I Can See Health

Chapter 115 Take off the white coat!

Before a person dies, he may have an escape rhythm.

The ventricular rate will become slower and slower.

Sometimes, after a long interval, there will be several beats, and finally it will develop into complete cardiac arrest.

"Beep! Beep! Beep!"

The ECG monitor sounded a harsh alarm again.

"Oh no, the heart rate and blood oxygen can't be maintained!"

Lu Chen was anxious. He saw that the patient's life value had dropped again!

Only 15 points left!

Seeing this, Yin Xinhua, who was standing by, immediately rushed to the bedside and started chest compressions.

For patients with heart failure after myocardial infarction, if they can undergo surgery in time, there may be a glimmer of hope.

But now, it's too late to say anything!

We can only do our best and leave it to fate!


In the ward.

Time passed by minute by minute.

Every second was very painful.

On the bed, the patient's spontaneous breathing and heartbeat were extremely weak, and he was in a state of jaw breathing.

Director Lin Cui, Yin Xinhua and the nurses were all trying their best to rescue him, but the patient's blood pressure and heart rate were still decreasing progressively.

"Director Lin, the patient's family refuses to be transferred to the CCU!" Ding Deli walked quickly to Lin Cui's side. "Then let her family sign!" Director Lin Cui looked at the patient on the bed and said in a deep voice, "The patient's breathing and heartbeat are not good! If she is not intubated in the intensive care unit, it will be almost difficult to save her." "Okay, I'll go and communicate with her family again." Ding Deli also put away his usual slack mood, walked out of the ward, and began to communicate with the family about the condition. After a while, Lu Chen heard a quarrel outside the corridor of the ward. Afterwards, Ding Deli returned to the ward with a dark face. "Director Lin, the family still refuses to be transferred to the CCU and refuses to sign the informed consent form!" Lin Cui heard this, her face was not very good. She was never afraid of how serious the patient's condition was, but she was afraid that the patient's family was too difficult to deal with! Ten minutes later, Yin Xinhua was still performing cardiopulmonary resuscitation. On the ECG monitor, the patient's blood oxygen saturation was only 65%, and the ECG only showed waveforms when pressing. "Alas, it still doesn't work after all." Sun Guoguo said softly beside Lu Chen.

Lu Chen also sighed slightly in his heart.

The patient's life value has dropped by 8 points!

Now, except for bronchial intubation, all treatment measures have been taken.

But the patient's breathing and heartbeat are still not maintained.

If the patient is not transferred to the CCU, there is almost no possibility of survival.

Even if transferred to the CCU, the probability of the patient waking up is very small!

"Continue CPR, take an electrocardiogram, and I will communicate with the patient's family."

Director Lin Cui sighed and then walked out of the ward.

The intern next to him immediately took an electrocardiogram.

Without pressing, the electrocardiogram has become a straight line!

Declare clinical death!

The person should not be saved.

But in clinical practice, after the announcement of clinical death, CPR will continue for half an hour.

This is humanitarian care, and it is also to prevent patients from having false cardiac arrest.

And now the most important thing is to communicate with the patient's family and let them admit the fact that the patient is dead.

Lu Chen and Sun Guoguo returned to the doctor's office.

Before they even sat down, they heard a series of angry roars coming from outside the office.

Then, another round of noisy shouting came over.

Everyone was confused.

Liu Mei rushed into the doctor's office with an anxious look and shouted loudly:

"The family members had a conflict with our doctors. More than 30 family members came, and Director Lin was beaten! Where is Director Li Yao? Where is Director Li?!"

Everyone was shocked when they heard the news Liu Mei brought back.

Sun Guoguo stood up and said quickly: "Teacher Li, go to the CCU on the 4th floor after the rounds. I will call her right away!"

"Okay!" Liu Mei nodded and ran out of the doctor's office again.

At this time, outside the ward corridor, crying and noises kept echoing in the air.

Outside the ward, there was chaos!

All other patients and their families hid in their respective wards.

In the office, only the two attending doctors from the other two groups were left.

The doctors in Director Li Yao's group, except Lu Chen and Sun Guoguo, were all off duty.

The doctors in Director Lin Cui's group, except He Sirong who was writing the medical records, were all outside the ward.

"Sister, I'll call the security department!"

Lu Chen realized that the patient's family was coming in a fierce manner.

The situation could escalate further at any time!

"Okay, I'll go outside to see Director Lin." Sun Guoguo had already notified Li Yao.

"Sister Sun, I'll go with you!" He Sirong stood up, her face slightly pale.

"Don't go! All of you students stay in the office!" Sun Guoguo immediately refused, "If something is wrong, you take off your white coats and go back to your dormitories! I'll go out with the other teachers in the department!"

After that, Sun Guoguo and the other two attending doctors in the office walked out.


Lu Chen had found the telephone directory of each department in the office and quickly explained the situation of the department to the security department.

After hanging up the phone, Lu Chen looked around the doctor's office. UU Reading www.uukanshu.net

Including him, there are currently eight students, including graduate students, regular trainees and interns.

"Senior Brother Lu, what should we do?"

One of the male interns who was familiar with Lu Chen walked up to Lu Chen.

During this period, some of Lu Chen's deeds were widely circulated in the eight districts of the heart, such as blindly puncturing the pericardium in the elevator, and he was often in the department teaching everyone how to learn electrocardiography.

However, Lu Chen has a great influence in the hearts of all students!

"You interns should go back to your dormitories first!" Lu Chen said in a deep voice.

"Ah? Senior Brother Lu, this..." the male intern paused, "This is not good! Let's go, in case the family members get into a fight later."

Lu Chen said helplessly: "Junior brother, do you really think this is a group fight? As long as we wear white coats, we can't fight with the family members. What's more, fighting won't solve the problem. If you stay here, you won't get up. If it doesn’t have any effect, it’s easy to be accidentally injured!”

The male intern nodded, "Brother, let's wait for a while. If something goes wrong, we'll go back to the dormitory right away."

"Okay." Lu Chen nodded.

It had not been two minutes since Sun Guoguo left.

Lu Chen saw the head nurse from District 8 running back to the nurse station with a few nurses.

They packed up all the important information and items at the nurse station.

Many patients' condition changes and diagnosis and treatment records are contained in it. If it is damaged, it will seriously affect the treatment of other patients in the ward.

At the same time, Sun Guoguo also rushed back to the office out of breath and shouted to everyone in the office:

"Everyone, take off your white coats! Go back to your dormitory immediately!"

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