I can see the blood bar, my purity is very high

Chapter 276 Strange black air, finally seeing the remains of Qingxuan Sword Sect

Three months later, the North Pole.

In this ice and snow, Lu Wenwu was playing with the freshly made boundary-breaking shuttle in his hand, looking for a suitable place to cross.

Alliance of Demons and Gods?

If you're too lazy to go, just let them do whatever they want.

Lu Wenwu was a little disgusted with this force.

In addition, the particularity of the Dragon Emperor's location in the Demon God Order determined that he did not need to treat the demon clan like good and demons, so he directly skipped the option of contacting the upper levels.

After arriving at the place, I relied on the method of rebirth to trade the materials, then immediately moistened them, and ran back to the magic path to refine the cross-border transportation vehicle I wanted to have.

Now, it's done.

Military officer Lu Wen activated the space wanderer's supernatural powers to the extreme and wandered among the ice and snow.

"Aha! All the hard work pays off, finally!"

In the unique field of vision of his spiritual consciousness, a place where the spatial barrier was obviously thinner than other parts came into view, and Lu Wenwu suddenly laughed.

The refining methods recorded in the Dragon Clan's library are very detailed and complete, and there are also some tricks unique to the Dragon Clan, so refining them is effortless.

Even a novice with little experience like Lu Wenwu completed the rest perfectly after failing once.

The refining time is less than half a month.

The remaining two months were spent searching for weak points in the space.

Sometimes when Lu Wenwu is depressed, he wonders, if his spatial level were stronger, wouldn't he need to go through so much trouble?

But that's just thinking about it, he has a lot of confidence in himself.

His space talent is there, even if he received a gift from Gululu, it is still not top-notch, and cannot be compared with his boxing talent and body training talent.

If you want to make progress, you have to spend a lot of time stacking up and understanding.


Time is urgent and precious. If you have time, it is better to improve the purity to be more cost-effective. In the final analysis, the way of space is just an auxiliary. It is enough to practice it while training the space to flicker.

"Come on, let me see what's going on with the Qingxuan Sword Sect!"

Lu Wenwu muttered something while he kept taking out parts one after another from his personal backpack and started assembling them.

In about half an hour, a small altar with a diameter of about three meters and a height of about one and a half meters appeared in the ice and snow, faintly resonating with the fluctuations in the space, shining with a bright silver halo.

This is a teleportation anchor point, equivalent to the coordinates, lighthouse, and dock in the world of immortality.

If everything goes well, Lu Wenwu can establish the corresponding teleportation anchor point on the other side after jumping over. The coordinates on both sides will be connected, and the price of cross-border jumping will drop a lot.

Standing on the activated altar, he launched a passionate combo with Mao Mao, and the boundary-breaking shuttle in Lu Wenwu's hand shone brightly.

As he stabbed at the weak point of the space, a dark crack of nothingness was strangely revealed in front of him, which was shrinking as soon as it appeared.

There is a silver halo around the crack that is constantly flashing, and the world's self-healing ability is constantly repairing the damaged space barrier.

Lu Wenwu didn't hesitate at all. He opened the cross-border altar about one meter below his feet, which looked like a giant chess, and rushed into the black space crack with a flash.

The chess-like altar glowed with misty light, forming a unique transparent protective film on the surface of Lu Wenwu's body, protecting him from the erosion of the power of space.

Outside the transparent film, there is a strange scenery that is almost impossible to describe in words.

Large swaths of glowing cloud halos flowed like water waves, mixed with the power of space, and were so hazy that it made it difficult to see what was going on.

If you look at it with the naked eye, you can only see a void of darkness.

Even with the vision of his divine consciousness, a great monk in the late stage of divine transformation can barely see this magnificent scene for a few seconds.

No matter how long it takes, the soul and soul will be damaged.

The erosion of the void is no small matter.

If Lu Wenwu hadn't possessed the unreasonable magical power of a space wanderer, he wouldn't have dared to look at the scenery in the void so unscrupulously.

It is a feeling of infinite stretching of actions and senses.

It seems that even thinking has become extremely slow in this unique environment.

This is because the amount of information contained in the void is too huge. Just by watching, countless torrents of terrifying information are poured into the soul every second.

