I Can See the Experience Value

Chapter 400 [Wait online, very urgent]

To be able to force an old devil who has practiced for thousands of years to erupt, He Xiaotian is really this--??.

The power released by collecting blood essence for a hundred years is worthy of hiding the Buddha's light on the magic tablet.

Perhaps, when the Three Demons were just suppressed, it was even five hundred years ago.

Even the big devil should be afraid of the Suppressing Demon Monument, otherwise.

The legend of the sacred mountain will not have been spread in the secluded world for only a hundred years.

But the millennium passed in the blink of an eye, and the Buddhist power in the stele had been exhausted long ago, so where is there even the slightest threat at all?

The only thing worthy of praise, except for its hardness, is probably nothing else.

The monstrous devilish energy surged like an erupting volcano.

The entire starry sky completely dimmed.

The huge claws faintly tore apart the space.

Fortunately, the wind is extremely powerful, even if the insect king is blown, he will die.

Seeing this, tens of thousands of scavengers gasped.

terrible! !

If this frightening palm was aimed at them, it seemed that they would have to close their eyes and wait for death.


Don't make trouble, who can stand this!

And I'm afraid that X, which they admire most, is in danger of overturning.

Of course, He Xiaotian was so majestic before that he beat the big devil to death.

But after all, there is no real battle between the two, and the body shape is there, so people can't help but think in a worse direction.

What's more, most people have never seen He Xiaotian make a move, so they can only hear about him and never see him.

Of course, they hope that X can resist and win the final victory.


Without him, once X is defeated, it will naturally be them scavengers who resist the big devil.

Can live, who wants to die?

It's just human nature, even when I joined the scavenger, I was already prepared to sacrifice for it!

It has to be said that the big devil can become a deadly enemy with Buddhism, and he is only sealed in the sacred mountain before he dies, so he still has some real skills in his hands.

Even with such a simple palm, a top-down slap.

It all gives people a feeling that the sky is collapsing.

On the palm of the hand, the power of the five elements is intertwined and intertwined with each other, and each other generates and destroys each other.

Metal, wood, water, fire, and earth are in a strange balance.

But it seems that every kind of power is the strongest.

The majestic force, like the oppressive force of a great river and waves, came crashing down on He Xiaotian, making him inescapable and inescapable.

You can only stay where you are and choose to resist hard.

In the big devil's blood-red eyes, there were excitement, bloodthirsty, joy, and even some annoyance and regret mixed in.

Millennium did not use his physical body to kill people, but only used his remnant soul to make troubles.

Could he not be excited and bloodthirsty?

Happiness is because this human being who constantly humiliated him, trampled his dignity on the ground, and rubbed his feet fiercely is about to become history.

No, he can take out He Xiaotian's soul and ingest it into his body.

Eternal life and eternal life will burn and torture the other party with evil fire.

The blood essence of the strong that can be collected so hard is only for a short time, so I am somewhat annoyed and regretful.

If the bastard He Xiaotian didn't get involved, he wouldn't have to make such a sacrifice.

Tens of thousands of scavengers on the periphery?

It's not that he, the great devil, has high vision, but that his strength in this world is not comparable to the secluded world full of strong men.

Those who dare to come to Shenshan to seek opportunities, the minimum strength is around the fifth rank.

The environmental factors are there, and the energy tide has only been in the past for more than half a year.

The strength of most of the scavengers is indeed a bit miserable.

With tens of thousands of people added together, I'm afraid it can only be worth the general blood that the big devil is bursting out at this moment.

Overall, he lost badly.


Finally..., before the big devil could heave a sigh of relief, he found that the hand felt wrong.

It seemed that there was an extremely hard thing that was pressed against his palm.


The overwhelming Buddha light suddenly erupted from the palm of the big devil, shaking people's eyes hard.


The big devil withdrew his giant palm,

I saw one wearing a Pilu crown and cassock. Holding a tin stick in one hand and a jewel in the other, the monk sitting on the lotus flower firmly guards He Xiaotian's body.


This claim is full of pain, anger, and depression.

It's just a stone tablet, but it has such incredible power.

Although his strength has been greatly reduced, he is far worse than before.

But it is not something that the stone tablet that has been corroded for thousands of years can stop.

If not, how could the previous man in black be overthrown?

But the scene at this moment made the big devil have to believe it.

The stele still has great power.

Dizang has seven meanings: One can produce righteousness, which means that Bodhisattva can produce all good things. Second, it can absorb meaning, which means that Bodhisattva can absorb all good dharmas in the heart of great enlightenment. The three can carry righteousness, which means that Bodhisattva can carry all sentient beings, from this side where all sufferings are tormented, to the cool other side. The four can store meanings, which means that Bodhisattvas can store all wonderful methods. The five can hold righteousness, which means that Bodhisattva can always hold all wonderful goodness and make it grow. The six can rely on righteousness, which means that Bodhisattvas can be relied upon by all living beings. The meaning of "seven firm and immovable" refers to the bodhisattva's wonderful mind, which is as firm as a diamond and cannot be destroyed.

Of course, the power of Ksitigarbha in the Suppressing Demon Tablet cannot reach such a level.

Otherwise, He Xiaotian wouldn't need to practice anymore, and it wouldn't be a problem for him to push the entire Nether World with the stone tablet.

But even so, it can be as strong as a diamond, unbreakable.

At least, the current big devil can't explode with all his essence and blood to fight against it.

In the mummy's blood-red eyes, there was confusion and disbelief.

