways, and Yan Junze, who heard the news, rushed to destroy them all and rescued them from Weiwei's hands.

This time, the spirit exorcists of the entire Tianmeng were very familiar with Yan Junze's name, because during the process of exorcising the spirits, these people found that even after meeting Yan Junze, the two four-star spirit exorcists, Mei and Huang, also Be very respectful.

That is to say, Yan Junze's strength may be higher than that of Mei and Huang.

Two days later, Guo Youliang, who had not yet reached the standard for discharge, came, and immediately gave Goldman Sachs a shot in the arm for the despiritual work.

Lao Guo was also very desperate. He almost lost his life when he fought Morrison the god of death last time. Now that he came here in a hurry, the pressure on Yan Junze was reduced a lot.

Soon the large-scale weird incidents began to decrease, and some scattered weird things were still haunting.

However, after this battle, it is conceivable that there may be a vacuum period in the short term for the weirdness of the entire Goldman Sachs city.

By that time, this place will be the safest city in Huaying Dadu.

Of course, the price paid this time was very high and heavy.

After the difficult bones were basically eliminated, Yan Junze and Xiao Mo finally had time to rest, and the remaining monsters with lower strength and less danger were to be eliminated one by one by the spirit removers in other teams.

And at this moment, Yan Junze received a call from Xiaomo's father, Zhang Chengjing.

Because of this relationship with his daughter, Zhang Chengjing obviously took good care of Yan Junze, and would think of him immediately when there was anything in the team.

Yan Junze turned on his mobile phone hands-free, and he, Xiao Mo and Zhang Chengjing chatted for a while, talking about the current situation in Goldman Sachs.

Immediately Zhang Chengjing said: "The past two days there has been a strange one in the Luoxia area, are you interested in going over to have a look?"

"What's weird?" Yan Junze asked.

"It's like this. There is a Baixing nuclear power plant in Luoxia District. There was a leakage accident a few days ago, but they quietly suppressed it. As a result, someone got close to the leaking reactor during the accident, and this person did not act because of the high-level management of the nuclear power plant. Being dragged to death by force, on the day of death, it becomes a weird and strong obsession." Zhang Chengjing explained.

"Is this weird and special?" Yan Junze became interested.

"It's very special." Zhang Chengjing nodded, "The nuclear power plant has been shut down now. After this guy turned into a monster, he killed all the company's senior management overnight, and even beat one of our spirit removers stationed in the nuclear power plant to flee. Finally The main thing is that there is no monster in the area where it is now."

"Why?" Zhang Xiaomo couldn't help asking.

"Because it has a powerful magnetic field interference ability, it can instantly shatter other strange magnetic fields." Zhang Chengjing said: "At present, there is no other monster within a range of at least five kilometers around it."

"Fuck, this guy is the real scavenger!" Yan Junze exclaimed.

"So the above said, we must try our best to recover it. We have named it the magnetic pile monster. I know that you are good at removing spirits from the Buddha system. You can try it and see if you can take this guy over instead of Get rid of it directly." Zhang Chengjing said.

"Accept, must accept!" Yan Junze agreed without hesitation.

"Little Mo, just follow Guo Youliang these few days, don't go anywhere, and have a good rest." Zhang Chengjing obviously also cared about his daughter's health, knowing that she was very tired during this time.

"Understood, Dad." Zhang Xiaomo nodded.

"After Junze has dealt with the magnetic heap monster, you two will come back and let's get together as a family." After Zhang Chengjing said this, he hung up the phone.

"Is your father going to arrange a marriage for us?" Yan Junze asked.

Zhang Xiaomo gave him a white look: "We'll talk about it after you graduate."

Yan Junze spread his arms, "As I am now, do you think I can still study with peace of mind?"

"Why, you don't want to read?" Zhang Xiaomo asked.

"I'm thinking about suspending my studies." Yan Junze was playing with the specially-appointed Exorcist badge issued by the Exorcist Corps. "After all, not everyone can get this thing. I should use all my abilities on the blade."

"Guess what I smelled?" Zhang Xiaomo smiled.

"What?" Yan Junze was curious.

"A strong air of pretense." Zhang Xiaomo covered her mouth and smiled even more happily, then she was taken aback and asked, "What are you looking at?"

Yan Junze put down his phone, said with a smirk, "I'm checking whether the time before heading to Luoxia District is enough."

After a pause, I stood up and closed the curtains of the hotel, and said again: "The earliest flight is at six o'clock tomorrow morning, and there are still seven hours left, well, five hours is enough for me, two hours is enough. to the airport."