And this huge torrent of information is only the most insignificant part of the erosion of the void.

Lu Wenwu accepted and understood everything he observed as much as possible.

Although this is a bit painful, it is very helpful for mastering spatial skills.

After just watching it for a short while, Lu Wenwu felt that his mastery of space flickering and space passages had reached a new level.

Just as he was immersed in the mystery of space.

Suddenly, a sudden coldness woke him up from this painful and wonderful feeling.

It was an icy cold that penetrated deep into the bone marrow, making Lu Wenwu, who had almost beastly intuition, feel a numbness in his scalp for no reason.

Lu Wenwu subconsciously looked in a certain direction, and what he saw in front of him shocked him greatly.

In front of him, a vague silvery white formed a passage.

That is the trajectory and path of space jump.

At the end of this trajectory, he saw a huge thing with an appearance that was difficult to describe in words, and that seemed to be called the world.

This is the whole picture of the small world!

Although it is just an "inconspicuous" little thing compared to the giant world of immortal cultivation, it is still amazingly large, almost filling the entire field of vision of Lu Wenwu!

And around this small world that looks like a gathering light group, a layer of black mist like the corona is rising.

They gather, separate, and change their forms in the small world, trying their best to invade the inside of the world.

The outermost barrier of the small world is so dim, but it still blocks the black breath that seems to be all-pervasive like a mountain.

The black airflow keeps trying to break through, but the crumbling world barrier is so tough that it doesn't let the opponent break through to the half court at all, and still maintains nearly half of the bright light.

What on earth is that!

Lu Wenwu's pupils shrank sharply, and he felt that the two emotions called fear and anger were constantly wandering in his heart.

He didn't dare to open the true vision eye to analyze.

The environment of the void is too special.

The feeling of the black airflow gave him was unprecedented!

The Underworld Amnesty Order and the Life and Death Talisman are not truly invincible and cannot be completely relied upon. Lu Wenwu knows this very well.

But why do I feel fear and anger at the same time?

Can I actually have such an emotion as fear?

The jumping altar did not give Lu Wenwu more time to think.

The space barrier was close at hand, and he was about to arrive at the station.

Without time to think carefully, Lu Wenwu urged the world-breaking shuttle and suddenly blasted a small hole in the world barrier, and instantly sank into it.


A dull sound broke the long-standing silence.

The thick "dust" that had accumulated for countless years was as soft as cotton, becoming the best force-relieving tool.

Lu Wenwu slammed violently to the ground, stirring up large pieces of black mud and dust.

The temporary altar used for cross-border jumping had shattered into a pile of fragments, completing its own mission.

Lu Wenwu got up from the ground, coughed and condensed a water ball to wash his face, and used the water to force down the large dust around him.

He was not in a hurry to build another anchor point coordinate, but first observed the world he was in.

Desolate, dead, weak spiritual energy, turbid air.

This was Lu Wenwu's first impression of the world in front of him.

He did not feel any signs of life around him.

The sky of this small world showed a strange gray-black, without the light of the sun, making it difficult to distinguish between day and night.

The ground, which should have been bright, probably looked dim for this reason, just like a cloudy day.

In the distance, strange mountains and ridges crisscrossed, and rivers with turbid yellow water flowed through them.

Ancient large plants of unknown species "stretched" wantonly in this environment, and twisted branches intertwined into strange and creepy appearances, like demons.

[Dead Mutated Ancient Tree (None)]: 0/1

[Cultivation]: None

[Current Status]: Dead

[Analysis]: Mutated ancient tree that died after being infected by evil aura

One drop of blood?

This was the first time Lu Wenwu had seen something with only one drop of blood.

He casually took out a low-grade spirit stone and threw it over.

The moment the spirit stone hit the tree trunk, the huge group of ancient trees collapsed, shattered into large clumps of black powder and fell to the ground, leaving only a slightly shiny spirit stone embedded in the ground.

Lu Wenwu's face suddenly turned ashen.

He probably knew why the black "soil" of the land under his feet looked so strange.

There was no feeling of stepping on the ground when he stepped on it, but it was as if he was stepping on a pile of cotton. He sank into a piece of it with one step, and a lot of "dust" floated up at the same time.