Even though he lived for a thousand years, he still didn't figure it out.

How could the Ksitigarbha Town Demon Stele release such powerful power?

It's a pity that the big devil is an old antique, and he doesn't know the world.

There is a kind of person called a krypton gold warrior, and the existence of hanging ratios.

As long as the money is in place, nothing is impossible.

You are weak not because your skills are bad, but because you simply don't have krypton gold.

How to become stronger without recharging!

"You still dare to resist?" He Xiaotian stared, and the big devil wasted all the chili noodles on his body. His storage space is only this bucket, there is nothing extra. The drunk He Damangfu was furious.

Sincerely, isn't it?

He couldn't get enough of this drink! !

"With whom?"

Accompanied by the violent drinking, He Xiaotian waved the Dizang Town Demon Stele, facing the face of the big devil, and slapped it fiercely.

Eight hundred arhats + 8, killing evil + 8, eighteen hells + 8, released one by one.

On the stele shrouded in Buddha's light, eight hundred bald figures with folded hands can be vaguely seen.

Every shadow provides a considerable bonus for this.

The Buddha's light was no longer peaceful and became dangerous.

There seems to be a King Kong roaring inside, wanting to eliminate demons and defend the way.


With one blow, it hit the face of the big devil.

This time it was no longer a small fight. Tens of thousands of scavengers could clearly see that the nose of the mummy seemed to be flattened.

The entire huge body was thrown to the ground, and the monstrous devilish energy in his body began to collapse.

The dark matter that makes up the sky reveals a little bit of starlight.

The big devil was suffering from severe pain all over his body.

The mouth seemed to be pried open, the tongue was clamped with iron pliers, and it was pulled out, not broken, but continuously elongated and slowly pulled away.

All the time, all in pain.

Then the ten fingers were cut short by scissors.

The so-called ten fingers connected to the heart, if he is not a devil, he has experienced too much suffering, he could not help but scream out and release the pain.

It was originally a lifeless mummy, and the high temperature spread from the evil soul to the whole body, as if entering a steamer, it was unbearable.

Even the chest began to turn red, and a slight burnt smell came out.

Like a red-hot copper casting, it was stuffed into the bosom.

Then another frost spread, the cold went straight to the bone marrow, and penetrated into the remnant soul.

There was no blood flowing in the body, but after being hit by a monument.

Strong oil was produced out of thin air, flowing wantonly in the meridians in the body.

The legs seemed to be pierced by thousands of sharp blades, and the evil souls collapsed and gathered.

In short, the whole person seems to have been thrown into the 18th floor of hell, receiving punishment all the time.

Not to mention killing He Xiaotian alive by the big devil, even his murderous intentions disappeared with the torture.

All he wanted was to stop.

I would rather be sealed in the sacred mountain again, and die in silence, than continue to suffer the punishment of hell.

The above sounds like nothing, just grit your teeth, bear with it, and it will pass.

In fact, once you experience it, you don't have such thoughts.

"I tell you to waste chili noodles!"

"Bang, bang, bang—"

"I tell you to do it!"

"Bang, bang, bang—"

"I told you to let me find the pot!"

"Bang, bang, bang—"

Every loud drink by He Xiaotian was a brutal and unilateral beating.

Lucki was used to seeing the bloody and cruel scavengers, so he couldn't help closing his eyes.

too frightening!

He is a big boss, no matter how he looks, he is just like your dog at home.

Any beating is increasing the torture of the big devil.

Like the torture of eighteen levels of hell, it gradually intensified.

He Xiaotian, who was tempered, didn't care about the pain of the big devil.

The only thought in my mind is - I want to beat your grandson so hard that your father can't even recognize you!

"Bang bang bang!!"

I don't know how long it has passed, but He Xiaotian is still swinging the Ksitigarbha Town Demon Stele.

"Hoo hoo hoo..."

Seeming to be tired, he began to pant.

"Blind me a bucket of chili noodles."

As soon as this remark came out, the audience rolled their eyes.

Did you make a mistake, is it really just because of a bucket of chili noodles?

In fact, He Xiaotian really did.

After all, he drank too much.

Probably the big devil didn't expect that one day, because of a bucket of chili noodles, people would be beaten like a dead dog!

"Hoo hoo hoo..."

After resting for a while, He Xiaotian picked up the Dizang Town Demon Tablet and continued beating.

Jiaolong, who was lying in the secluded world waiting, had his head buried in the soil.

Don't dare to look!

It was too bloody.

【Ding! Kill the Taihang Damo and get 350,0000 experience points. 】

"Huh? Dead? Bah!"

He Xiaotian spat in disdain, expressing his dissatisfaction with the big devil.

You are dead before the chili noodles are compensated.

"I'm sorry, it's a pity my Zunyi pepper."

Sighing, He Xiaotian shouted at Jiaolong with a displeased face.

"Xiao Hei, go home."


Dragging its broken tail, Jiaolong immediately flew over.

"As one wishes."

The Ksitigarbha Town Demon Monument kept shrinking until it became the size of a toothpick. He Xiaotian put it in the storage space and flew to the present world with two horns clutched.

At this moment, Vice Minister Luo was flustered, his hands were shaking a little, and his legs couldn't move.

Who can tell him what to do with a drunk so that he doesn't lose his temper?

By the way, the drunk. Just now, in front of tens of thousands of people, he killed a super boss.

Waiting online, very urgent.

Because, he is coming at me!

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