I Can See Health

Chapter 782 Epilepsy?

Lu Chen and Gu Xinyue are old partners.

After Jin Miao went to the cath lab, Lu Chen and Gu Xinyue became a team.

The two of them cooperated very well.

Gu Xinyue's clinical abilities are also outstanding.

He had nothing to say about some common diseases.

As a doctor of cardiology, Lao Gu quickly adapted to the rhythm of Guanghai No. 1 Hospital.

"Lao Gu, don't you try interventional surgery?"

Seeing Gu Xinyue enjoying clinical diagnosis and treatment, Lu Chen wondered.

It can be said that a cardiologist is incomplete if he does not know how to perform interventional surgery.

Hearing this, Gu Xinyue smiled slightly and said, "To be honest, I'm really not interested in interventional surgery."

"Huh?" Lu Chen was quite surprised.

If you were a girl, it would not be surprising to have this idea, but Lao Gu is a boy, and boys in the cardiology department would probably try to perform interventional surgeries.

"Do you remember my previous CCU at Jinghua Second Hospital?" Gu Xinyue asked again.

Lu Chen nodded, "Of course I remember, we were in the same group at the time."

"At that time, I wanted to learn the technique of cardiac ultrasound, but no matter how I practiced or learned, I was always slower than Fatty Cheng." Gu Xinyue said slowly, with a hint of helplessness and bitterness in her eyes, "Later, I was slower. Slowly gave up.”

Lu Chen also thought of this past event. Gu Xinyue was still in embarrassment when she was learning cardiac ultrasound.

"So you don't want to do it just because of this?" Lu Chen frowned.

"You can say that." Gu Xinyue smiled, "And the clinical practice is also very good. Even without surgery, the disease can be cured!"

"Yes, this is a good idea." Lu Chen smiled.

His original idea was to let Gu Xinyue practice clinical practice for a period of time and then arrange for him to go to the cath lab.

Whether it is TAVR surgery, coronary intervention surgery, or electrophysiology surgery, Gu Xinyue can try it.

After all, Gu Xinyue can be said to be Lu Chen's "direct" troop.

However, since Gu Xinyue doesn't want to have surgery, it's not bad to stay in the clinic. She can also find time to do scientific research, which is a good choice.

In fact, there is another reason why Gu Xinyue did not choose interventional surgery.

That's because when he was in Kyoto, his superiors passed the blame to him because of a failed interventional surgery, which led to his resignation.

One month later.

The TAVR team of Guanghai No. 1 Hospital, headed by Lu Chen, officially entered the stage of independent surgery.

The five doctors under Lu Chen, including Jin Miao, can all independently perform TAVR surgeries.

They all have a foundation in coronary intervention, so they learn TAVR technology quite quickly.

However, all they can do is the simplest TAVR surgery, and it requires Lu Chen's supervision.

For slightly more difficult surgeries, Lu Chen had to do it himself.

Even so, it was able to save Lu Chen a lot of time.

The current TAVR surgery is still based on ordinary surgery.

Everyone on the surgical team can get the best training.

Lu Chen has only been in Guanghai No. 1 Hospital for a short time, but the changes he has brought to the cardiology department of the hospital are visible to the naked eye!

Gu Xinyue has become accustomed to the cardiology environment of Guanghai No. 1 Hospital and officially became Lu Chen's attending physician.

"Director Lu, a difficult patient has arrived. Come and take a look!"

In the department, Gu Xinyue called Lu Chen Director Lu, but she still called him by his original name in private.

"Okay, I'll be right over."

Lu Chen put down the national natural project application form in his hand.

He has finished writing the bid document and is now just waiting for the final review.

Come to the ward.

Gu Xinyue arrived with the graduate students in his group.

In the ward, a man in his thirties was lying on the bed.

The health value on his head is 64 (--).

From the outside, the patient does not have any uncomfortable symptoms.

"The director is here." Gu Xinyue saw Lu Chen walking in and greeted him.

"How is the patient?" Lu Chen asked immediately.

Lu Chen was already accustomed to his status as a senior doctor, and he usually looked at patients with a straight face.

Gu Xinyue organized the conversation and handed the patient's medical record to Lu Chen.

"The patient is 35 years old. About three years ago, he became unconscious and unresponsive for no obvious reason, accompanied by stiffness and twitching of his limbs. At that time, his family was very scared and sent him to the hospital, but no problem was found."

"Two months ago, the patient had another seizure. He underwent a series of brain MRI, CT and other examinations, but no problems were found. He was diagnosed as epilepsy in another hospital."

"But less than two months after returning home, the condition recurred and he came to our hospital."

Lu Chen nodded slightly.

He already knew the patient's general condition.

This is a patient whose cause of unconsciousness remains to be determined.

"Doctor, my husband was working in the factory this morning and suddenly fell ill."

Standing next to the ward was the patient's wife, dressed very simply and speaking a less than standard Mandarin.

"If the factory friend hadn't been there, something might have happened."

While talking, the patient's family members were still crying.

Lu Chen nodded and quickly signaled the patient not to get excited, "What happened when the patient first got sick? Can you tell me more specifically?"

"Yes." The patient's wife nodded and began to slowly tell the patient's illness and medical treatment process.

It was similar to what Gu Xinyue had described before. Every time the patient had an attack, he was unconscious, his limbs twitched, and after waking up, he had no memory at all.

He went to the hospital for treatment many times, and had brain CT, MRI, EEG, etc. checked.

The last time, a mild abnormal EEG was found and diagnosed as epilepsy.

What is epilepsy? In fact, it is epilepsy in rural populations.

The patient will suddenly faint, fall to the ground, twitch, and foam at the mouth. It looks scary, but it is actually the result of abnormal discharge of brain nerves.

The existing brain CT and MRI cannot find lesions, and only some patients can find abnormalities when doing EEG.

After being discharged from the hospital last time, the patient took some anti-epileptic drugs, mainly sodium valproate.

But not long after being discharged from the hospital, the disease recurred!

"We think it's not a good thing to go on like this!" The patient's wife said helplessly, "He is the pillar of the family. He is sick and it affects his work. Many bosses on construction sites dare not hire him to work after hearing that he has this disease."

Lu Chen gave the patient a very detailed physical examination.

Lung and heart auscultation, abdominal examination, and nervous system examination are all normal!

Could it really be epilepsy?

When Lu Chen thought of this, the system did not give any prompts.

It seems that this is not the diagnosis!

After so many years of using the system, Lu Chen already knows the nature of the system.

If the diagnosis is correct, it will definitely upgrade the corresponding system!


Back to the doctor's office. UU阅读 www.uukanshu.net

Everyone sat together. Gu Xinyue thought about it and took the lead to say: "Could it be some kind of arrhythmia? For example, paroxysmal ventricular tachycardia, etc."

The neurological symptoms caused by arrhythmia are called Ass syndrome.

Because severe arrhythmia may not be able to continue pumping blood, the brain is severely ischemic in a short period of time, causing brain dysfunction, so there will be convulsions and impaired consciousness.

"Arrhythmia?" Lu Chen had also seen a similar patient when he was in Kyoto.

At that time, the patient had neurological symptoms caused by arrhythmia!

But when he thought of this diagnosis, the system still did not give any prompts!

"It seems that this is not the diagnosis." Lu Chen frowned.

The neurological examination was normal.

Then what could it be?   16377/10531787

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