How could this be soil?

It was clearly these plants that had decayed and collapsed and completely covered this place!

And it was very likely not just soil.

There were also creatures!

Lu Wenwu suddenly recalled the strange black aura he had seen in the void.

Is this the evil aura described in the Eye of True Vision?

Lu Wenwu condensed his consciousness into a "line" about half a meter wide, extending it as far as possible, and then scanning with himself as the center like a radar.

Five seconds later, his heart sank.

Within a hundred miles, it was the same.

The spiritual energy was so thin that it was almost non-existent, and there was no sign of life.

After thinking for a moment, the wings of the Dark Yin Dragon behind Lu Wenwu popped out, and the whole person soared into the sky, randomly found a direction, set up a fleeting light and flew out.

Hundreds of miles

Thousands of miles

Tens of thousands of miles

After condensing the Purgatory Dragon Body, Lu Wenwu's flying speed has been further improved. Under full-power flying, he crossed a distance of ten thousand miles in a very short time.

Gray, eternal and unchanging.

Dead silence, still dead silence.

Lu Wenwu flew at least thirty thousand miles.

Apart from some rotten trees that could be seen here and there, there was no other scenery at all.

This place seemed to be copied and pasted, with jagged rocks everywhere and oppressive gray and black everywhere.

Lu Wenwu sensed a strange corrosive force in the air.

It was this force that was constantly destroying all organic matter here.

Only spiritual power could barely resist a little.

Finally, when Lu Wenwu's straight-line flight distance was close to 40,000 miles, he finally found something different!

It was a building built of stone, half collapsed!

There were traces of artificial carving!

Even in the detection of divine consciousness, this simple stone building was empty, but it was still exciting.

Lu Wenwu increased his speed and continued to rush forward.

As he went further and further, he saw more and more buildings with artificial traces.

Most of these buildings were not of high technical level, and they were all stone matchboxes made of large pieces of stone stacked together.

They were not beautiful, but they could only be lived in.

The more forward this kind of simple building, the more there were.

Unfortunately, nothing was left except stones.

This monotony continued until Lu Wenwu flew forward for another 20,000 miles.

He had almost reached the end of this small world!

At the end, the gray stone house disappeared, and a mountain completely built by man stood there, standing in the vast wilderness of dead silence.

Lu Wenwu suddenly became excited.

On this mountain, the glow of the magic array was still flickering, and the last spiritual vein of the whole world was hidden in it.

This meant that the all-pervasive corrosive force had been intercepted!

Thank God!

There should be some complete human creations left here!

Lu Wenwu landed carefully with a pleasant surprise.

The enemy identification function of this mountain protection array, which was still in operation, was still in effect.

Lu Wenwu felt another wave sweeping over him, and then the array let him in directly without intercepting him.

Standing on the mountain, the spiritual energy finally returned to the normal level of the immortal world, which was probably equivalent to the mortal kingdom.

Lu Wenwu looked up at the long-disrepaired, somewhat damaged, and only giant hall on the mountain. On the faded vermilion gate, four vigorous and powerful characters came into view.

Qingxuan Sword Sect!

After many years, Lu Wenwu could still feel the stunning sword intent contained in those four words.

He took a deep breath, strode onto the broken white jade steps, and pushed open the door of the hall. The scenery inside made him stagnate instantly, and a rotten smell came to his face.


Skeletons all over the ground!

Skeletons wearing Qingxuan Sword Sect robes were scattered in the hall. The robes on their bodies had long been rotten into rags, and the magic weapons had long been rotten fragments.

And under these skeletons, there were dense bone fragments.

In the hall that stretched as far as the eye could see, these bone fragments were at least half a meter thick!

Looking closely, Lu Wenwu found that these bones were immersed in a strange light gray breath.

When stepped on, they were directly shattered into powder like the ancient trees in the outside world.

Standing in this hall that was enchanted with a space expansion array, standing in what might be the only remaining hall in this small world, feeling the discomfort constantly transmitted from his body, Lu Wenwu murmured in a low voice.

"What the hell. Could it be that all the corpses in the world are gathered here?"

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