I Can See Health

Chapter 721 Communication

Seeing the somewhat obscene smile on Lin Shumin's face, Shen Wenbo was helpless, "Old Lin, have you thought of something unhealthy again?"

"Go away." Lin Shumin laughed and cursed, "If you want to join the laboratory, you may not be able to do it for the time being."

"What's wrong?" Shen Wenbo asked confused.

"You also know that we recently published a high-scoring paper. Lu Chen is going to temporarily stop the scientific research project to let everyone relax." Lin Shumin said, "It just so happened that Lu Chen also went to the hospital general hospital. Maybe he is not used to the current situation. I have no time to do scientific research because of my work.”

"Okay then." Shen Wenbo sighed and wanted to think about the paper, but there was no chance. "But when Lu Chen is ready to continue recruiting people, you must think of me first!"

"That's no problem!" Lin Shumin smiled.

After saying goodbye to Shen Wenbo at the entrance of the laboratory, Lin Shumin took out his mobile phone and called the members of the laboratory one by one, inviting everyone to have lunch together on the third floor of the cafeteria.

The rest of the project team naturally agreed happily.

Speaking of which, Lu Chen returned to the CCU lounge.

He was not idle either, but continued to tailor-make scientific research project plans for project members.

In addition to doing scientific research, when he has free time, Lu Chen will also enter the system virtual space to practice various surgical operations.

At present, what Lu Chen practices the most is TAVR surgery.

In the system virtual space, Lu Chen continued to improve his skill proficiency.

Because he can now perform surgeries independently in reality, his skill proficiency has increased rapidly.

on the system panel.

Lu Chen's Tvar skill proficiency has reached 87.54%.

Because tavr technology has just emerged in China, this level of skill proficiency has already made Lu Chen's technology one of the top in the country, even comparable to the top level in foreign countries.

At this time, a group of uninvited guests came to the first courtyard of the magic city.

They are the medical visiting and exchange team of the island country.

Magic City No. 1.

Office of the Chief of Cardiology.

Liu Jun's expression was extremely serious, "Shuqing, this time the island nation came to visit our hospital, it came with a very strong purpose!"

Zhang Shuqing rarely saw Liu Jun show such an expression, and he couldn't help but beat the drum in his heart, "Director, I know that every year they used to come to discuss various surgical operations with us under the guise of communication. Is it our turn this year in the Department of Cardiology? "

"Listening to the news from the dean, it should be so!" Liu Jun frowned, "And the technique they are sparring with this time is the tavr you are currently in charge of!"

"Ah?" Zhang Shuqing was shocked.

Although he focuses on tavr and his technology is among the best in the country, he is well aware of the gap between his country's level and that of foreign countries.

Most of these new techniques were practiced abroad for many years and were even slowly introduced to China after they became popular.

For example, TAVR surgery has a history of seven or eight years in Europe, the United States, island countries and other countries, and there are tens of thousands of surgical cases every year.

As for China, it has only just started a few years ago. How can this compare?

"Not confident?" Liu Jun stared at Zhang Shuqing closely.

Zhang Shuqing smiled bitterly and said, "Not really."

If we were to compete with other techniques, there would really be a comparison, but with this tavr technique, everyone's experience is very limited.

The purpose of the island country exchange group's visit to the Magic City this time is really Sima Zhao's heart, and everyone on the street knows it!

"Tell me, if they don't go to Europe and the United States for exchanges, why do they come to us?" Liu Jun felt depressed in his heart.

If this exchange and discussion is embarrassing, then he, the director of the Department of Cardiology, is to blame!

"It's not all the ideas that the leaders above have come up with." Zhang Shuqing complained, "In the name of inviting top foreign medical groups to communicate and improve our medical standards, it is actually to make money for ourselves. It’s really irritating to have someone else step on you despite spending money on your political achievements!”

"It's useless to talk about these things now." Liu Jun frowned deeply, "Let's prepare well for the exchange and discussion meeting this afternoon."

Zhang Shuqing left the director's office with a smile uglier than crying.

This afternoon’s exchange and discussion meeting has a long way to go!

CCU inpatient general lounge.

"Huh..." Lu Chen opened his eyes, and his consciousness retreated from the system's virtual space.

In the system space, he simulated various types of TAVR surgeries under special circumstances, and the completion of the surgeries was quite acceptable.

However, if he wanted to go further, Lu Chen could only continue to practice clinically.

This morning was relatively leisurely. Compared with the busyness of the previous two days, this morning was considered a holiday.

It's time for lunch.

Lu Chen then put on his white coat and went out.

Normal people would not wear a white coat when eating.

But Lu Chen was different. As the chief resident, he had to be on guard for emergency consultations and rescue operations 24 hours a day. He couldn't leave his white coat and stethoscope!

Hanging his white coat at the door, Lu Chen came to the third floor of the hospital cafeteria.

Ke Yue, Dong Hao, Lin Shumin and others have already arrived.

"Come on Lu Chen, you're the only one missing!" Lin Shumin waved to Lu Chen from a distance.

Lu Chen quickly walked to the dining table and sat down next to Ke Yue.

Lin Shumin immediately pushed the menu in front of Lu Chen, "If you want to eat anything, you're welcome, I'll treat you today!"

He patted his pocket with a smile on his face.

"Have you all ordered?" Lu Chen looked at everyone.

"I ordered it, the only problem is that you didn't order it." Ke Yue said with a smile.

"Oh, okay then." Lu Chen picked up the menu.

He was not prepared to be polite. This time Lin Shumin received a lot of rewards. After all, he published a top-ranked paper with a score of 14 points.

Lu Chen ordered another meat dish, and everyone started chatting.

First of all, there is naturally a wave of business blowback.

The first paper in the laboratory had the greatest impact on Lin Shumin and Dong Hao. Both of them could graduate with this paper.

After the exchange of blows ended, everyone began to ask Lu Chen about his next plan.

"I've actually thought about it." Lu Chen looked at everyone in the laboratory with a smile.

Ke Yue and others immediately showed curious expressions and looked at Lu Chen.

"I decided to create a scientific research project plan tailored for everyone."

Hearing Lu Chen's words, Ke Yue, Ji Yingying, and He Xiaohui were naturally very happy.

But Lin Shumin and Dong Hao were surprised and happy.

Fortunately, Lu Chen made such a big move!

Surprisingly, they are both about to graduate...

"Lu Chen, are we both there too?" Lin Shumin pointed to Dong Hao beside him.

Lu Chen blinked his eyes and said UU Reading www.uukanshu.net without any hesitation: "No, you are both about to graduate, so there must be no!"

"Huh? That's it..."

Lin Shumin and Dong Hao both had a hint of bitterness on their faces.

After tasting the sweetness, they really didn't want to leave Lu Chen's laboratory.

At this time, Lin Shumin quickly added, "Lu Chen, I might stay in the hospital to serve, and I can continue to stay in the laboratory. Is that okay?"

On the side, Dong Hao was stunned when he heard this. Why didn't he think of this?

Lin Shumin can stay in school, he can continue to stay in school to study for a Ph.D.!

"Lu Chen, I can also continue to study for a Ph.D. and stay in the laboratory."

After saying that, he looked at Lu Chen in front of him nervously.

Lu Chen smiled slightly and said to the two of them calmly: "That's okay!" 16377/10456765

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