I can see the blood bar, my purity is very high

Chapter 89 If the five of us form a team, we will definitely kill people

[Cursed Yongle Tongbao]: 999/1000

[Cursed Status]: Contained with spiritual power, evil spirit, cursed

Qin Banliang, Ming Yongle Tongbao?

Lu Wenwu realized something and searched the ground for a few times.

As expected, he then found scattered Han Dynasty Wuzhu, Tang Dynasty Kaiyuan Tongbao, and Song Dynasty Songyuan Tongbao.

This is the Big Five Emperors' Coins!

The copper coins of these five dynasties are one of the best materials for making Taoist instruments. Whether in terms of spirituality or power, they are much stronger than the common small Five Emperors' Coins.

Damn it, damn it, this evil Lao Deng!

While Lu Wenwu lamented that Lao Deng wasted good things, he put these Five Emperors' Coins whose spirituality had not yet dissipated into a box and put them in his backpack for preservation.

Although he didn't need them, it would be great if he could take them out to exchange for some resources.

After confirming that Tianxie Laodeng was dead and would not open the coffin, Lu Wenwu took out the reward he had just received.

[Name: Maoshan Method (Incomplete)]

[Type: Knowledge]

[Introduction: After learning, you will automatically master Maoshan Method [Mountain] and Maoshan Method [Medicine]]

[Note: Knowledge is not a skill. You need to study it carefully before you can use it.]

Lu Wenwu had used the knowledge of knowing the language of all things before, so he was not unfamiliar with this knowledge and used it decisively.

The white light ball turned into a torrent, injecting a lot of knowledge into his mind.

Ten seconds later, Lu Wenwu opened his eyes.

Maoshan magic has a long history, and it includes the five elements of mountain, medicine, fate, appearance, and divination.

What he just learned was the mountain - the method of cultivating Taoism, and the medicine - the method of medicine.

And it has both good and evil methods, and the inheritance is very complete.

With the knowledge learned from the initiation just now, Lu Wenwu immediately saw the innate maze array that Tianxie Laodeng had mentioned before.

After the superposition of his and Maomao's states, his soul attributes were too strong, and the "Body Refining Technique of Conquering People with Virtue" was constantly tempering his soul, making his soul quality much stronger than that of players with the same attributes.

So, in fact, when he felt a little dizzy before, it was the innate maze formation that was working.

However, because Lu Wenwu's soul was so strong, the formation could not mislead him at all.

He just walked up straight, and the maze formation did not work at all.

As for why Tianxie Laodeng died so cleanly and crisply.

It can only be said that the inheritance of Taoism is like this.

Each cultivation system has its own unique advantages and disadvantages.

And the profession of Taoism is... an outrageous glass cannon.

The inheritance of Taoists is different from the existing immortal sect cultivators on Blue Star.

Although Taoism also has the power of prolonging life, no matter how profound the magic power is, it is pure thin skin and big filling, just like the wizards in the Western cultivation system, they are super fragile.

The body of a Taoist is completely at the level of an ordinary person.

Prolonging life and improving strength ≠ improving physical fitness.

Don't you see that Han Lao Mo, who was in the God Transformation Stage, was frightened by the huge force of a thousand pounds!

So, even if you give the Taoist priests enough time to perform rituals, they can even perform super thunder magic that can destroy a city.

Even complete the great magical powers of mediating fate and reversing yin and yang, which are like myths and legends.

But if you sneak an American Iai at him.

Without activating the talisman defense in time, he will definitely die.

Typical extreme output flow.

"So this old Deng is so awesome?"

Lu Wenwu walked towards the cave where Tianxie Taoist was in seclusion, muttering to himself, and stepped on the body on the ground.

"Fortunately, I am a reckless man and didn't give him any chance to perform Taoist magic. Once I took the initiative, he was the unlucky one!"

Soon, Lu Wenwu retreated from the disgusting cave.

The smell inside was very unfriendly, and there was nothing valuable.

This Tianxie Taoist was ridiculously poor.

Apart from the broken Sanqing Bell, there was only a pitch-black alchemy furnace and some chopped firewood.

Lu Wenwu picked it up and weighed it. It was about 20 to 30 tons, which was amazing.

Since there was nothing to take away, he installed the big alchemy furnace, thinking about selling it as scraps after going out.

On the way back to Changshou Village, Lu Wenwu, who had been concentrating on exploding old things and gold coins, was a little unhappy.

Why is it that we are still different from other time travelers?

Han, who is admired by thousands of people.

No, didn’t Li Feiyu, an unknown casual cultivator in Chaos Star Sea, say that killing people and setting fires will bring you a golden belt, and a horse without night grass will not be rich?

Why can we only pick up some scraps to sell when we come here?

