I Can See Health

Chapter 268: Taking medicine will make you addicted!

The webpage was loaded.

The content of the email immediately appeared in front of Lu Chen.

This was an email signed by the Jinghua Electrophysiology Society.

There was no text or content in the main text, only an attachment.

The attachment was a compressed package, and the name of the compressed package was "Electrophysiology Learning Materials".

Seeing this, Lu Chen immediately downloaded it.

After unzipping the compressed package, Lu Chen finally saw the content clearly.

This is the real questions and detailed answers of the third round of the provincial competition in previous years.

From the very beginning of the first session to the sixth session of the last session, the real questions of each session are included!

This is the first-hand information of the electrocardiogram test, which cannot be found on the Internet.

As the chairman of the Jinghua Electrophysiology Society, it is not surprising that Cheng Guowen has these materials.

Lu Chen also knows that there are people from the Jinghua Second Hospital who entered the top ten.

In addition to him, there is only one other person!

Then, Cheng Guowen has also passed this "Electrophysiology Learning Materials" to another shortlisted doctor.


Lu Chen guessed correctly.

Another doctor in the cardiology department of Jinghua Second Hospital who was shortlisted in the top ten also got this "Electrophysiology Learning Materials".

Cheng Guowen hadn't planned to give it to Lu Chen.

Because he thought Lu Chen's chances were slim!

But after thinking about it, he gave the information to Lu Chen.

It's just a small favor, what if it works?

Although the hope is slim...


For such a big gift, Lu Chen naturally accepted it with joy.

Strictly speaking, this is not cheating.

It just took advantage of the information gap and resource gap.

What's more, the other contestants are all from provincial tertiary hospitals, and they should be able to get various materials from other channels.

But anyway, Lu Chen browsed through the real questions of the past six years.

He already had a rough idea of ​​the difficulty of the questions.

He also had a preliminary understanding of the types, scope, and difficulty of the exam.

However, when Lu Chen finished reading all the real questions.

He had even less confidence in the third round of the exam!

This question is too difficult!

Whether it is the difficult case electrocardiogram, pacing electrocardiogram, or electrophysiology-related electrocardiogram, the overall difficulty is far greater than the second round.

This third round of exams is really a selection of the best from the best!

Lu Chen spent the whole night studying past exam questions.

He could only try to understand the exam questions and scope as much as possible, and then try to overcome the difficulties in this area.


No words were spoken all night.

The next day.

Early in the morning, Lu Chen received a call from his tutor Li Yao.

"Teacher, do you mean that I should accompany you to Fengm County Hospital for a free clinic this morning?"

"Yes. In fact, it's not just a free clinic. I am also the honorary vice president of Fengm County Hospital. I will go to the cardiology department of the county people's hospital tomorrow for a teaching round."

"Got it, teacher."

Although the time for study is very tight now, Lu Chen will not refuse tutor Li Yao's request.

As for Li Yao, her idea is simpler.

Today she can take Lu Chen out to see it.

Although Fengm is only a county hospital, it can always communicate with the directors and deans below.

What she didn't expect was that Lu Chen was still working hard to enter the national competition, otherwise she wouldn't bother Lu Chen.

In her mind, Lu Chen's entry into the third round was already his limit.

As for the national competition, Lu Chen will definitely be able to go in the future, but for him now, it is out of reach!

Came to the eighth area of ​​the heart.

Lu Chen handed over his patients to Sun Guoguo, and then followed Li Yao on the road.

This free clinic was coordinated by Jinghua Second Hospital and Fengm County, and there was a special car from the hospital to pick up and drop off.

At present, the country is vigorously promoting the "point-to-point assistance" work.

A provincial leading tertiary hospital like Jinghua Second Hospital naturally has to undertake many tasks.

Lu Chen followed Li Yao to the gate of Jinghua Second Hospital and got on a business car.

At this time, there were already many people sitting in the car.

They were all directors or deputy directors of various departments of Jinghua Second Hospital.

"Director Li is here."

In the front row of the business car, a middle-aged man smiled and greeted Li Yao.

"Director Zhu came quite early." Li Yao also nodded and whispered to Lu Chen, "This is Director Zhu Bin of the Endocrinology Department."

"Hello, Director Zhu." Lu Chen also said quickly.

Zhu Bin nodded slightly, glanced at Lu Chen, and then said to Li Yao: "Director Li, how is your last general project going? I remember it is almost finished, right?"

Li Yao shook her head and sighed: "Not very good, I can only barely finish it."

Lu Chen sat silently beside Li Yao.

He couldn't interrupt the director-level conversation, so he could only listen silently.

About five minutes later, the director of the respiratory department came.

When everyone finally arrived, the business car started and headed for Fengm County People's Hospital.

Jinghua is not far from Fengm County. It took about two and a half hours to drive to the destination of this trip.


Everyone got off the car at the gate of Fengm County People's Hospital.

When Lu Chen looked up, he saw the sign of Fengm County People's Hospital on the outpatient building.

The overall building of the hospital is relatively shabby.

The gate is not spacious and can only accommodate one car.

The leaders of Fengm County Hospital attach great importance to this free clinic.

The executive vice president and the leader of the medical department received everyone.

"It is a great honor for the expert team from Jinghua Second Hospital to visit our hospital..."

After the vice president spoke in official tone for a while.

All the experts from Jinghua Second Hospital entered the Jinghua Famous Medical Hall prepared for them by the hospital.

The Famous Medical Hall is on the second floor of the outpatient clinic building, with a total of more than a dozen outpatient rooms.

The expert team from Jinghua Second Hospital conducted this free clinic in the Famous Medical Hall.

Li Yao is very familiar with all the processes.

It seems that this is not the first time she has come to the free clinic.

Lu Chen followed Li Yao to the cardiology specialist's clinic.

"Lu Chen, the operating system of their county hospital is very simple. You should try to write medical orders first to get familiar with it."

"Okay, teacher."

Lu Chen's main job is to help Li Yao give medical orders, measure blood pressure, and occasionally do some physical examinations.

There are still ten minutes left before the free clinic officially starts.

This time, all experts from Beijing Second Academy are limited to thirty numbers.

After reading thirty numbers, it means the free clinic is over.

Lu Chen became familiar with the operating system of the county hospital.

The system here is quite old.

The system is not difficult, but it is tedious.

After trying for seven or eight minutes, Lu Chen roughly understood everything.

Free clinic has officially begun!

The patient who came in for the first time was an aunt in her sixties.

"Professor Li, I have high blood pressure. I want you to see if there is anything you can do about it?"

As soon as the aunt entered the door, she shouted loudly, her voice was quite penetrating.

"How long have you had high blood pressure?" Li Yao asked.

Lu Chen stood aside, picking up the mercury sphygmomanometer and preparing to measure the patient's blood pressure.

"It's been five or six years." Aunt thought for a while.

"What's your usual blood pressure?"

"Sometimes it is high, and sometimes it is low. When it is high, it is 200/100mmhg, and when it is low, it is 150/80mmhg."

Li Yao frowned: "Do you usually take medicine?"

"Didn't take any medicine."

"Why don't you take medicine?"

"Because I heard others say that if you take antihypertensive drugs, you will need to take them for the rest of your life and you can't stop taking them!"

"By the way, I still have diabetes. I don't take any medicine now, nor do I take any insulin. I heard that taking insulin can lead to addiction!"

When Lu Chen heard the patient's description, he couldn't help but shake his head slightly.

Yes, the first patient you meet is very "tricky"!


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