I can see the blood bar, my purity is very high

Chapter 268 You are simply the greatest demon cultivator in the world!

It is worth mentioning that the demon clan is also in a lot of pain now.

The previous Lei Falcon was killed by Lu Wenwu with one punch, but one of the two bird demon gods secretly escaped when Lu Wenwu counterattacked the Xiandao League and fled back to the demon clan's ancestral home.

The middle stage of the transformation of the spirit is very strong, and it is already considered to be the top powerhouse on the continent, but it is not rare in the demon clan.

Therefore, except for Lei Falcon's father, who is a member of the demon god alliance, who is in a state of impotence and rage, the rest of the demon clan has no reaction to its death.

Anyway, it's not my son who died.

What the demon clan alliance is worried about now is that Lu Wenwu is so powerful, isn't it a long way to go to bring back the cub of the divine beast and rebuild the glory of the demon clan empire?

Moreover, the dragon sent to meet the Dragon Emperor did not find the Dragon Palace City.

This means that the dragon clan still does not care about worldly affairs, and it is likely that they will still entertain themselves in the sea for the next thousand years, which is another bad thing.

After several days of discussion, the Demon God Alliance was directly divided into two factions, with Tyrannosaurus Demon Lord challenging the Immortal Dao Alliance as the fuse.

The conservatives said: Maintain the status quo and stand aside. These are all sins committed by the human race and have nothing to do with our demon race.

The radicals said: Why do we need a cub of divine beasts after all this?

Tyrannosaurus Demon Lord is so awesome, wouldn’t we make a lot of money if we directly vote for Tyrannosaurus Demon Lord?

This is the natural emperor of the demon race!

As long as Tyrannosaurus Demon Lord gives an order, we will immediately support him to become the new emperor of the demon race and fight against humans!

The countless natural treasures in the demon race occupied area are yours, and the demon bones, demon pills, demon blood, and fur left by the demon gods of all generations after their death are also yours!

You are a demon cultivator, and you say you care about the racial barriers. Who would believe this?

As for the demon race, there is no big problem.

As long as you are strong enough, everything you say is right.

So if you look into it, it is not completely unfeasible.

As for the previous snatching of the divine beast Huodou.

Many demon gods in the Demon God Alliance kept silent, as if it had never happened.

The demon race and the Immortal Dao Alliance have been fighting for so many years and have not created a result that would make the other side lose face. Tyrannosaurus Demon Lord did it alone.

You want to snatch someone else's divine beast cub. Have you lived enough or have the demon race lived enough?

Therefore, even the fallen Lei Falcon was directly cut off.

The Demon Clan Alliance issued a statement to the world in the name of the demon clan ancestral home, stating that Lei Falcon's offense to Tyrannosaurus Demon Lord was just a personal act, and it had nothing to do with the Demon God Alliance, and it should not be escalated to the entire demon clan.

As soon as this announcement came out, the Immortal Dao Alliance became even more silent.

Even a fool could see that this was the demon clan showing goodwill to Lu Wenwu.

When thinking of Lu Wenwu's half-human, half-dragon form and the pure dragon power he burst out in the battle, several of the cultivators who survived the battle in Tianji City felt heartbroken.

This means that Tyrannosaurus Demon Lord may really have some dragon blood, and it is a very pure kind.

Thinking of the amazing gift he made at the auction and the sudden ambiguous attitude of the demon clan

The true identity of Tyrannosaurus Demon Lord seems to be gradually becoming subtle.

If it is a real dragon clan, relying on the vastness of the sea, can it cultivate a terrifying evil star who has carried billions of murders?

The answer is.

It is entirely possible!

When this result was speculated, the Immortal Dao League became more and more dead.

When the Immortal Dao League was collectively silent, the demon clan wanted to welcome the new emperor all over the world, and the demon cultivators were still eating melons and watching the fun, Lu Wenwu had already sneaked into the Demon Dao territory with the rebirth method.

After wandering around the Demon Dao territory for a few days and seeing the completely different customs and practices here, he is now participating in an outdoor expansion activity that is beneficial to his physical and mental health.

Go to the dungeon.

Oh, to be precise, he accidentally (specifically) entered an ancient tomb.

That is, a very classic inheritance cave in the world of immortal cultivation.

He is now participating in the inheritance assessment.

God is pitiful, this time it is finally a very serious inheritance cave.

Even if it is a demon cultivator, Lu Wenwu is so moved that he almost cries.

