I can see the blood bar, my purity is very high

Chapter 84 Lychee? The opponent is so weak, how can I eat lychee?

Looking at the task prompt that popped up on the screen, Aiken saw Lu Wenwu's expression with a strange face and sat back in his seat indignantly.

He probably didn't understand why even the system asked them to finish watching the movie.

But since the task prompt said so, he still did it obediently and watched it very seriously.

"Look, the task prompt asked us to watch a movie, just watch it honestly." Lu Wenwu shrugged, "By the way, have you ever encountered this kind of copy that starts with watching a movie before?"

Zhang Sijia and Ahmed shook their heads together.

Dabao said in a deep voice: "Maybe there are some clues hidden in this movie, or the system is reminding us that this copy is related to the movie "New Zombie Mr."."

"Makes sense." Lu Wenwu took over the conversation, "Maybe there is a very strong zombie hidden in the longevity village where we need to go, but I don't know if Uncle Ying's stuff will work."

"Or... Let's watch the movie first."

Ahmed exposed a small gap in the bandage, suppressed his fear, and watched it seriously with trembling.

After an hour and a half of joy, the entire cinema suddenly lit up, and the picture on the screen went out.

"It seems that it's time to set off."

Lu Wenwu stood up, grabbed Dabao's hand and pulled him out of the seat with a "pop".

Poor chair, its HP was immediately reset to zero.

The group then walked out along the safety sign.

The structure of the cinema is very strange, and the location is even stranger.

Rather than saying that this is a cinema, it is more appropriate to say that it is a projection room located in the wilderness.

When Dabao, who was walking last, stepped out of the cinema, a thick layer of fog instantly enveloped the entire building.

Maomao curiously poked his head in, but saw nothing.

Even the smell disappeared.

At the moment, there was only a wild mountain road in front of everyone.

"The situation is weird, shrink the queue and maintain the defensive formation."

Archbishop Aiken said after changing into a set of light golden plate armor, and took out a cross about half a meter long from his backpack and held it in his hand.

Warm and bright holy light burst out from the center of the cross, quickly forming a hemispherical light shield that enveloped all five people and one dog.

"It should be a strange type of copy. My holy light can restrain evil creatures and is responsible for clearing the way."

As he spoke, he twisted his body and put the cross on his back, took out a round shield and a short hammer from his backpack, and strode forward.

"Follow the Radiance Shield, it can filter out some negative forces and prevent our minds from being eroded."

"Tyrannosaurus, Ahmed, you must protect Zhang Sijia and Dabao, two magic players."

"Dog Maomao must take the role of vigilance, and the rest of the people must be ready for battle at any time. This road should not be peaceful for us to complete."

The four people and the dog looked at each other, and said nothing, and quickly followed Aiken's shield to move together.

Lu Wenwu secretly said to Maomao: "Although this guy is a little too serious, he seems to be reliable."

"Yes, Wang, Maomao thinks so too." Maomao happily shook his tail, "Maomao can feel that he is a good person."

It seems that it has never been unhappy and is always happy.

Yes, what troubles can there be when repairing dogs?

Repairing dogs does not have to go to work!

"Everyone looks like a good person to you. When a thief comes, you want to send him away two miles." Lu Wenwu complained about the big golden retriever and rubbed it hard on the head.

In the eyes of the golden retriever, as long as they are human, they are good, and as long as they are the same kind, they are bad.

This unique cognition is difficult to change even after Maomao officially transformed into a demon dog with the blood of Huodou.

The crowd walked on this mountain path, going deeper and deeper, and soon entered the mountain.

The road they walked was constantly covered by gray fog, and the sun in the sky was constantly tilted towards the west.

At this moment, there was a slight vibration on the road.

Everyone present had sharp senses, and they immediately prepared for the battle.

Mummy Ahmed placed his hand on the ground and sensed it, and said, "More than a hundred horses, all carrying people."

Dabao adjusted his glasses and asked, "Yellow Sand Mage?"

Ahmed hesitated for a moment and nodded, "I guess so, I do have a lot of Yellow Sand magic."

Just as the two were talking, a lot of smoke and dust rose from a distance, and countless horse thieves waving sabers screamed and galloped towards the direction where the few people were.

