I can see the blood bar, my purity is very high

Chapter 273 What is the Devil Way (Part 1)

Blood River Demon Lord's breath was stagnant.

His body involuntarily knelt down with a pop, and he kowtowed respectfully to the person in front of him and performed the disciple's ceremony.

"Xu Shiqing, a minor cultivator, please give me some advice."

Lu Wenwu said with interest: "So, do you want to become a demon or a demon cultivator?"

The Blood River Demon Lord was stunned for a moment.

Emotions are not the same thing?

Lu Wenwu saw his doubts and said: "Devil cultivator, to be honest, he is still a monk who has practiced the immortal way, but his behavior is close to that of a demon."

"Even if you can overcome the tribulation and ascend to the throne, becoming the so-called immortal and demon, do you think you are a demon? Wrong, you are still an immortal."

"Let me ask you, why do you want to become an immortal? Why do you want to become a demon?"

"For eternal life, for freedom." Blood River Demon Lord replied without thinking.

It's a very satisfactory answer. In the world of immortality, if you ask this kind of question, 999 out of 1,000 people will answer it like this.

Lu Wenwu asked again: "Then do you think you will be free after becoming an immortal? There is also a heaven in the immortal world, there are rules in the heaven, and immortals also have their own realm of cultivation. I think that if you fly up, you can punch the Jade Emperor and step on it. The Lord of Taishan Palace has jumped out of the Three Realms and is not in the Five Elements?"

The Blood River Demon Lord looked confused.

He knew every word Lu Wenwu said.

But together, why doesn't he understand?

For the first time, the demon giant who had been a genius for thousands of years felt that his understanding might be quite poor.

Lu Wenwu shook his head slightly: "Immortals are just freedom within the rules, but they are still bound by human nature. Don't you see that the so-called ruthless sword immortals are still chivalrous and righteous? If they are really ruthless, why do they do this useless work? ?”

"Devil is the true transcendent great freedom and freedom after throwing away all the shackles of 'human beings' themselves, putting aside the moral ethics produced by all intelligent creatures, and putting aside all the rules in the universe."

"It has nothing to do with anything else, just two words - rules."

"Those who obey order are immortals."

"Those who are disordered are demons."

"Absolute neutrality is the way of heaven."

The Blood River Demon Lord scratched his head and ears anxiously.

He felt that he had a vague understanding, but he seemed to be scratching his head and couldn't grasp the faint flash of light.

Without him, what Lu Wenwu said was a bit too high-minded.

This is somewhat difficult for a demon cultivator who has not received modern philosophical education to understand.

Blood River Demon Lord has been working very hard to understand the Blue Star vocabulary that Lu Wenwu translated from the language of the immortal world, but he is still a little behind.

"Rotten wood cannot be carved." Lu Wenwu sighed, "These concepts may be a bit abstract for you, so let's start with the concrete ones."

"Based on your current situation, the possibility of becoming a real demon is very slim. But you have already begun to show signs of cultivating demons within the scope of immortality, and you are heading in the right direction."

"You see, you have realized the importance of the number of mortals, and have begun to consciously raise and control the number of mortals to expand the common resources of demon practitioners."

"But have you ever thought that you didn't do this to the best of your ability?"


The Blood River Demon couldn't help scratching his messy blood-red hair.


Lu Wenwu nodded.

"Your current utilization rate of people is too low, and your method of cultivating reserve materials is too backward. It is not even as good as the people in mortal countries who raise pigs."

"Of course, this is not your problem alone, it is the problem of all demonic cultivators. In the final analysis, you are still a branch of the immortal way, and you are still thinking about problems with 'human' thinking. You cannot be regarded as true demonic cultivators."

"Take the Ten Thousand Souls Banner as an example. Your method is to raise enough mortals, make them fat and strong, and then kill them. Kill about one county town, and collect their souls and resentment to refine ten thousand resentful souls. , income streamer.”

"In fact, this is completely wrong and completely wasteful. This backward approach stems from your lack of understanding of the soul, or a habitual neglect of the past and the present."

"What is the core of the Ten Thousand Soul Banner? It is the soul. What is the relationship between a fat body and a sluggish soul? The soul is already formed the moment the embryo is fully developed. Without cultivation, the soul can carry no power and breadth of information. There will be changes.”

"Therefore, whether the Ten Thousand Soul Banner uses the soul of a baby, an adult, an old man, or even a monster, there will be no difference in power."