Previously, he finally got a dungeon, but it was still a weird type.

Although this time it was the strongest in the national server who accidentally entered the fish egg game, it was indeed a very serious inheritance cave.

Various classic elements of immortal cultivation literature such as tests, traps, intrigues, mutual harm, coercion and inducement, temporary alliances, etc. are all present.

Lu Wenwu has also seen different types of demon cultivators such as reckless, insidious, bloodthirsty, violent, and seeking stability.

There are even some who frowned and retreated behind the crowd.

Lu Wenwu directly punched this kid-because he was originally at the back.

It can be said that the whole thing is a great satisfaction.

Lu Wenwu was a little Karami who had reached the Great Perfection of Qi Refining, and he had a lot of fun in the process.

However, the early Jindan who thought he had won in the end, but was hit in the head by Lu Wenwu with a punch, didn't seem very happy.

The handsome and kind-hearted Mr. Lu helped him and made him an open-minded person.

It was a good thing.

In the final inheritance hall, Lu Wenwu smacked the taste of the magic golden elixir while throwing the opponent's storage bag into the Dragon Mansion and handing it over to the Sky Fire Demon God to sort it out, and then strolled to the core of the cave.

Now in front of him was an ancient, red stone tablet that looked very creepy.

An old voice said slowly: "The destined person, place your hand on the preaching monument, and you will receive all the inheritance of my Ghost Bone Venerable."

Lu Wenwu glanced at it with his true vision and said with a little disdain: "No, buddy, you are too stingy and don't know how to develop continuously. No wonder you haven't been able to successfully resurrect for so many years."

Stone tablet: "???"

Although the stone tablet has no expression, Lu Wenwu seems to see through the stone tablet itself and see the other party's confused face.

Lu Wenwu continued to talk to himself: "Look at you, you tricked people into becoming your physical material for resurrection, at least you should be a little sincere, right? Look at your poor inheritance, what kind of idiots have come?"

"Look at you, you were a decent person in the Spiritualization Realm when you were alive. When you were dying, you set up such a thing in an attempt to revive and reincarnate, but ended up killing people who were in the Qi Refining and Foundation Building stages, and even the Golden Core stage? Aren't you ashamed?"

"You should at least count on some Yuanying stage geniuses to come in to qualify, right? If you rely purely on randomness like you, I guess you will wait for this ray of light Even if the remnant soul is scattered, it can't be resurrected. "

"You can't catch a wolf without sacrificing a child, understand?"

"You have no vision at all, you deserve not to be resurrected."

The remnant soul of Venerable Yougu couldn't help but complain: "You said it lightly, in order to protect this remnant soul of mine, I have already spent all my family wealth, how can I attract a genius in the Nascent Soul stage?"

"Fifth Master, I am in a good mood today, I will teach you. Watch and learn well, I will only teach you once."

Lu Wenwu took out a small stool from his personal backpack, sat down on the broken limbs, and did not forget to take out two egg pancakes to eat.

I have been in the world of immortal cultivation for a long time, and finally have time to enjoy the food seriously. It's not easy!

After Lu Wenwu ate the pancake in two or three bites, and sipped the iced blueberry juice with a thin layer of frost, he finally calmed down and breathed a sigh of relief.

"You don't seem to be worried that I will kill you here? You are actually interested in doing this kind of thing here." The red stone tablet asked with interest, "The Great Perfection of Qi Refining doesn't have this kind of courage."

"Don't ask about the Fifth Master's affairs, just listen to the lecture."

Lu Wenwu is in a good mood now, with a smile on his face, and put his arm on the red stone tablet, as if he is arm in arm with his shoulder.

"Look, you want to make a body for yourself, what do you need?"

The red stone tablet answered honestly: "Flesh and blood, life energy, if it doesn't work, use some soul to refine and nourish the soul, which can help me repair the soul and go out to take over the body and reincarnate."

"Very ordinary things, it seems that you should not have died of old age."

Lu Wenwu easily judged the cause of death of the other party, touched his chin, and took another sip of iced blueberry juice.

"Let me think about it. You must have a lot of good things in your hands to build such a complete 'inheritance cave' before you die. Where are your treasures? I don't believe you used them all to build the inheritance cave."

The red stone tablet didn't say a word.

But even if you use egg pancakes to think, you know that he must have hidden some of them and prepared to save them as start-up capital after resurrection.