Zhang Xiaomo's cheeks were flushed, lying on the table, she said: "I'm tired and fell asleep."

Yan Junze approached her, leaned into her ear and whispered: "I'm suspicious, you always say that you fell asleep. Is your understanding the same as what I understand?"

Zhang Xiaomo looked up at him in shame and indignation, and said with a half-smile: "Do you know that I killed you again in a dream a few days ago?"

Yan Junze smiled, but leaned closer: "In other words, including the time you killed Zhao Qi's creature, you have killed me twice now!"

"Yes." Xiao Mo was a little proud, and warned half-jokingly, "If you have any unreasonable thoughts, be careful that I will kill you for the third time."

"Then how many times have I saved you? Have you counted?" Yan Junze whispered, "How should you repay me?"

Xiao Mo was taken aback, and suddenly became speechless.



On the plane to Luoxia District, Yan Junze recalled it carefully.

The only time he witnessed Zhang Xiaomo's death was in the building of the "Open Your Eyes" Tianmeng branch before turning on the big retracement and returning to the Banyue Association's activation altar.

The possessed spirit changed into Zhang Xiaomo's appearance, and when he arrived, he happened to see the two of them fighting.

The first judgment was wrong, the real Zhang Xiaomo was killed, and the possessed spirit pretending to be Xiaomo was killed only after resetting.

His thoughts fluctuated, and he now had a very strong feeling that he might have another big comeback at some point.

The most important thing at present is to light up the entire space-time map. After some time ago, the energy of different dimensions in the map has reached more than 80,000 points. However, according to Yan Junze's estimation, it may take about 150,000 points to fully Light up the map.

After getting rid of the Buddhist spirit of the magnetic heap monster, he will focus on collecting energy.

Before boarding the plane, Yan Junze got in touch with the spirit remover Wang Tong who was still guarding there.

The few monsters raised by Wang Tong were all destroyed by a large-scale attack by the magnetic pile monster when they were in the nuclear power plant.

He felt deeply ashamed, thinking that he had negligently believed that there could be no weirdness around the nuclear power plant, so he often ran around, so that he buried such a big hidden danger and produced such a powerful special monster.

According to his report to Yan Junze, a few days ago Huaying District sent an old-fashioned five-star spirit exorcist. This person is Zhang Xiaomo's teacher Feng Huaigong.

After Feng Huaigong arrived in the town of Puluo, he encountered a magnetic stack monster. The two had contact, but it indirectly caused the entire town's power to be cut off, and it has been paralyzed to this day.

After thinking about it for a while, because I exercised too much last night and was too tired, I fell asleep on the plane.

After arriving in Luoxia District, the spirit eliminator team there had already sent a special car to wait at the airport. Yan Junze didn't stop, and went directly to Puluo Town.

The town is about 320 kilometers away from Luoxia City, but the road is basically a highway. After driving all the way, about three hours later, I came to the road outside the town.

The other vehicles of the spirit removal team had already stopped here, so after the vehicle delivered Yan Junze, it immediately turned around and returned to Luoxia City.

Yan Junze fell asleep again on the highway, so after getting off the car, he was full of energy and felt refreshed.

The climate in Puluo town was similar to the climate in Zhencheng when he rescued his mother and daughter who were carrying their backs.

The weather is relatively dry, and there is a scene of yellow sand all over the sky outside the town.

After Yan Junze arrived, Wang Tong was already waiting by the side of the road, but he didn't see Feng Huaigong.

According to Wang Tong, Feng Huaigong stayed in the hotel in the small town after meeting the magnetic pile monster once, without showing up.

After an introduction, we walked into the town.

Yan Junze noticed that although the town was no longer connected to electricity, the residents here did not seem to be in a panic at all. They lived as usual and there were many pedestrians on the street.

When asked why, Wang Tong explained: "This is because we temporarily housed the employees of the nuclear power plant in various hotels in the town, and the news of the magnetic pile monster has spread. But everyone here knows that the magnetic pile monster is Looking for revenge, it seems that not only did it not cause harm to other people, but it made all the weirdness in the town annihilated."

Speaking of this, Wang Tong smiled: "I even suspect that some residents may already have a good impression of the magnetic pile monster."

Yan Junze could see that there was a lot of dissatisfaction in his smile. Thinking of Wang Tong himself saying that all the monsters he raised were killed by the magnetic pile monsters, this dissatisfaction is understandable.