"In this case, the correct way is to directly extract the souls of babies for refining. Raising them to the age of fifteen or sixteen is a complete waste of resources. Moreover, this kind of soul is still blank and can be passed through the Yin Gathering Place. Cultivated to become a ghost baby.”

"Once the Ten Thousand Souls Ghost Shadow Flag refined in this way is activated, the wind will roar and resentment will rise to the sky. Isn't this much better than the ordinary Ten Thousand Souls Flag that you spent more than ten years trying to refine?"

"In terms of material breeding, now you have just changed from unmanaged free-range farming to managed free-range farming, which has not solved the fundamental problem. From a productivity point of view, letting cultivators farm, the workload of one person is Worth thousands of mortals!"

"Then the correct approach is to manage them in batches like livestock. All the women are used as fertility machines, and all the men are used as seeding machines. Once they sow successfully once a year, they are sent to the farmland to help with farming."

"Those with good appearance can be bred several times, and selective breeding can be carried out to iterate the quality of the offspring and replace those garbage and inferior genes."

"During the process of the mother's pregnancy, the problems of mortals should be recorded by the Hehuan Sect, and they can be solved by taking inferior elixirs. These mothers start giving birth at around fourteen years old, and even if they die at the age of thirty, they can contribute sixteen times the population, which is not a loss."

"Place the mother's breeding base in a place where yin gathers, and use the elixir of the Hehuan Sect to make the mother pregnant in the yin year, yin month, yin day, yin hour and yin moment. Through the formation, the yin evil will enter the body during the pregnancy process, and we can artificially cultivate extremely yin bodies in batches. This physique is top-notch whether it is used as a cauldron or a magic cultivator."

"Of course, this method is a bit wasteful of the mother, and it is not cost-effective. It cannot be used all at once. If you make too many at once, you won't be able to use or feed them all. You can't refine them all into magic tools. That would be a bit too much. "

"If you build a normal production line consisting of one million reproductive mothers, you can produce one hundred Ten Thousand Soul Banners every year. And to feed a mere two million mortals, do you think it's difficult? You can do it by yourself, the Blood Refining Demon Sect."

"After normal babies are born, they will be directly screened. Those with spiritual roots will be selected and sent to the sect for cultivation. Those without spiritual roots but with excellent souls and bodies will be used as the next generation of breeding bodies and mothers for cultivation to expand the scale of breeding. The rest will be consumables."

"As for those mothers and breeding bodies, when their physical functions decline, pick the good-looking ones and sell them to the Hehuan Sect or the Huanxi Zen Sect. In the end, you can kill the rest by yourself to accumulate blood evil energy and collect the blood yourself Keep it for use, and sell the resentment to the Desire Demon Sect."

"Strip off the flesh and sell it to the Gluttonous Blood Demon Sect, remove the bones and sell them to the Corpse Puppet Sect or the White Bone Demon Sect, trade the internal organs with monsters or the Multifaceted Demon Sect, and peel off the eyeballs and find the Ten Thousand Eyes Sect. They will definitely give a good price."

"Finally, sell the discarded flesh and blood that no one wants to the Corpse Bone Pill Sect. They should need these things as waste materials to stimulate birth in their blood spirit fields."

"Oh, yes, you can actually consider using the uterus and reproductive system that have been stripped from the mother."

"It is better to find the Multifaceted Demon Sect that is good at human body modification and grafting to see if they can design a system to allow the uterus to survive alone as a real reproductive machine. This will consume fewer resources and be more intervention-resistant."

"If you can breed in the offspring, If artificial allocation is achieved during the process, targeted cultivation can be achieved. For example, the Ten Thousand Eyes Sect needs a lot of eyes, so we can try to cultivate a sub-body with dozens of eyes, and so on. "

"The righteous side is fine, but your ability to integrate resources is really poor. You must know that win-win cooperation is the capital for progress. You are completely scattered, so how can you become an immortal?"

"If the Demonic Path wants to progress, it must understand: cost reduction and efficiency improvement, supply chain cooperation, technical resource monopoly, and industrialization thought cultivation. If you don't understand these, you will be completely eliminated by the righteous path sooner or later."

"Huh? Why do you look like this?"

Lu Wenwu said a lot of things in a crackling manner, and turned around to see the Blood River Demon Lord kneeling there with sweat on his forehead, his forehead dripping with cold sweat, and his eyes switching back and forth between fanaticism and fear.

The fanaticism is because Lu Wenwu's fantastic ideas are really outrageous.

