I can see the blood bar, my purity is very high

Chapter 256: The Dragon Palace changes its owner and the new emperor is crowned

In the nearly half a year, although Lu Wenwu's [physical] attribute has not increased, he has undoubtedly completed a super evolution.

After a hundred days of hard work, the precipitation has been completed.

His comprehensive combat power is stronger than before!

Including the fire of the evil fight shared by Maomao, Lu Wenwu has melted the five different flames on his body into one furnace through the special method of the dragon clan, and forged and bred his own dragon flame.

It is the ink-colored flame released earlier.

Lu Wenwu simply and roughly named it Purgatory Dragon Flame, which complements his Purgatory Dragon Body.

The True Dragon Clan is born with water and fire.

Controlling fire requires self-training, but the law of controlling water is innate.

The water control method of the True Dragon Clan is unique in the world. It is continuously improved and developed by generations of True Dragons, and is hidden in the blood and passed down.

Even Lu Wenwu, who has become a monk halfway and has no talent in magic, can use a skilled water spell.

If someone thinks that Lu Wenwu is good at controlling thunder and fire and chooses to fight in the waters and oceans, the blood of the dragon clan will tell him what cruelty is.

In terms of fighting, Lu Wenwu's fighting method on the human body is too special, and the old dragon emperor does not give him much guidance.

He just pointed out some references from a high-level perspective and taught Lu Wenwu how to better integrate the dragon clan heritage into his original fighting system.

The combat experience accumulated by the dragon clan for countless tens of thousands of years is extremely terrifying.

In the virtual dragon realm, Lu Wenwu fought with various monsters day and night, fought in various environments, and fought with various enemies. He integrated what he learned and made progress on the battlefield.

Whether it is the magic power of monsters or the cultivation method of human cultivators, he has experienced countless times everything that the dragon clan has seen.

This is the biggest difference between having inheritance and casual cultivation.


The coping methods and methods summed up by generations of sages with blood are absolutely precious things.

Wealth, friends, Dharma, and land, "friends" should be ranked before "Dharma"!

Perhaps, because the Void Dragon Realm has not been updated for 10,000 years, some of the methods that were created and improved later have not been included, which is a little behind the times compared to the current world of immortal cultivation.

But the stones of other mountains can polish jade, and one method can lead to all methods.

Many experiences can be verified and referenced by each other, at least it is much better than the situation when Lu Wenwu first came.

What's more, although the world of immortal cultivation is advancing and developing as a whole, it has not developed too much.

The idea of ​​worshipping the ancients is fully reflected in ordinary cultivators.

Fortunately, the True Dragon Clan does not worship the ancients.

They worship strength.

In the cultivation of a path, the one who achieves is the first.

As long as you can fight and your method is useful enough, you are the best.

Therefore, the library of the Dragon Mansion stores a vast amount of magical skills for future generations to practice, which greatly broadened Lu Wenwu's horizons and gave him a deeper understanding of the entire world of cultivation.

Especially after he proposed the idea of ​​combining the Endless Sea of ​​Blood with the Military Dao Killing Fist and combining the Merit Value Sea, Blood Refining Battle Fist and Tyrant Fist, the old Dragon Emperor gave him a lot of guidance.

Lu Wenwu even felt that he was only one step away from breaking through the Military Dao Killing Fist to the level of All Laws and Gods, and his toes had already stepped in, infinitely close to that level.

The fusion of Tyrant Fist and Blood Refining Battle Fist was pretty good, and the initial fusion had been completed, and the power had been improved.

However, the effect of combining with the power of merit was not ideal, and the progress was still at the stage of creating a new WPS document in a new folder.

This was mainly because the dragon clan did not cultivate the power of merit, and there were few records in this regard, only a few words.

Even a strong man like the old Dragon Emperor could not help him without rice.

He recommended Lu Wenwu to go to the Buddhist sect to look for it.

Those bald men who always talked about compassion had done a lot of research on the power of merit and virtue, and developed a variety of amazing magical skills.

It must be said that Lu Wenwu's experience in the past six months was enough to be described as benefiting a lot.

It was a pity that the Dragon Clan had no relevant records about the Qingxuan Sword Sect - the Dragon Clan was no longer able to record it at that time.

The collapse of a giant sect spanning the continent was indeed a big deal.

But it was only at that time, and only for ordinary immortal cultivators.

The destruction of such a behemoth overnight was not worth mentioning in the historical scale of the entire immortal cultivation world.

