I Can See Health

Chapter 929 Interview (Part 2)

The little fat man walked into the office.

When Lu Chen saw him, he wanted to laugh.

This little fat guy looks too happy.

When I gain weight, the flesh on my face becomes plump.

"Ahem, come and sit."

Lu Chen pointed to the seat in front of him.

"Thank you, teacher."

The little fat man ran over quickly.

"Li Zhan?"


The little fat man nodded and looked at Lu Chen nervously.

"Are you from Guanghai?"

Lu Chen finished checking Li Zhan's academic information.

"Yes, Teacher Lu." Li Zhan nodded like a chicken pecking at rice.

"Guanghai is a good place." Lu Chen said with a smile, "I also stayed in Guanghai for a while."

Li Zhan said: "I know, sir, that you were the director of Guanghai No. 1 Hospital."

"Oh?" Lu Chen's eyes lit up, "How did you know?"

Li Zhan rubbed the back of his head and said, "Teacher, my parents are both doctors at Guanghai No. 1 Hospital. This time I took the postgraduate entrance examination for you, and they were the ones who chose it for me."

Lu Chen smiled, this little fat man was quite sincere.

"Then do you think Modu is better, or Guanghai?" Lu Chen asked.

The little fat man was startled, then smiled and said: "Teacher, the medical conditions in this city are definitely better than those in Guanghai as it is a big city. But Guanghai is my hometown, and I still think Guanghai is better."

"Well, do you have any hobbies?"

Looking at the little fat man's appearance and body shape, Lu Chen asked curiously.

"No...nothing, I just like reading at home."

"Not exercising?"

"Exercise occasionally, not much..."

Lu Chen's interview method was very special. He didn't even ask any professional questions.

On the contrary, it feels like an elder cares for the younger generation.

"Li Zhan, tell me what you know about me." Lu Chen smiled, "As much as you can tell me, don't force it."

The little fat man thought for a while and then said: "I heard my dad say that Director Lu, you are the first person in the country in the field of TAVR!"

Lu Chen was the first to perform TAVR surgery in Guanghai.

Not only is he the chairman of the Huaxia Guanghai TAVR branch, he has also raised Guanghai’s TAVR level to several levels.

It can be said that Lu Chen’s label in Guanghai is tavr!

"You know a lot." Lu Chen smiled, "Then tell me, what is TAVR surgery?"

The little fat man immediately said: "TAVR surgery, the full name is transcatheter aortic valve replacement."

"Yeah, not bad." Lu Chen smiled, "Do you know the general procedure for this operation?"

"I haven't seen it before." The little fat man shook his head, "But I think it should be similar to coronary intervention. The only difference is that it replaces the valve, but coronary intervention involves implanting a stent..."

This time, Lu Chen asked the little fat man more deeply about the TAVR surgery.

They are all relatively superficial knowledge, and the little fat man can answer all questions.

"Where did you learn all this knowledge?" Lu Chen asked confused.

The scope of knowledge in the undergraduate course does not involve tavr surgery and other contents.

The little fat man scratched his head and said: "When I was an intern, I was very interested in cardiology. At that time, I applied to stay in the cardiology department for a few more months. I also know a lot about some of the latest surgeries. Those who don't understand I will also ask my dad the question.”

"Your dad is also a cardiologist?" Lu Chen asked curiously.

"Yeah." The little fat man nodded.

Lu Chen did not continue to ask. He had already asked everything he wanted to know.

"Okay, now that you've finished asking, you can leave."

"Goodbye, Teacher Lu." The little fat man stood up, bowed slightly to Lu Chen, and then left.

Lu Chen smiled and wrote his opinions on the little fat man's information sheet.

Next, is the third student interviewed.

"The third interviewer, Wu Cong!"

The aloof boy stood up and slowly walked into the office under the gaze of everyone.

At this time, Lu Chen saw the student's information sheet.

"Wu Cong...this person seems to be the student recommended by Dean Dai Wansong, right?"

He was somewhat curious about this student.

On the information sheet, this student has published a total of five SCI papers!

As an undergraduate, one SCI article is enough, let alone five in one!

What's more important is that he has written five SCI papers in English, which are actually in different majors and research fields.

Some study ion channels, some study genes, and some study cardiac rehabilitation...

The span of this kind of research field made Lu Chen feel ashamed.

The impact factors of these SCI papers are not high, but at least it shows that the authors of the papers have a certain research foundation in these aspects.

It is impossible to publish these papers casually.

Before the student came in, Lu Chen called Fan Zhiping in.

"Please print out these five papers."


Before Wu Cong came in, Lu Chen had the five papers in his hands.

After basic inquiries.

Lu Chen directly pulled out these five papers, and then smiled and said to Wu Cong: "Your ability is very good. You were able to publish so many SCI papers during your undergraduate period, even more than many master's and Ph.D.'s."

When Wu Cong heard this, he also smiled and said, "Teacher, I still have many shortcomings. I hope to become better under your guidance."

"Yeah." Lu Chen nodded, but then changed the subject, "I saw your paper on gene research, which mentioned three pathogenic genes. I don't quite understand it. Can you help me explain it?"

"Hmm?" Wu Cong was stunned, "This paper studies the pathogenic genes of cardiomyopathy and hypertension. It selects genes from the database, then draws blood tests on patients, and finally analyzes and compares them to draw the final conclusion."

Lu Chen smiled.

I didn't expect that Wu Cong had already made a lot of preparations.

"Don't misunderstand me." Lu Chen still had a smile on his face, "I want you to tell me what the three pathogenic genes you studied are? Tell me the specific names."


Wu Cong's forehead was covered with a trace of sweat.

"Teacher, this paper has been around for a while, I don't remember it very clearly."

Lu Chen didn't say much, he just glanced at the date the paper was published, three months ago!


Afterwards, all the remaining twelve students were interviewed.

The whole process lasted about two and a half hours.

Lu Chen's interview was also the longest among all the tutors.

"The interview results will be released on the official website at 6 o'clock tonight, so please check it out."

Fan Zhiping gathered the fifteen candidates in the demonstration room again.

"First of all, I would like to inform you that only five of you fifteen people can eventually become Director Lu's students. Even the students who are not good enough will be transferred to other teachers or other departments."

When Fan Zhiping said this, everyone was a little nervous.

"As for whether you agree to the transfer, wait until the final result comes out tonight and then report to the Graduate School."

"Now everyone packs up their things and can leave."

Next, Fan Zhiping informed the candidates of some precautions.

All the candidates had different moods.

But everyone had the same doubt, that is, the interview questions of Teacher Lu Chen.

Most of the time, he was chatting with the students, chatting about family matters, and even talking to each other, talking about ideals and ambitions.

In this way, how would Teacher Lu Chen evaluate your ability level in the interview?

However, a few students, led by "Little Fatty", became active in their hearts.

They recalled the conversation with their teacher Lu Chen, and it seemed that they talked about a lot of professional issues.

Could it be that this is the different attitude of teacher Lu Chen towards students?

Wu Cong was originally full of confidence, but when he thought of the questions Lu Chen asked him, he was a little nervous at the moment.

After leaving the demonstration room, he quickly called Dai Wansong.



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