So Lu Wenwu didn't continue to ask, but just continued to say: "You, you are too narrow-minded. Many of these unpresentable skills, magical powers, and spells are wrong."

"Fishermen know to use big baits and make heavy nests when fishing, and you are trying to get something for nothing? With this little rubbish, would you be willing to come in when you were in the Nascent Soul stage?"

The red stone tablet was silent.

Thinking carefully, what Lu Wenwu said seems to make sense.

Although he is reluctant to admit it, it is indeed the case.

Lu Wenwu continued, "If I were you, I would spend tens of thousands of spirit stones before I die to bribe a large number of Qi-refining cultivators to spread the news in various cultivator cities, and at the same time print hundreds of treasure maps and spread them all over the world to promote the fishing spot you built first."

"Otherwise, you have built a nest for a long time, but no fish know there is food here, then it will be in vain? Just like you now, relying on fate, how can you live in this life?"

The red stone tablet was thoughtful.

I really suffered this loss. After burying myself, I just waited here stupidly. After so many years, this is only the second batch of cultivators who arrived.

"After you publicize it, you can't open this cave every year. You need to leave yourself some buffer time and put a lot of restrictions on the cave to prevent cultivators from breaking through violently."

"During the promotion process, you can't be too exaggerated, but you also have to be reluctant to spend money. It's best to take out some things that Yuanying cultivators can't refuse, but are useless to Huashen cultivators - such as Tongshen Pills that increase the probability of advancement."

"At the same time, there must be some necessities for low-level cultivators to attract low-level genius cultivators. It's best to divide them into different tracks before the final level and conduct tests of different difficulties."

"When you publicize the reputation of your secret realm, many cultivators will come here in the hope of becoming the lucky one."

"At this time, don't be blinded by the immediate benefits. You must limit the number of people entering. It is best not to exceed 30 people at a time. It should be opened once every five to ten years. The limited number is the most attractive."

"At the same time, before entering, each person must hand in at least one treasure or an equivalent amount of spiritual stones as a ticket. The ticket price is determined according to the other party's realm. Those with a higher realm pay more, and those with a lower realm pay less. It is called - training young descendants."

I can understand the red stone tablet that improves the quality of treasures, as I just said.

But before entering the inheritance, everyone needs to hand in a treasure, and the number of people is limited?

Why is this?

I haven't got anything yet, and I give one first. How can anyone come in?

It was puzzled, so it asked.

"It's really a rotten wood that can't be carved. I really doubt how you got to the state of transformation,"

Lu Wenwu had an angry expression on his face.

"Think about it yourself. For all the practitioners who can cultivate to the Nascent Soul, do they believe in the pie in the sky? The more you charge, the more real your inheritance is. It is to select geniuses and eliminate mediocre people."

"Who would think that the dead would want their treasures?"

"They will make up their own minds. This must be a test of the predecessors' character, and they will hand it in happily."

"In addition, this is also prepared for sustainable development."

"Think about it yourself. With your little family background, how many times can you afford to open the consumption? Forbidden How many years can the system and formation last without being damaged? After a few rounds, your cave is empty, who will come? "

"If you change the cave rules to - the final inheritor can get all the magic weapons accumulated before, do you think the cultivators outside will go crazy? You are so noble, who will doubt you when participating in the trial? "

"It is very common for people to die in the process of the ancient cultivator inheritance trial due to accidents, or because they cannot complete the trial content, right? "

The red stone tablet was stunned.

The expression of the remnant soul looking at Lu Wenwu was already worshipping him as a god.

If it were him, he would definitely want to take a gamble back then.

This kind of control over people's hearts, this kind of conspiracy that is hard to refuse, even the righteous cultivators can't resist it!

"High, too high, my admiration for you is like a mountain. If I met you in my lifetime, I might be able to be resurrected within a hundred years!"

The red stone tablet was convinced and said with a respectful tone.

"I understood it later. Not letting them pass the final test every time was just a cover. In fact, I secretly killed a few of them every time to attract them continuously."

"You are totally wrong!"

Lu Wenwu looked at the stone tablet as if he was looking at a fool.

"You are really a rotten wood that cannot be carved. You don't understand the essence of long-term fishing for big fish. I have emphasized to you so many times that you must be willing to invest! You must understand sustainable development! If you don't give them any benefits, who will come in the future?"

This time, the red stone tablet was much more humble, and hurriedly asked in a low voice: "I am stupid, and I beg the senior to be merciful and solve my doubts."

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