There were too many.

And there were even more people who lost themselves because of exploring the secret realm, which could be called countless.

Even the Dragon Clan suffered losses in this regard, let alone the Qingxuan Sword Clan, which was all in.

In desperation, Lu Wenwu had to start studying the space method left by the Dragon Clan in his spare time from cultivation, and tried to refine a cross-border teleportation array.

The old Dragon King knows the way of space. This is a compulsory course for every powerful spirit-transforming person. It is just a matter of strength.

With the guidance of a famous teacher and the vast experience of the dragon race, Lu Wenwu relies on the top space talent inherited from Gululu to be like a fish in water in this area. His progress can be described as a thousand miles a day.

Even the old Dragon King has praised his terrifying learning speed and amazing space talent more than once.

So far, Lu Wenwu has initially acquired the ability to try to refine a cross-border teleportation array in theory, but he has not practiced it because there is no material for him to practice in the Dragon Mansion.

It can be said that in this short period of less than half a year, Lu Wenwu has made greater improvements than all the rest periods put together during Lu Wenwu's own exploration and practice.

His vision, strength, experience, methods, and combat thinking abilities have all been greatly improved.

If possible, Lu Wenwu really wanted to continue practicing like this.

There is a world of difference in the speed of improvement between having a famous teacher to guide you and walking alone.

But he can't.

All good things come to an end.

Today, it's finally time to say goodbye.

Lu Wenwu looked at the old Dragon King, whose figure was already somewhat dim and erratic, and said in a low voice, "Uncle Ao."

"What are you doing? It's just that this remnant of my soul is about to disperse, but it's not like I'm dead." The old Dragon King said with a smile on his face, "You kid, practice hard, and then go to the fairy world to find my true body. It's the same."

"It's different." Lu Wenwu whispered vaguely, "How can it be the same?"

Can a split soul that has been divided for more than 10,000 years still be considered the same person as the original body?

It's like whether the reincarnated body whose memory has been completely erased can still be regarded as the same individual as the previous life.

This is a profound philosophical question.

Lu Wenwu is not a philosopher. He only thinks about issues based on his own emotions.

In his view, memory and cognition are important components of personality, and they cannot be distinguished simply and straightforwardly through the soul and body.

When the split soul and the main body receive enough different memories, they will be separated forever and become two completely different individuals.

Even if Lu Wenwu can really break the world barrier in the future, what if he goes to this immortal world and meets the real Ao Wanhai?

To him, the other party was just Ao Wanhai, not the old Dragon King who had taught him for half a year like an elder.

It was just a similar flower.

"Okay, forget about mother-in-law and mother-in-law. Before I leave, Old Long, there is one last thing that needs to be done."

The old Dragon King came over again and patted Lu Wenwu on the back.

This time, the slap felt a little unreal, like gummy candy.

The scene in front of them flashed, and they had appeared in the huge hall where Lu Wenwu first met the old Dragon Emperor, next to the giant treasure cave specially built for the dragon body.

"Come on, boy, this sea that has been empty for 11,863 years should also welcome a new emperor. This is our family's private land. What's the matter without a dragon emperor? Well? .Although there is nothing left.”

The old Dragon King smiled and stretched out his hand a little, and Lu Wenwu felt an irresistible and powerful force exerted on him.

It was a resonance originating from the bloodline, and the entire Dragon Mansion was releasing a strong sense of desire.

Lu Wenwu's whole body uncontrollably transformed into the Dragon of Purgatory, just like what was depicted in the murals and carved on the walls, floating and entrenched above the treasure cave in an extremely majestic posture.

Endless light flashed, and a brilliant golden power emerged from the spiritual veins, speeding up the mountain peak made entirely of spiritual stones and a large number of rare materials, directly to the Dragon Palace!

The next moment, the crystal-like Dragon Palace shone like a lighthouse!

A crown made entirely of golden light condensed from all directions, turning into an extremely gorgeous crown of light that appeared above Lu Wenwu's head.

The moment Guang Mian and Lu Wenwu completed the resonance, the entire Dragon Mansion seemed to be activated, emitting thousands of auspicious colors.

All the original concealment formations were automatically closed, and the phantom of the rich and luxurious Dragon Mansion was directly reflected on the entire sea!

All the monsters and water tribes with dragon blood in their bodies were stunned at the same time no matter what they were doing just now.

They felt something in their hearts and subconsciously looked at the location where the projection of Shuifu appeared.