What was extremely terrifying was that the eyes of these horse thieves were bloodshot, which was extremely creepy.

Lu Wenwu twisted his neck, and his blood suddenly swelled up.

Under the scanning of the Eye of Insight, the data of the horse thieves was exposed.

[Mad Blood Gang Leader Half-Zombie Mi Jinchi (B+)]: 67200/67200

[Current Status]: Cursed, blessed by evil magic, pseudo-zombie body, bloodthirsty, excited.

Except for the leader of the horse thieves and the other four tall and strong guys, the rest of the horse thieves are B-level and B-level, not to be feared.


The opponent's horses are all C-level, if they are placed in a low-level copy, they can probably sweep a large area

But what makes Lu Wenwu a little concerned is that these horse thieves are actually defined as "half-zombies" by the Eye of Insight and have pseudo-zombie bodies, which is a bit intriguing.

Even more strange is.

Obviously there are movie theaters, which proves that the technological level of this part of the world is not low.

These guys are still using knives?

How can you become a master if you don't have a gun?

No wonder it was reduced to robbery.

Archbishop Aiken stood ready and solemnly warned: "Get into battle formation. The three of you who have long-range skills are prepared to join me to consume first, and then"

"I can't wait any longer, just do it!"

Lu Wenwu said a word, and suddenly launched the explosive step of entering the room, and his whole body shot out like a cannonball, heading straight towards the leader of the horse thieves.

He raised his hand and punched out, and the guardian armor, which had returned to its original form, immediately leaked out traces of crimson blood.

The leader of the horse thieves was shocked. He seemed to have never seen such a terrifying existence that dared to attack hundreds of cavalry single-handedly. The chopping speed was obviously half a minute slower.

Lu Wenwu's fierce punch collided with the saber, instantly smashing it into a ball of scrap metal and flying out of his hand.

The horse thief leader's right arm was blasted to pieces and he fell off his horse.

The damage was wrong, his attack was weakened.

Lu Wenwu raised his eyebrows slightly.

The punch just now should have completely exploded the opponent's arm under normal circumstances, but now it just broke the flesh and blood and damaged the bones.

"The idea hurts, kill him quickly!"

The leader of the horse thieves struggled to stand up, his body surrounded by a black and cold force.

In just one breathless time, his originally strong body shrank a little, but his right arm that was severely injured by Lu Wenwu had fully recovered.


His overall aura has also improved a little!

The horse thieves in front collectively reined in their horses and turned around, turning around to kill.

The several little bosses who gathered around the horse thief boss looked bloodthirsty and crazy, roaring and killing in the direction pointed by their boss.

Lu Wenwu showed no fear at all. Instead, he strode forward with a grin and punched out with 100% of his strength.

At this moment, a terrifying aura like a giant beast exploded from him.

The fierce and powerful trend of dominating the world is condensed in the dark red iron fist he wields.


Lu Wenwu punched the void, seemingly not hitting the target at all.

But in the next moment, the eight famous horse thieves closest to him stopped instantly.


A muffled sound followed, and the sturdy war horse instantly exploded into a shower of blood.

The eight horse thieves did not even scream, but fell to the ground next to Lu Wenwu like eight piles of mud.

The bones and flesh all over his body exploded into mud, and his tough skin shattered inch by inch like porcelain.

The blazing sun's fire ignited in an instant, burning their bodies into twisted black coals, completely ending their miserable lives.

"Your purity is too low!"

Lu Wenwu carried the blade of a B+ grade horse thief in front of him and bullied him forward, slamming his iron fist into the middle of the opponent's head.


The big head was exploded with one punch, and Lu Wenwu's most familiar scene finally appeared.

He pulled out the saber that had been slashed on the face of the guardian's battle armor, and charged towards the leader of the horse thieves with a ferocious smile again, and despite the siege of more than a dozen people, he blasted him to pieces.

At this moment, he was covered in blood, as if a demon had descended!

The four teammates behind were all dumbfounded.

No man, isn’t this a team task?

You have solved all the high-end forces on the opposite side by yourself, which makes us look very incompetent!

After reacting, they immediately used all their means to join the battle group and help Lu Wenwu, who was in the center of the battlefield, share some of the pressure.

