I Can See Health

Chapter 142 Hyperthyroidism Crisis!

"Hyperthyroidism?" He Qin's eyes widened, but they were still so small.

Lu Chen nodded and said, "Not necessarily, but we must consider it."

The patient likes to sweat, his eyes are a little bulging, and his hands are a little trembling. There is absolutely reason to suspect the existence of hyperthyroidism.

"Shaking hands may be due to nervousness, and sweating may be due to nervousness. But he loves to sweat so much, and his eyes are so lively. If we don't do a thyroid function test for him, then we will have to lose his clothes. "Wang Xiaodong sighed.

He glanced at Lu Chen aside, and felt an indescribable admiration in his heart.

When you talk about the symptoms, everyone knows that it is hyperthyroidism.

But not everyone has the ability to detect these symptoms clinically.

"Brother, the patient has hyperthyroidism. Does it have anything to do with our attack this time?" He Qin didn't understand the patient's condition for a while.

Wang Xiaodong relaxed for a moment and continued: "If the patient really has hyperthyroidism, then this arrhythmia can be explained."

Many patients with hyperthyroidism will develop arrhythmias, and many people do not know they have hyperthyroidism until arrhythmias occur.

Wang Xiaodong continued: "You must know that when you have hyperthyroidism, thyroid hormones increase in the body. Thyroid hormones are very strong and will constantly stimulate various organs in the body. Stimulating the gastrointestinal tract will cause more eating and diarrhea, and stimulate muscles. Bones can cause hand tremors, and irritation to the heart can cause arrhythmia, which may even damage the heart in the long run."

"That's it." He Qin suddenly realized.

"What's even more terrible is..." Lu Chen said in a deep voice, "If the patient really has hyperthyroidism, then the diarrhea this time will be extraordinary."

Wang Xiaodong was stunned, and thought of what Lu Chen said, and immediately said: "Let's draw blood for a nail function test first. I'll call the endocrinologist later and ask for advice."

In the emergency ward.

"You said I have hyperthyroidism?" Xiao Yunfei was extremely surprised.

She didn't believe she had hyperthyroidism at all.

"Do you usually have a hot temper, eat a lot, and poop a lot, but you can't gain weight?" Wang Xiaodong asked, "Do you also like to sweat a lot?"

Xiao Yunfei was speechless when asked.

I'd like to answer no, but it seems to be the case.

I want to answer yes, but I don’t want to admit the situation.

"As a company executive, whoever doesn't have a hot temper will definitely give a lesson to his subordinates if they do something wrong."

"The workload is usually so heavy, so it's normal to eat a lot. The work pressure is so high, no matter how much you eat, you can't gain weight. Many people are like this, so why is it surprising?"

A dead duck has a tough mouth.

"Then let's wait for the results to verify." Wang Xiaodong said.

Lu Chen frowned: "Brother, the thyroid function results will take 1-2 days..."

"I can't wait any longer. Let's do a thyroid B-ultrasound first to see if the thyroid is enlarged."

"But there is no emergency thyroid ultrasound at night..." He Qin said casually from the side.

Lu Chen nodded in agreement.

Emergency ultrasound can only look at the heart, chest, or abdomen.

Wang Xiaodong smiled: "It's okay. There is an emergency cardiac ultrasound in the evening. I asked them to take a look at the thyroid ultrasound. And I have an acquaintance in the ultrasound department. I will say hello to him."

"But, on the surface, it seems that her thyroid is not big, and it is not big even when touched." He Qin said doubtfully.

She just gave Xiao Yunfei a thyroid test specifically.

Wang Xiaodong nodded and said: "By the time we can see it with the naked eye, the thyroid gland is already very large."

"Moreover, there is another possibility, that is, the thyroid gland grows inside the chest instead of outside. In this case, even if it is very swollen, we will not be able to see it, and we must do an examination." Lu Chen explained.

He Qin couldn't help but sigh after hearing Lu Chen's explanation.

This junior brother seems to be really not simple!

Not only can he completely follow Wang Xiaodong's ideas, but he can also come up with new insights.

By the way, he can also insert a gastric tube!

Is he really a freshman in the first year of graduate school?

After Wang Xiaodong contacted the ultrasound department, Xiao Yunfei was immediately sent there for a thyroid B-ultrasound.

The results came out immediately.


Moreover, there are many nodules in the thyroid gland, which means there is a problem with the thyroid gland at first glance.

Xiao Yunfei couldn't believe it when she saw the report card.

"The company conducts physical examinations every year. My physical examination last year was normal."

"That was last year!" Wang Xiaodong said.

This time it’s a stone hammer!

doctor's office.

Wang Xiaodong sighed, "I almost stumbled."

"Brother, can't we diagnose it now?" He Qin felt a little strange. From Wang Xiaodong's tone, it seemed that he almost made a mistake?

"Junior sister, do you remember why the patient came to the hospital?"

He Qin was stunned, "Diarrhea? Isn't this caused by acute gastroenteritis?"

Lu Chen on the side shook his head and said: "The patient's diarrhea may be acute gastroenteritis, but we must not ignore the possibility that it may be caused by hyperthyroidism."

In fact, a pack of chicken feet is not very unclean.

However, if it is really gastroenteritis caused by uncleanliness, then other colleagues who ate it should also have problems.

But according to Xiao Yunfei, everyone else seemed to be fine, but she was the only one who suffered from diarrhea for a few days.

Then this is suspicious.

"Junior brother, are you talking about diarrhea caused by hyperthyroidism?" He Qin asked doubtfully.

Lu Chen nodded, "Well, if it is really diarrhea caused by hyperthyroidism, then the patient is likely to suffer from hyperthyroidism crisis!"

Wang Xiaodong glanced at Lu Chen, and it seemed that his junior brother really wanted to go with him.

"Hyperthyroidism crisis?!" He Qin opened her mouth wide.

Seeing Wang Xiaodong's expression of approval, she knew that Lu Chen's diagnosis was probably correct.

He Qin has never encountered hyperthyroidism crisis clinically. UU Reading www.uukanshu.net has only learned about hyperthyroidism crisis from books, but she also knows the dangers of this disease!

When the condition of hyperthyroidism is not under control, due to some stress-provoking factors, the condition of hyperthyroidism suddenly worsens, seriously endangering the patient's health and life.

Medically called thyroid crisis, or simply hyperthyroidism.

Hyperthyroid crisis is uncommon but has a high mortality rate.

Hyperthyroidism crisis may include high fever, arrhythmia, nausea and vomiting, disturbance of consciousness, severe diarrhea, etc.

This diarrhea may not be gastroenteritis!

Perhaps it is the result of hyperthyroidism reaching a certain degree of severity, that is, hyperthyroidism crisis!

"I just contacted the doctor from the endocrinology department." Wang Xiaodong continued to ask for consultation. "The consultant will be here soon."


After two busy night shifts in a row, Min Ling finally had a relaxing night shift today.

From taking over until now, nothing has happened.

She originally planned to be ready to deal with various emergencies at any time, just like the previous two night shifts.

But so far, only one or two patients have high blood sugar.

"Dr. Min, please call the emergency department for emergency consultation!"

Just when Min Ling was about to go to the duty room to rest, the nurse suddenly called to the office.

"Okay, I'll go right away."

Min Ling was a little confused, why did the emergency department ask for an emergency endocrinology consultation?

Endocrine emergencies generally include diabetic ketoacidosis, hypoglycemia, coma, etc.

In these situations, the emergency department will not ask for consultation and will usually admit the patient directly to the hospital.

With this doubt, Min Ling came to the emergency department.

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