Except for the magnetic pile monster, there is no monster in this small town at present. It is known as the safest period since the prevalence of weirdness. It is no wonder that the residents have no anxiety at all.

When I came to a private hotel named "Ke Shang", Feng Huaigong's room was on the innermost floor of the first floor. There was a backyard in the room. In the yard, there were flower clusters, rockery, and blue bricks for fish ponds. The environment was very good.

It was the first time Yan Junze met Zhang Xiaomo's teacher.

Thinking of the way Xiaomo poked her head out of the quilt to hide her reluctance when she left the hotel in Goldman City, she suddenly felt unusually warm in her heart, looking at the short old man with a goatee in front of her , also feel cordial.

"Mr. Feng, hello." Yan Junze introduced himself: "I am Yan Junze, from Tianmeng."

Feng Huaigong was sitting on a stone bench in the yard, flipping through the materials in his hand, he raised his head when he heard this, he was slightly taken aback, and then realized why Yan Junze called himself "teacher".

This is called together with Zhang Xiaomo.

He smiled, nodded, asked Yan Junze and Wang Tong to sit down, and after some pleasantries, he handed the information in his hand to Yan Junze.

"Look first, this is the condition of the magnetic pile monster before its death. I asked Wang Tong to get it for me."

Yan Junze flipped through the pages, and asked, "Teacher and the magnetic stack monster have already fought each other. If you don't consider my Buddhist ability to eliminate spirits, how sure are you to kill this guy named, um, Yao Long?"

Feng Huaigong smiled and said, "I'm sure."

After a pause, he continued: "The information in the data is consistent with my guess. This guy was very angry before he died. In other words, anger is the only reason that caused it to evolve into what it is today. I can tell if its anger is not When it is ignited, that is, during the idle period, kill it with one hit."

Yan Junze looked at the information and nodded.

According to the data, Yao Long had no relatives during his lifetime, but after he was conscientiously on duty for the company, that is, after he suffered radiation for the company, the core of the company headed by Hu Changfei made a scene that completely chilled him.

Keep yourself in an isolation room until death.

The reason for this is to protect their future and the fate of the company.

That's why Yao Long was extremely angry. This anger perfectly combined with his death traits, and finally evolved into a magnetic pile monster.

"I know your method of eliminating spirits is different, so these materials are also prepared for you in advance." Feng Huaigong smiled.

Of course, he didn't know that Yan Junze could also directly detect the mission information about the magnetic pile monster, which was more accurate than these materials.

"Is Yao Long still in the town at the moment?" Yan Junze asked.

"I can't sense the magnetic field, so I don't know very well." Feng Huaigong shook his head, feeling like he was throwing the blame, "Now that you're here, I'll leave everything to you. When Lao Zhang introduced you to me, he said that your strength is comparable to Five-star spirit remover, why should I worry about that?"

Yan Junze smiled wryly, and immediately activated the [Strange Event Perception], and at the same time, spent some extra-dimensional energy to expand the range of perception wildly, covering the entire Puluo town in an instant.

Results came quickly.

In the entire town, there was not a single monster, and there was no feedback.

"I'm going to go to the Baixing Nuclear Power Plant to see if Yao Long is huddled there. Teacher Feng, take a good rest." Yan Junze stood up.

"Be careful." Feng Huaigong nodded.

Wang Tong went ahead to arrange a vehicle for him.

Yan Junze seemed to remember something, turned around and asked Feng Huaigong, "Mr. Feng, did Yao Long kill anyone other than those company leaders?"

Feng Huaigong replied without thinking: "All the senior executives of the company he hated, including the security team, died, and eleven innocent company employees died. If Wang Tong didn't run so fast that day, the little one would have to be taken away." Lost at a nuclear power plant."

Yan Junze thought about it carefully, "Is there any more?"

Feng Huaigong shook his head, "It's gone."

"Are there many people who died of natural causes in the town these days?" Yan Junze asked.

"It seems that I heard that there are several." Feng Huaigong was taken aback, "You mean..."

"Well, I suspect that Yao Long's magnetic field interference can also disturb the human body's magnetic field, but the severity is different. Especially for those who are already in poor health, the degree of interference may be more obvious." Yan Junze nodded.

Feng Huaigong had no doubts this time, nodded and said: "Take it away as soon as possible, otherwise I may choose to kill it directly."

"Accept, must accept!"

Yan Junze said the same words when he had a conversation with Zhang Chengjing, turned around and walked outside the hotel.

Yan Jiajun, get together soon!

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