The replacement of the old and new Dragon Kings has been completed.

At this moment, the new Dragon King was born!

The sea and the aquatic tribe have a new master!

Many water tribes who have tempered their bloodline to its peak have even cried with joy, their whole bodies trembling with excitement.

They felt the legendary Dragon Gate!

As long as you climb the dragon gate, you can transform into a real dragon and truly become the top of the food chain!

At this moment, the world was shocked.

The entire demon clan is boiling!

Countless dragons jumped up from their habitats and headed straight for the sea without covering their tracks, hoping to pay homage to the new Dragon King and gain the opportunity to transform into dragons.

In the main hall, the old Dragon King still had the same smiling attitude.

The already somewhat blurred eyebrows were full of kindness and relief, and he looked at Lu Wenwu who had completed the handover ceremony.

"Uncle Ao."

Lu Wenwu felt blocked in his heart and called in a low voice.

"Boy, it's time to change your title. You should call me the late emperor now."

"Haha! I'll go too, old dragon!"

The old Dragon King's figure flashed and suddenly turned into a mighty dragon, soaring upwards.

The dragon shadow was getting higher and faster, and the pressure on it became more and more powerful, but the gorgeous and majestic figure gradually became transparent, until it completely rushed out of the Dragon Mansion and completely dissipated in the vast sea.

Lu Wenwu, who had gained complete control of the Dragon Mansion, fell down and buried his head in his body, coiling it up like a snake.

At this moment, his ears were still ringing with the last words the old Dragon Emperor left for him.

"Child, go back early after you finish your work. It's not safe here."

Lu Wenwu didn't want to think about the mess.

His thoughts are very complicated now.

He didn't want to do anything other than hiding the Dragon Mansion again and lying here in a dragon's bed in a daze.

"What happened? What happened?"

The Skyfire Demon God's shocked voice floated out from the Talisman of Life and Death.

When Lu Wenwu completely became the Dragon King, he had been released from being suppressed.

"Fifth brother, where was that really big and scary real dragon from before? He didn't do anything to you, right? And you, how did you become like this?"

The Skyfire Demon God in a suppressed state has no concept of the passage of time.

In his understanding, it was still the time when they had just entered the Dragon Palace half a year ago.

Just a second ago, he encountered a mighty real dragon, and he was instantly suppressed by the terrifying aura.

The next second, Lu Wenwu had transformed into an equally powerful real dragon and was lying on the huge treasure cave. A gorgeous light crown exuding strong pressure appeared above his head.

Lu Wenwu, who was in a bad mood, didn't want to explain or speak.

He grabbed the Talisman of Life and Death and threw it directly into the Lingtian Cave. If you have any questions, just ask Maomao.

Maomao, who was practicing in Lingtian Cave during this period, witnessed the whole process. This was the acquiescence of the old Dragon King after Lu Wenwu was recognized.

What is the concept of mythical beast?

As long as you continue to practice step by step, you won't be much worse than the next White Tiger Divine Lord, let alone the next one.

Even if the White Tiger Divine Lord here is not the God of the Four Symbols in Chinese mythology, which is full of philosophical and symbolic meanings, his position in the fairy world is also an extremely important killing god general and the absolute main force in battlefield killing.

This discovery made the old Dragon King even more determined. Lu Wenwu had great luck.

Only those with great luck can win the recognition of the divine beast as their master!

Entrust the Dragon Mansion to him, no problem!

As long as he is still alive, their dragon clan will not be considered extinct!

However, Lu Wenwu didn't know what the old Dragon Emperor really thought.

Just when the Sky Fire Demon God was making the Sky Fire Demon God exclaim again and again in the Lingtian Cave, and just when the outside world was hit by a magnitude 18 earthquake because of the new Dragon Emperor ascending the throne and the True Dragon clan officially appearing in the world again after more than 10,000 years, Lu Wenwu I just feel bored and tired.

Unknowingly, he fell asleep lying on the treasure floor of the main hall.

Sleeping deeply, deeply.

Ever since the last dungeon was opened, he has been in a state of constant tension. God knows how long it has been since he completely relaxed.

Unknowingly, the accumulated sleepiness in Lu Wenwu's body was gradually cleared, and the exhaustion on the soul and mental levels slowly subsided.

He is now like a sleeping sword being polished and wiped away from rust.

When the sword is polished again until it is bright and sharp, once it is unsheathed, the whole world will be shocked!

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