Where are the best elixirs?

Where are the top magic tools?

And what about the super zombies that were previously inferred?

There is nothing!

It’s so unlucky!

Lu Wenwu, who was walking back with Maomao and cursing, didn’t realize it at all.

He had earned more than 800 free attribute points and dozens of tasks from Tian Xie Dao Ren.

In the afternoon, Lu Wenwu took Maomao back to Changshou Village.

When the ghost villagers in the village asked about it, he made an excuse that he went up the mountain to hunt and wanted to get some game to replenish Ahmed's body with "full body powder fractures".

Lu Wenwu just said it casually, and the ghost villagers took it seriously and did not ask any more questions.

This was only the second day they came to the village, and not long ago Lu Wenwu had also shown his extremely strong strength.

Probably because he was afraid that he would not be able to completely capture Lu Wenwu, he chose to play it safe for the time being.

Returning to the residence arranged by the round-faced old man, only Zhang Sijia and Ahmed were still there among the four teammates.

After asking, I found out that after Lu Wenwu left, the two teamed up and went to the village to look for clues.

The cowardly mummy did not dare to go out, so she wrapped herself tightly and hid in the coffin shivering.

The gentle octopus girl Zhang Sijia was worried that something would go wrong if her body was left alone, so she simply stayed with him. There was no need to rush in finding clues.

Just after the two of them worked together to pry open the lid of Ahmed's coffin, they forced him to lift up the coffin.

Coincidentally, Aiken and Dabao, who are highly subjective and proactive, also happened to come back.

"Mr. Tyrannosaurus, you are back!"

Aiken was very excited to see Lu Wenwu and Maomao intact, and the determination on his face suddenly turned into a smile.

"How is it going?"

"Generally, the purity is not high." Lu Wenwu answered truthfully, "To be honest, I'm not very happy, and our previous guess was wrong."

Aiken and Dabao: "???"

What do you mean by not having enough fun?

"Wrong?" Aiken's tone suddenly became confused. "What you said is wrong, specifically..."

Lu Wenwu nodded: "Nuomi is not for defense. There is not even a single serious zombie in that place. There are only more than a hundred cursed zombies, which are not very strong."

"In the end, the BOSS was an old man who had half of the zombie blood fused to him. He was killed by me before he could activate it. A glass cannon with a thin skin and a big stuffing just took one punch from me. It was very boring."

Dabao swallowed and asked tentatively: "Tyrannosaurus, what is the level of the final BOSS you mentioned?"

"A-." Lu Wenwu's expression and tone were extremely disgusting, "I have downloaded the dungeon so many times. This is the first time I have seen such a weak A-level BOSS. It is far worse than the two I killed last time."


"Last time!?"


"It's amazing!"

The four teammates in the room exclaimed at the same time.

Ahmed asked tremblingly: "Um, I want to confirm what Ha Qian said just now means that this is not the first A-level BOSS you have killed?"

"Yeah, what's going on? In the last dungeon, my teammates and I killed two of them together, and that mechanical dragon screamed loud enough." Lu Wenwu nodded, "As for this time, just have the hands. Although his attack power is extremely high , but the body is very fragile, and the physical attribute is at most 3.5."

Aiken looked at his hands expressionlessly.

The eyes that swept back and forth seemed to be thinking about where to cut it to make it look clean and crisp.

I have no hands!

I don't deserve hands!

Even if the opponent's physical attributes are worse than ordinary people, he is still a real A-BOSS, my dear brother!

If it were someone else, he wouldn't even be able to touch the corner of his clothes and he would be killed, right?

In fact, this is indeed the case.

If it were someone else, even if he was lucky enough to find the clues of Taoist Tianxie to follow, if his soul was not strong enough, he would have to kneel down at the red and white collision level.

Followed by hundreds of B-class and B+-class zombies, they were constantly besieged from the foot of the mountain to almost the top of the mountain.

Even a team of five B+-level players with reasonable lineups and top-notch abilities would be sluggish without super standby battery life and extremely fast recovery capabilities.

The innate ecstasy array a little below the top of the mountain has a soul attribute of less than 4,000, or if you don't have strong attainments in the array, you will be trapped to death if you enter it.

Moreover, Taoist Tian Xie will notice and kill him if he triggers the formation.

Lu Wenwu was able to kill him so easily because he took advantage of his physical strength and sudden outburst.

The powerful force and speed exploded together, giving Taoist Tianxie who had despised Lu Wenwu because of the lack of mana fluctuations no chance to react.

However, even in this extreme situation, Taoist Tianxie could even use his on-the-spot reaction to make a lightning sword and fight with Lu Wenwu's peak strike.

Just give him a few seconds to chant the incantation

As long as you don't have a good way to escape and turn around and run away the moment you meet, everyone below A level will die.