If it is implemented in this way, the speed at which the Demonic Path grows will be unimaginable for the righteous path.

If all the mortals within the range of the Demonic Path were cultivated in this way, within a few years, they would be able to condense the sea of ​​blood, and even refine the Yinming Fallen Heaven Creation Flag, which is said to require tens of thousands of ghost infants and extremely yin bodies to have a chance to create!

Ascension is possible!

The fear is because

Lu Wenwu's approach is no longer challenging the moral bottom line of mankind, it is completely changing the development path of mortals since ancient times, which is completely against the Heavenly Dao!

Challenge the rules of the Heavenly Dao!

You ask the Blood River Demon Lord to challenge the moral bottom line of mankind, and he still has the courage to do so.

After all, he has always done so, but not as outrageous as Lu Wenwu's whimsical ideas.

But you ask him to challenge the rules of the Heavenly Dao?

He really doesn't have the courage.

Don't look at what the immortal cultivation world has been saying about going against the Heaven, going against the Heaven, how many people actually dare to go against the Heaven?

You think you are going against the Heaven by going through a tribulation?

Don't be funny, buddy, isn't the thunder tribulation also part of the Heavenly Dao rules?

Isn't the improvement of cultivation after going through it also part of the Heavenly Dao rules?

Otherwise, the Heavenly Dao directly stipulates that within ten seconds after the tribulation, the soul will be shattered and the person will die. Do you think there are still people who dare to shout the slogan of "against Heaven" to cultivate immortality?

Lu Wenwu is completely different.

On the surface, everything is carried out under the operation of the rules.

But in fact, after careful consideration, this is no longer against Heaven in the conventional sense, this is directly against the law of natural development!

This is to declare war on Heaven with real swords and guns!

Blood River Demon Lord really dare not.

Now he seems to have finally understood a little vaguely, what exactly is called "demon".

Those who are not bound by any rules and do whatever they want are demons.

This is probably the true meaning of the devil.

It is completely against Heaven.

This is not the kind of Confucianism that can be fooled by saying "it is against the principles of heaven and human ethics".

This is really against Heaven.

"You seem very scared?" Lu Wenwu asked with interest, "Didn't you look like 'I heard the truth in the morning and I can die in the evening' just now?"

Blood River Demon Lord's face was covered with sweat, and he smiled bitterly and said: "Your Majesty, what you describe is really too much, too shocking, and I am stupid, and I feel a little uncomfortable for a while."

"Is this still shocking? It seems that your ability to accept things still needs to be improved. This is just putting some things on the surface, nothing more."

Lu Wenwu shrugged.

"Eating people has always been like this at all times and in all countries. Natural selection means that the winner takes all. This is a principle that has not changed since ancient times. I thought that as a demon king, you should be able to understand it to some extent."

"I still understand"

The Blood River Demon Lord was sweating profusely and hesitant, his throat was dry.

"But this, this, this is completely against nature. And this method is too inappropriate."

Blood River Demon Lord is a bit stuck.

He was scratching his head and didn't know how to describe Lu Wenwu's approach.

If it were simpler and cruder,

This thing is so fucking inhumane.

Looking at what he did when he was young, Blood River Demon Lord believes that compared with what Lu Wenwu described, he is simply at the level of a moral saint.

He just simply kills people.

No wonder someone can become the Dragon King, he is just a small demon king.

Still the kind that is not actually recognized by everyone.

Lu Wenwu, a man who scares even the Demon Lord.jpg

"You, the Demon Lord, are still too young and don't live up to your name." Lu Wenwu shook his head and sighed, "If you kill a lot of people and are strong, you can be considered a Demon Lord, then Xiao Xi may have already become the Golden Immortal of Demon Dao."

The Blood River Demon Lord didn't know who Xiao Xi was in his mouth, but he still lowered his head in shame.

Lu Wenwu continued: "Compared with what I just told you, the explicit way of eating people and then spitting out some bones, eating people without spitting out the bones is truly bloody, truly cruel and cruel."

"It's a dark quagmire created by the entire environment that cuts you with an invisible knife. Everyone can only be swept away by this environment, and eventually be swallowed up by the person at the top."

"That is the ultimate despair, absolute powerlessness. From birth to death, facing this helpless reality all day long, but without any means of resistance, even death will be a luxury hope."

"At this time, the resentment and despair that group consciousness can generate are far beyond what your current world of immortality can produce."

"Can you imagine a world like this?"

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