In particular, Archbishop Aiken killed the most ruthlessly and viciously.

He wielded a holy light warhammer and charged into the enemy group, beating them violently, crushing the skulls of countless horse thieves and killing them. The death was horrific.

Soon, as Lu Wenwu smashed the head of the last horse thief with his fist, the killing came to an end.

Lu Wenwu skillfully touched the corpse, trying to find some good things from it.

He even collected a dozen of the horse carcasses.

He wanted to study whether this thing could increase its attributes after being made into a spiritual meal.

Cannibalism was too challenging a moral bottom line, and he couldn't do it.

It’s okay to eat some horses.

Even if the Eye of Insight said it was a demonized horse, Lu Wenwu was still confident that he would turn it into horse meat sausage and horse meat sauce to accompany the egg-filled pancakes.

The other people are also experienced people who have been involved in more than one game, and they are also looking for clues and information.

[You killed Mi Jinchi (lv.35), the leader of the Crazy Blood Gang, and killed all the members of the Crazy Blood Gang]

[You have completed the side mission - Bloody Sorrow]

[Task description: The Kuangxue gang active in the Changshou Village area makes a living by looting. They have transformed into inhuman creatures through evil methods, and even the small government army dare not compete with them. It’s a pity that starting from today, they can’t be crazy anymore]

[Your personal overall rating has been greatly improved]

"It turns out you are so powerful. I apologize for my previous disrespect and overestimation of my abilities."

After the war, Archbishop Aiken found Lu Wenwu immediately, performed a strange etiquette, bowed his head and apologized sincerely.

"You are the most suitable person to be the commander of this copy. I will obey your command from now on."

"You don't have to be so serious, do you? I think your command is pretty good."

Lu Wenwu felt a little indifferent.

This time, his goal was to swipe as many as possible, and he didn't care much about other issues.

This kind of survival dungeon suits him best.

Just kill all the attackers, no need to think.

"Please agree!" Aiken insisted.

This time he even used honorifics, hammered his chest armor, and knelt on one knee to show respect.

"In the dungeon, the strong are respected. You obviously have enough background to impact the A-level at any time, so you are the best leader. I am not sure if I can lead everyone out intact."

"Okay, okay, I agree, I agree."

Lu Wenwu waved his hand, wanting to send the archbishop away as soon as possible.

After this short time together, he only felt that he seemed to have really met a standard paladin.

Old-fashioned, conservative, serious, abiding by dogma, serious, without the slightest sense of humor.

But at the same time, he is full of a sense of justice and responsibility, and regards saving the world as his responsibility.

If it is put in a one-to-four powder game, this Archbishop Aiken, or the Paladin Aiken, must be the kind of person who can give the four colored pens a great sense of security.

But for a fun person like Lu Wenwu, it is really a bit of torture.

Aiken hammered his chest again: "Archbishop of the Radiant Sect, Captain of the Holy Light Knights Aiken Gojoer obeys your orders."

Lu Wenwu said helplessly: "Okay, okay, you get up quickly, clean up the battlefield and then we will set off quickly, the sun is about to set."

Aiken stood up: "Yes!"

Then he took a big step and quickly joined the ranks of touching corpses.

Lu Wenwu: "."

This is why he doesn't like Aiken.

Too serious.

He is really not suitable for a casual fun person like him.

The five people and the dog acted quickly.

It took at most ten minutes for them to set off again and ran wildly towards the depths of the only road.

Lu Wenwu found a simple map from the inner layer of the bandit leader's clothes.

After being ambushed, if they didn't hurry up, they might not reach the destination before sunset.

When the sun set, the group finally reached the end of the road.

A small green stone tablet stood beside the road, with three crooked traditional Chinese characters written on it - Changshou Village.

Looking down from the hillside, you can roughly see the whole picture of Changshou Village.

There are probably hundreds of households in all kinds of places, which is definitely not small.

It can even be called a small town.

The bustling villagers carried hoes and walked from the fields to the village, and the smoke from cooking rose into the sky.

"This place looks quite gloomy." Lu Wenwu complained.

For some reason, he always felt that there was something strange in this village, and it was impossible for them to live peacefully for thirty days.

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