Among Maoshan's techniques, there are serious inheritances of Shukuchi Technique and Thunder Technique!

"Calm down, everyone, and talk about serious matters."

Lu Wenwu coughed twice, bringing the four of them back to reality from their shock.

"That guy is a sloppy old Taoist named Tianxie Taoist. Many years ago he secretly learned Maoshan's evil methods and forbidden skills and killed his mentor and senior brother. Then he rebelled from Maoshan and has been secretly practicing the corpse-refining method in an attempt to achieve success. Fairy.”

"According to the clues I got, Taoist Tianxie should have been planning a zombie king and use it to activate the unfinished blood of the Zombie God in his body."

"Now I am very suspicious that the zombie king he is plotting is the mysterious village chief of Changshou Village who has never shown up."

"The corpses in this village are most likely the descendants it created."

"Ghoulies cannot appear out of thin air, there must be a source."

"But if the village chief is the zombie king, doesn't it make sense about the glutinous rice shop?" Aiken looked uncertain, and his tone was obviously hesitant, "Dabao and I went to explore in the morning, and the glutinous rice there was not only of good quality, but also... Cinnabar and red thread.”

Dabao also echoed: "Yes, I can't figure it out either. If the village chief is the zombie king, what does he want to do by opening a glutinous rice shop? Isn't this making himself uncomfortable? It's like us magicians who leave all personal information It’s like keeping the tattoo on your body.”

As he spoke, Dabao took out several large boxes of cinnabar and a large jar of sticky rice from his personal backpack.

He twisted it with his hands and showed it to a few people.

"You see, this quality is indeed excellent, it is definitely not as simple as fooling around."

"Maybe he is too arrogant."

Ahmed curled his lips and began to grind the cinnabar that Dabao got, add water, and constantly apply it on the bandages he had just taken out.

"Many arrogant guys like to do this to highlight their own strength. According to those bastards, this way you can appreciate the opponent's despair before death to the greatest extent."

He was very disdainful.

He sneered at the Zombie King.

At the same time, his body was also very honest, and now it has stained a lot of cinnabar red bandages.

Other undead tribes: brave and good at fighting, fearless, and natural disaster of the dead

Ahmed: fiery, cowardly.

The cowardly Ahmed is indeed a double shame among the undead creatures and the mummies

"This doesn't make sense." Aiken immediately retorted, "If he was really arrogant, how could he live in this longevity village for hundreds of years? This is illogical."

"Do you think there is a possibility? This is the dark under the lamp?"

Zhang Sijia, who had been a spectator for a long time, suddenly spoke up with a serious expression on his face.

"Could it be that the glutinous rice shop is used to mislead us, so that we think the real threat is outside the village, so that we stay in the village honestly?"

"And it is not ruled out that he is not afraid of glutinous rice and cinnabar, and opened the shop just to make us self-righteously go to duel with him, thus destroying our lives in vain."


The sound of gasps one after another suddenly sounded.

The two people, a corpse, and a dog made an indelible contribution to the warming of the atmosphere in this world.

Aiken frowned tightly and said quickly: "Zhang Sijia's guess is very likely. I tend to think the former is true, but I don't agree with the latter. Although the system dungeon is difficult, it will definitely not give a must-die mission."

"According to the difficulty of the mission, in addition to the Tianxie Taoist killed by Tyrannosaurus, there will be at least one more A-level BOSS. According to the information we have so far, zombies are not only offensive and defensive, but also have spells, and are omnipotent."

"The reason why Tyrannosaurus can suddenly kill Tianxie Taoist may be because it is unexpected. If we don't have props such as glutinous rice, cinnabar, red rope, and Bagua mirror, we can hardly be the opponent of that A-level zombie."

"Mr. Tyrannosaurus, what do you think?"

"Me?" Lu Wenwu, who was eating a cake, was stunned. "I have nothing to say. Why bother so much and guess over and over again? Isn't it enough to kill them all?"

Aiken: "."

Brother, I think you are suspected to be a little too extreme.

Who is the dungeon BOSS?

Ahmed, who was gulping down raw glutinous rice, stopped what he was doing and asked weakly: "Well, Tyrannosaurus, what do you mean by killing them all?"

"Oh, literally."

Lu Wenwu swallowed the cake in his mouth and said with a beaming face.

"I looked at the terrain when I came back. This place is surrounded by mountains on three sides. We will start from the halfway point at the east end of the village and kill them from door to door. None of them can escape."

"Wait until the village is cleared out. No matter what, the problem will definitely be solved. We can spend the next 28 days comfortably."

Aiken, Dabao, Zhang Sijia, Ahmed: "???"

Brother, what was our analysis just now about?

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